Just letting you know. Please, stay safe.
Just letting you know. Please, stay safe
Other urls found in this thread:
Goodness. Thank you for protecting us, OP.
Have a nice day.
>buy a game with glaringly obvious adult themes up the ass
what the fuck, man
the world is a fuck
srsly? what the frick japan????
So its true that ESRB labels are invisible to normalfags
Dub or sub? Both seem fine but I am skeptical.
what fucking subreddit is this? /r/nintendo?
What the heck I hate Bayonetta now
Oh no, if only there were some kind of prominently displayed rating system that might have alluded to the fact that this happens.
It's a troll you fucking idiots.
Here's what the overly righteous retards at Reddit said. Not like us, right?
so swear words aren't actually bad if you can't understand them? kek
haven't heard of that one since middle school
>lol I only go on reddit ironically XD
go back and stay back
Does anybody else feel like a lot of people are just kinda dumb?
I know it's a fedora thing to say but I feel like my social circle is mostly intelligent people and seeing dumb people online is like a culture shock.
Seriously fuck you. FUCK I hate people legitimately basing their worldviews off bait images. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH
Thank you very much. That would have given me a fright. I think I'm going to sell my Nintendo Switch because I can't trust it anymore.
It's harder to spot a dumb person on the internet because you can't see their face or their body language, plus they have no time limit to reply, so they can think it through.
That's why dumb people feel safe on the internet, but some of them are so dumb they can't even pass as a semi-intelligent person even if they try their hardest.
Sup Forums and reddit have been the same people for at least 4-5 years
>I'm 35 and in no way mature
kek the Nintendo audience
But you posted a bait image
I'm usually not like this, normally I don't give a fuck, but r/NintendoSwitch gives me actual cancer. Threads of, "oh i helped this grandma buy a switch!!" with 50,000 upvotes and a bunch of fucking neckbeards saying how they stand around in the walmart video game section to help people buy the nintendo switch makes me puke.
I fucking hate the Nintendo fanbase but I actually like my Switch.
There is literally no difference between Sup Forums and Reddit.
Honestly it is a bit much to feel the need to earn people but I have no idea why developers would ever excessively use the word "fuck" every chance they get for an attempt at being mature. There is no one above the age of 13 that is grinning when they hear that word. Words are just words but it is in bad taste.
go back
and stay back
>trigger warning for "fuck"
Nintendo fanbase, ladies and gentlemen. Literal toddlers.
It reads as sarcasm to me.
You know I avoid Reddit cancer?
I don't go to reddit. I know it's hard because the soy in your organism makes you gravitate towards other soy filled people but it's actually really simple, just never type Reddit into your browser you'll be fine fella.
Wait, does she ever actually say fuck ?
I seem to remember her saying flock off a lot as a pun to winged angels, but actually dropping an f bomb would be out of character
>everything is bait meme
no. there are legitimate retards in the world, and they make up the majority
prime example is you
she was saying "fuck off" not "flock off", how is "fuck off" more out of character than the shitty pun you thought you were hearing?
No you fucking idiot. Some guy successfully trolled on Reddit and got a butthurt, self-righteous response, and then someone (probably you) posted it on Sup Forums and got the exact same response (but this time Sup Forums gets to pretend that the guy in the image is actually what Reddit thinks, thereby allowing them to be especially self-righteous).
If most of the world is retards, then you are surely among them. What? Did you think you were special? If you were, you would not be posting on Sup Forums. This is not the board of patricians.
>Some guy successfully trolled on Reddit
I'm glad people like you are here to give us these conclusions by way of telepathy. It's too bad that your incredible powers of observation don't work on anyone, because I just trolled you by implying in my post that I thought the troll on reddit was genuine. Guess you're not as intelligent as you think.
Not everyone is so much of a sperg they can't tell what is and is not designed to provoke an angry response, you archautist.
>basing their worldviews
As I said, you failed you tell that my posts were designed to provoke an angry response and you fell for it, by responding angrily.
Better luck next time.
>I had no idea this was in the game
It's in the fucking content descriptors.
In all honesty at first I thought he was a dad
you can use headphones docked too, just get an extension cable.
How little you know, grasshopper.
>all those downvotes
Reddit doesn't understand irony unless you put /s after a joke, so funny
A reddit guy acting like this can't be a troll
It would be like a retard from here acting like a standard Sup Forumsack
If only we had a ratings system that would warn you about things like language, sex and violence before purchasing a game.
Was mayonetta the one with battle rape attack or was it 2
Lmao nintenbabbies
They buy shooter games like CoD for their 8 year olds so, yes.
The difference is all the worst faggots come here because they can't spew their cancer on reddit without losing ~posting~karma~ and getting banned by mods.
They don't fill the 4,C,H,A, and N keys with testosterone you know
Both games but nobody cared about it in the first game because SA Goons only paid attention to the second.
>the 2 year old
>not "my 2 year old"
I love how even with the nanny shit in the form of ratings they still can't fucking figure shit out.
>reminder to stay hydrated
I say the kids as well.
This is very common.
>waaa that word is hurting my feelings
fuck world can't end soon enough
Cursing constantly is pretty cringey desu. Reminds me of being a teenager
>i dont feel anything ever
thats wonderfull and all . really
The game originally came out with the English voices only, even in Japan. The new Japanese voice option in this case is a dub of the original English. This Japanese dub was new to the Wii U version of the game.
>Submitted 51 minutes ago
So OP is a literal redditor scouring that place for epic screenshots or what? Or it was just himself who posted that and waited a little.
Cringing constantly is pretty cringey desu. Reminds me of being a teenager
>bayonetta audience
I wonder what this symbol next to the pegi logo and the violence one means
holy shit
this is fucking HILARIOUS!
>avoid curse words by using another language that you don't speak or can't understand
>the curse words will STILL be in subtitles though, so WATCH OUT =)
hell, my friends kid calls him by his first name all the time. also, he tells us when he is going to bed, i've never had a kid announce and put HIMSELF to sleep under the age of 10.
they always want to stay up as long as possible.
It's a direct reference to Devil May Cry. They even show it in the Nintendo trailer.
Go flock yourself.
>Sup Forums
three of those characters are in the word CHAD and 'D' is the 4th(fourth) letter of the alphabet
cringe culture needs to die
i miss the times when things on the internet were genuine and none of this postironic bullshit
Reddit is better than Sup Forums these days. The upvoting system is trash and the hivemind rivals Sup Forums but individually they tend to be much less salty and insecure.
if that word triggers you I revised the sentence :)
Cursing constantly makes you look like a dumb fucking teenager
thanks :)
Makes me wonder why they bother to ruin game covers with that shit when obviously nobody has ever paid attention to it.
>guys we need to make our age rating logo 50% larger, they aren't working yet
Get outta here with your stupid cuck bullshit. People have referred to they're children as "the kids" or "the boy" or things like that for forever. Learn to think for yourself instead of regurgitating Sup Forums memes.
>The game originally came out with the English voices only, even in Japan.
God damn, really? That's odd of them. Still, kinda cool, can't really think of a Jap voice fitting Bayo that much. How is it?
Why do you come here then, redditor?
You should go there then
Shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits fart turd and twat
>I'm 35 and in no way mature
How does thIs happen
I just played Bayo recently, I think she says "fuck" once. I haven't played 2 but I heard she says it when doing combos or something?
Return from whence you came, foul beast. Trouble us no longer.
>You are a naughty boy...muack...you ugly nigger coon, fuck you in the ass with a knife, fuck you and your kike overlords that promote degeneracy at the expense of the weste....
Woahh, who wrote this game? Sam Raimi?
Why are Americucks so offended by words?
>home of the puritan movement
>home of the social justice movement
I come here for stuff like this
what the fuck
god i fucking hate nintendo babbies
M rated titles are for people 17 and up. But 17 year olds clearly should not be hearing such raunchy language. It might make them improper Christians. This game should be rated 21 and up for lewd and lascivious dialogue.
I'm afraid I'll have to block you.
this is problematic...