How do you deal with people being mean to you in the online games?

How do you deal with people being mean to you in the online games?

act like the talking monkey I am and get into a shouting match with them since I can't hit them.

what are they doing?

Luckily I'm not a gigantic pussy so I don't care.

Throw the game/match

by leaving the server and going to a new one

its a new start and THIS TIME i won't say im from!

it won't be the first time i saw someone fuck a bellybutton, so ill go with that

I want to fuck Kanan

*bullies you in DM*


>Avoid Player

Wow, so fucking hard.

*frags you in DM*

Control your emotions and ignore it, or mute if possible to for the easy way.

quitting the game

Nigga no one can be mean to you if you don't care about them. I don't know those people so fuck what they think.
That said, if I was getting the same insults or type of complaints frequently, I'd have to re-examine myself. Maybe if everyone is saying something about me - it might be true.
Otherwise, gg no re.

*erps you*

Index>Pinky>Ring>Middle>Thumb for a girl's navel. Apply light pressure and also pinch the top and bottom (like where a piercing would go through).

people care about what others say about them on the internet? and here of all places?


add them afterwards and act like i've fallen for them

>Playing games with other people

I provoke them and make them even more mad.

what is happening in pic? is it porn? sauce?

It's in the pic.

Also, iqdb

They obviously push their abs to the long haired girl face

I personally don't care but I still want to know if the person is talking to me so I rarely use ignore.

The community should let players in self-regulation with available ignore list.

female abs is a patrician fetish

Ab related bullying


i don't think anyone is against abs, i mean smaller abs then pic but still

By crying it out


Kill them with kindness. If being mean to you improves their day, be there for them. They'll open to you and talk about their issues really quickly.

i just say "are u mad?" or shit like that, if they reply me with "no i'm not" i just say "nope, u mad"
it's so fucking simple and retarded, yet so effective, the "u mad bro" simply has no counterpart

>he doesn't draw his own muscled waifu of his own creation


look im 5 and have zero counters!

Try to be friendly. Ask them what's wrong. If they're having a bad day and if they want to talk about it. Most of the time they just rage harder rather than try to articulate even an ounce of their actual grievance. This result is funny.
If they actually just start chatting, maybe we can recover or avoid a full team tilt. Either way, I am amused.

this is why boys make the best girls

The easiest way is mute/block, but it's fun to respond with stuff like "I'm sure you're a nice person in real life, what makes you lash out at strangers online?"

I don't really care. Because I'm pretty much everytime have top server score

That is a pretty beta response lad

This is what Killing Bites is.

By being sarcastic and passive aggressive. The moment they slip I report them for harassment.

How do I get a cute body?

I'm sure you're a nice person in real life user, what makes you lash out at strangers online

But what is killing bites?

Point out one thing that they are doing wrong and then mute them

Imagine having a bepis this small.


i guess you're a shower not a grower

I'm a console fag and you can just bait those people to send you messages until one has curse words or "hate speech" in it, then report it and it almost always results in a week long ban of some sort

This. Any questions?

No that's a rabbit. What is killing bites? I've heard it has to do with relative sharpness but I'm still not sure.

you seem to be well versed in the art of belly button fingering

who do you practice with? if you say "myself" I will disregard your instructions

Telling them to suck on my warm big black dick usually does the trick

If people are mean to you online, there's two possible reasons
1 You're doing good and some faggot is crying because of it
2 You're a shitter or fucked up, and then you probably deserve the hate

>select killing bites
>reverse google search
>first result
>fuck you im not posting the link
i'm starting to remember why i left

Holy shit your new. Its a meme to repeatedly ask what killing bites is on Sup Forums as people come up with complex ways to say "the one with the sharpest fangs win" like in the fuck show.
What a faggot you are.

The one with the shittiest post wins
Thus, Killing Sup Forumsites

>Its a meme to repeatedly ask what killing bites is on Sup Forums as people come up with complex ways to say "the one with the sharpest fangs win"
>Its a meme to repeatedly ask what killing bites is on Sup Forums
> ask what killing bites is on Sup Forums
>on Sup Forums
not everyone on Sup Forums is a weebshit, weebshit

Perhaps another website would be to your liking?

Existing as this uninitiated

I am
soft tummies are cute and feminine

Oh gee it looks like this is a secret anime gay boy erp thread!!

voice_enable 0
Or provoke them even further for amusement.

>Posting anime pictures
>Not weebshit
its cute that you deny it.

It looks like you are neither.

>close my eyes
>walk away from the screen
>get counselling because I obviously have a big problem with myself if I still play online games in 2018

Call them a nigger

Kanan a cute

I don't give a shit. Why would I?

>buy R6 Seige
>first online game
>my team couldnt find bomb during drone phase
>we still cant find bomb
>see little drone rolling around
>shoot it
>no one said theyd put out a drone and its literally my first game played
>i thought an enemy was trying to find where we were
>teamkill the guy who bitched at me
>call him a cuck
>do a votekick to waste time
>leave before its finished

Online gaming is so fun.

Mute, report, votekick

Sometimes you have a bad day or just suck though but you should still be able to play a game without getting shit on (especially when playing in a casual mode, if ranked then its understandable that you shouldnt be sucking)

but not only does this never happen, if a boy is doing it its because he just wants to be fucked by some big strong chad or a person he perceives as a chad.

99.999% of biological males are not that nice.

Simple. If it was some PvP game, I try to style on the faggot or make it so that his own team flames him hard for me. It usually ends up with major lulz

>going to Sup Forums

Spell out: "muted" and proceed to mute them after the "lol" response, then continue what I was doing.

lol u mad

In the second case, 80% of the time is some shitter blaming someone else of his bad skills/losing. So you can just ignore them or reply stupid shit

Toned anything besides tummy is disgusting.

Sounds gay and pussy as fuck

Yeah well, I'm not the most alpha of guys.

Just tell em that they are faggots lol

I want to fuck Riko.


I have to wonder what the fuck posters like are doing here, and how did they find this website in the first place, and why did they ever think they were welcome here for even a nanosecond.

See if I can keep them calling me names and then cum.

They are nice, they're just shy about it. You know, toxic masculinity isn't about aggression or insults towards teammates. It's about forcing guys to not show their real emotions. Shaming them with boys don't cry for so long till the only feeling that remains is anger. But if you let them vent the only way they have, they soon come out of their shell and show you their real selves and let their bottled feelings out. And that's cute. And you are right, it's mostly Chads who try to protect their masculinity, but who have the most beautiful souls that they aren't allowed to show to the world, because toxic masculinity would laugh at them.