Would it be realistic for someone with a full-time job that doesn't know anything about game dev to eventually make an indie game and become rich as fuck from it?
Would it be realistic for someone with a full-time job that doesn't know anything about game dev to eventually make an...
Yes but it would be a lot easier if you had friends helping you
Yes. As long as:
>it's only 2D
>you have a great idea
>you are incredibly determined
I'm pretty sure most gaming devs started by developing something for fun themselves.
Have you ever heard of flappy birds?
Wouldn't everything? Wouldn't life?
How hard would it be for someone like me who knows almost nothing about programming to make flappy birds from scratch?
You could do it in your spare time by Friday.
I googled some tutorials and done it before you replied to me.
flappy birds takes literally the barest amount of knowledge to make. You can find tutorials to make a clone of it in like 20 minutes. That motherfucker had no idea what he accidentally made and made the worst decision of his life taking it off the market so soon. By the time he added it back, no one wanted to play it. I heard he was making close to 10k a month from the fucking ad revenue and that spooked him.
Sorry, I was wrong, he was making 50,000 A DAY while it was on market.
there are hundreds of indie games released every day. it's not realistic to get rich off of one.
What scared him was the stories of families being broken up from people spending every waking hour playing it. People quit their jobs, and moms weren't feeding their kids. It was basically the first taste of Pokemon GO, before people knew the lengths of mobile game addiction. The fun little game he made to help people get through the day, was pulling in endless blood money.
You have to choose Neo...creating a game or chasing after riches. Both together is a pipe-dream that will probably destroy your soul.
Stardew Valley started as an exercise on copying harvest moon on c (or c++, I don't understand about these things) and went on to sell like 50 million copies and become universally praised by everyone except three or four retards on Sup Forums
Should I play that game, wouldn't I get bored after the first second like with every farming simulator out there?
Yes but you need some luck and a good concept.
chucklefish is an incredibly talented programmer though.
edit -- not chucklefish, whoever the main dev was
it takes 5-10 years experience to be able to make decent games
if you want to get rich as fuck from it you need to be very dedicated and probably quit your job or be lucky
no he's not, its a simple game and it's full of bugs and interface oddities
Only happens to one in a million person user
good luck thought
It's too bad he trusted cucklefish and ended up giving them a slice of his ez life fund. If he got to keep all his own money from it, he would have been able to quit working for decades.
Unless his girlfriend spent it all.
>If he got to keep all his own money from it, he would have been able to quit working for decades.
he already did
I doubt they took that much, although a publisher was still ultimately unneccessary
I hope so OP that kinda story is cool because you know the game is made by someone who understands hard work.
Also i would love it if they got a degree at a trade school.and not at some BS collage.
If a Dev has any kind of "studies" degree i get scared.
i doubt he would have been able to port to all those platforms alone
Only if that person is smart
a publisher isn't required to do that
>he already did
I want to write a long post about how wrong that is, but I really doubt you'd read it.
I am deeply upset at your post. Congratulations.
huh? he didn't have a job even while he was working on the game
or you if you mean quit working on games all together, I doubt he wants to but I'm sure he's made enough money from stardew to retire
Please stop. You have already hurt me enough.
what the fuck are you talking about
he has millions of sales, he's got it made
His (bottom) teeth are almost as bad as mine. I wonder why he didn't have them fixed like Tom Cruise. (he should have the cash)
I had mine fixed and let me tell you, wearing braces is annoying as fuck. He's rich enough not to care.
>I wonder why he didn't have them fixed
Probably because he is completely carefree and doesnt need to care about others opinions, he was fucking neo and aged gracefully no-one would ever criticise his looks.
Scott did it so sure
It is possible. With a social life and a full time job it will take a long time. But if you want to do it just to get rich as fuck then bad news for you. You need to make a good fucking game first.
give me an answer dude
Yes, if you have money to pay people to do the work for you and are making a relatively simple game. 2d/sprite artist are extremely cheap because their market is heavily saturated, same with musicians/composers. Hardest part is getting a reliable programmer but you can hire third worlder for almost nothing or someone desperate for a small profit share, biggest issue is reliability/how fast they work. At minimum I quadruple my investment and it doesn't take much effort on my end, I easily juggle doing this and working a full time job.
yes if you luck into a meme hit. the guy who developed flappy bird is a millionaire.
If you have a vagina you can just fuck reviewers at polygon, kotaku, and other game news publications.
Oh well because I said that fag mods at v are gonna ban me again
Starting with zero knowledge isn't so bad
Stardew Valley creator made it in 4 years
That's hilarious. I love shit like that, innocent bastard didn't deserve the success.
Should have gone to someone who was at least a little savvy. Doesn't need to be criminally competent, just someone that's smart enough to invest the profits somewhere and make a living out of it, that's the success story I like to hear.