Why is team Rainbow so attractive?

Why is team Rainbow so attractive?

Because Rainbow Six ended on Raven Shield.

>Doc in-game is clearly white
Do they communicate this stuff at all?
I want my Rainbow HBO show


only Ash is really attractive, a shame about the hazel eyes, would've been 10/10 with blue eyes

Doc is 7/10, Thermite 6/10 and we can't even see Tachanka's face in the pic

I have to facefuck ash

>that Ash and Thermite
wtf I’m bisexual now


straight from r/cuckold

>Thermite 6/10

>Doc in-game is clearly white
"Kateb" is an arabic name very common among argelians in particular.

Doc is a frenchman (argelian).

First step to being successful.

He may be, but his portrait didn't exactly reflect that, he's clearly white around his eyes.

Is Doc based on Givi


did he died yet?


Is Doc based on Julian Bashir?

you're aware the "white" race isn't a real thing, right? it's a social construct

europeans, middle easterns and north africans (and formely central asians before the eastern eurasian mass migration into the region) all belong to the "western eurasian race" (north africans have a sizeable ssa admixture, though)

"white" eyeshape and overall features are also common among "sand-niggers", in particular turkish, caucasians and to a lesser extent levantines

>russian subhuman
>la creatura

What the fuck I looked up porn of Ash and there's basically nothing

Has this model not been ripped or something?

>says nothing about the mudslime or the jewess

i clearly talked about Doc and Tachanka

ash is a cute. id genocide her pussy desu

>la creatura


tfw no qt jewish gf

He's half Algerian so probably only has 56% of French blood in his veins hence la creatura

tfw no sort of time machine

First post alright post

Thermite looks so vastly different than I imagined.

All those belong to the Caucasoid race, obviously. But "white" usually refers to, more or less exclusively, European. And even more specifically to Europeans of lighter phenotype.

But drawing the line between Caucasoid and "true white" is pretty much impossible, because someone will always disagree, one way or the other.

Same here. Thought that he'd be an ugly nerd or something.

Thermite is such a chad. I bet he fucks all the femops

nerds don't exist in the 21st century...

>OP posts picture of normally masked characters
>race discussion starts

I said it before, I’ll say it again:
Posting on Sup Forums should automatically permaban you from every single other board.

>hurr you can't discern when green ends or when it begins therefore green doesn't exist
Don't you ever get tired of these lame arguments?

They honestly can't help themselves. The Russian shills really made them feel at home.

>Siege is a simulated terrorism game where the Rainbow Six team trains against each other for real life terrorism events
>first real life action as they get as Rainbow Six is fighting space zombies

He's a former Muhreen and from Texas, he was always gonna be a Chad.

I have no words to describe how disappointed I am to see Outrbreak become reality.

The time/money they spent on this shit should have been spent improving the game instead, adding new weapons and operators and maps.

Or new gadget options for the existing ones, I don't know, anything but goddamn Call of Killing Floor for Dead.

It looks shit and sounds like a shit idea, I'm upset.

You forgot about Fartlett

Theyre also kinda phasing out any other mode than bomb. Reworking every map to fit the Bomb gamemode because thats what pro league fags like to play.

Ummmm excuse me, it's not "Linux," it's Sup Forums+GNU

>you will never be a part of team rainbow
>you will never be surrounded by cute girls and bros from different countries 24/7

why live

The new pick and ban system looks retarded. Whats stopping players from banning thatcher and then mute/bandit everything up making alot harder for attackers to get around it. Worst idea ever.

I suck at the game and the bomb one is the only one that isn't absolute shit

Bomb leaves options for attackers by spreading out defenders. Good defenders will still blow holes in walls for their anchors to sit and watch windows/doors, but it makes more of the map playable.

Nah, it was a needed addition since the beginning. It only adds another layer of strategy the game needed, honestly. People will just have to compensate and play smarter, which is a good thing, R6's tactical and strategical necessity died a long time ago.

He belongs to Ash.

I want all the girls in Team Rainbow to take turns sitting on my face, dominating the fuck out of me and using me as their sexual plaything without any regard for my personal comfort.

Especially IQ, Ela and Frost

The characters are the ugliest part of Rainbow 6 Siege.
Not sure why they bothered with that bullshot.

So we know that's what they would look like if Ubi wasn't shit at character models.

Bad taste

Guys I think I'm at the objective!

Don't you get tired of trying to leech of Anglo accomplishments by fabricating a group identity that would encompass them, continental dullards, and mutts such as yourself?

because you are a faggot who likes dicks

We're unstoppable!!!

It's pro-league only, who cares

>t. british rapebabby
Regards - Dane.

Hahahaha, I like watching my friends from the NLSS play this game. I especially like how several of them seem gay.

>cant make Tachanka even remotely useful
>make a retarded gamemode for him where he isnt a uselesscunt

It's gonna trickle into the ranked gamemode later in year 3.

I've dated a Jew, she had a nice fat ass and some decent Titties and from going to the synagogue with her a couple times, that's a pretty common occurrence among Jewish women. To bad they're really fucking obnoxious and indecisive.

That's mostly cause most of the balaclava wearers had the same face model due to ubisoft laziness. They have a pretty bad habit of leaving in placeholders for way too long.

How does it feel knowing your people's history is just a long list of times surrounding nations played "kick the retard" with you guys?

>To bad they're really fucking obnoxious and indecisive.
That's just women general, nothing to do with their ethnicity.

To be fair that is a pretty bad angle/pic of thermites unmasked model. In the cinematic he's way chadlier.

Jewish women are even worse.

Ah yes, that's why your pathetic navy had to come creeping in without warning and in peace-time to even have a chance against us.

Why does that smug bath lady have a swastika scratched into her brow

>Frost is most played defender by far
>Like her gun a lot
>Gadget is fun
>But the better I do overall, the less useful her gadget is
Catch 22. Guess it's good that I'm shit.

They've even updated the cover in year 3

His turret is still useless. The only difference is that the zombies don't shoot back so he doesn't die right away.

The difference is: one can easily tell the caucasoid / western eurasian components apart from other genetic components.

Now tell what are the "white" components.

Please also find a native middle eastern (like an assyrian) that are closer to a native ssa (yoruba) or a native eastern eurasian (yamato japanese) rather than to a native european (like a german) and vice-versa.

Because I can easily find "whites" that are far (FAR) closer to non-white middle eastern than to other whites, example: italians, maltese and greeks are more closely related to jews, turks and lebanese than they are to finns or russians.

>Still no shieldbro with a charge that can smash through walls

This guy here.

>pulse didn't detect them early and strike preemptively

Is this real?
It took them THAT fucking long?

Point out where green is.

I liked the older art to be honest.

Doc kinda looks like Jake Gyllenhaal

Soon, comrade.

>you will never be THIS autistic
Thank you Lord

>Ubisoft keeps forcing chanka everywhere
>He's still useless
But why?

He's basically a meme. Lord Chanka and all that. He's fun to dick around with when you got a stack.

There are sure a lot of female characters in this game who are the best of the best. What did Ubi mean by this?

good . fuck shields

Why did they make Doc browner and browner in every update? First in the models, now in the face view. At least three waves of browning. I thought he was supposed to be half French, half Algerian. I wonder if that's an accurate representation of such a mix or not.

On another note, IQ, Thatcher, and Kapkan Outbreak face reveals when? They're my mains.

Her traps are left in the dust by powercreeps by adding more useful DLC trap operators and the kapkan rework. People always shoot below them too if they know theres a frost when vaulting over.

Maybe he lives in a toaster.

They're making Blitz a 2speed so there's that

Go play CoD if you want to play 3 speed cancer shit exclusively

Why is Thermite so sad?

thinkgen about holes

i don't . learn to play without a shield


He didnt get to nuke beaners.

Buck is the one that looks like Jake Gyllenhaal.

