Why would you by an on the rails game?
Sup Forums BTFO
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What game is he talking about? Who's Daniel?
>post image with no context
KCD : Daniel Vávra
Good, open world is cancer.
Mafia 2 was good, stay mad twitter shill.
Here faggot.
Open world was a newer and interesting concept back then, Now it means filler content and repetitive shit tier quests.
What is this nigger talking about, you could explore Mafia 2's world inbetween missions. The fact that it had a tighter narrative than most open world games doesn't mean you can't explore.
Except that's not open world, that's ubisoft/bethesda games.
BotW is a whole other kind of open world. So is GTA. So is New Vegas.
He has a hammer and sickle in his name, he's a fucking retard. Mafia 2 was great, the narrative was amazing.
autoban all twitter screencaps
honestly it's accurate, the game allows very little room for roleplaying. I agreed to drink with a priest and 2 seconds later I was slapping asses, fighting guards, and fucking barmaids. It felt like I was raped desu, I never gave consent
Soy boys just like to walk around hn games, gameplay is too confrontational and laced with toxic masculinity.
Who is Ben munise
Played that last night. Amazing.
I imagine all three have a pretty
Interwoven storyline? There are pleny of times in kcd you can go off and do other stuff too. Sounds like the guy in op never got past the tutorial.
>not a single RT
>Sounds like the guy in op never got past the tutorial.
I doubt he played it. People like this are fucking annoying.
>I imagine
How have you never played any of those games? What the fuck? GTA is like, 8 different games across 5 generations? BotW was last year's greatest hit? New Vegas is essential Sup Forumscore?
Go back to pol
Apparently he is a Professor in the Theater department at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
That's why his tweets about videogames are very important.
BOTW is low budget Skyrim, nintenbro
I just never have. None of them interest me. Im sure in those times I was playing games you havent played as well, it isn't a big deal.
Ok my dude
All he said was that the open world aspect of Mafia II was empty and had fuck all to do, which is absolutely right.
No, he said you weren't allowed to explore, which is bullshit.
Why are commies tolerated?
Literally who?
Twitter threads should be illegal.
>BotW is a whole other kind of open world
lol no. Its literally a ubi game with less to do somehow. If I didn't have xenoblade i would completely regret buying a switch
>hammer and sickle in name
>retarded opinions
every time
>Listening to communists ever
wew lad
On rails games are the best. Give me House of the Dead 2 over this AAA shit any day.
What was the last good On Rails game you played Sup Forums? I think that, not counting rereleases like ReZ Infinite, mine would be Sin and Punishment 2.
>This game isn't designed around what I want, what a piece of shit!
Uh, it's been advertised as following the one characters story... And yes there is plenty to explore in the game you're not on a rail. This nobody probably hasn't even played the game.
These cunts do indeed raid Sup Forums it seems
>Butthurt auties
On in the age of Let's Plays, watching a 4 hours stream of boring e-celeb constitute as playing video games.
Fucking hell Nintendogaf give it a break.
This! It is literally in his ideology to ruin consumerism.
Why are Nazis?
The fuck is he talking about?
>hammer and sickle
KCD, of course
Twitter threads should belong in /trash/ or /bant/
I went back and reloaded the game from an earlier save because of that.
It irked me at first but then I realized it kinda made sense that getting incredibly drunk would cloud your judgement and make you do stupid things.
good christians shouldn't be drinking anyway.
>people are actually defending this shit game
>So is New Vegas.
As in a bunch of locations lazily distributed side by side with little regard for how the world ends up like. Might as well have used the old world map system.
I actually didn't the first time, but had to reload a save because the game literally wouldn't let me through the door after I finished it.
It also said the quest failed because I failed to earn his trust by refusing to drink with him, so I thought fuck it I'll do it to make him happy
but yeah there should have been more choice between "i'll drink a sip or two to make you happy" and "I agree to have an orgy and fight the city guard". At least force me to drink a few times to I acknowledge im getting really drink and shit might happen
I dunno, trying to like this game but it has a lot of problems. That was when I last played and I don't even know if I want to redo the quest failing to earn the priests trust or continue after the orgy.
They aren't.
What does that even mean? It's like clunky. No please be more specific. Game reviews were a mistake.
>That's why his tweets about videogames are very important.
I love how you pointed out NV for that flaw but not BOTW
unironically better dead than red.
>No gameplay? No big deal, my gay san francisco friend made this ;)
>No gameplay and faggy hipster writing? 10/10, my trans-queer bilateral suplex-oriented friend in portland made this ;)
>Gameplay? Well...I don't know.....oh no, did a person whose mildly right-leaning make this game? REEEEEEEEE NAZI 0/10
First person who tells me to go back to Sup Forums gets his fucking cuck head slammed into the pavement and his AIDS-ridden body burned alive. I don't tolerate SJW bullshit on Sup Forums.
They aren't, and that's my point.
>literal who
>hammer and sickle
I love the smell of sage.
I think it's ape speak for clunky.
Why would I, BOTW actually looked like land. NV is the laziest open world map I ever experienced and I like the game.
It's funny how all these commies usually have nothing to do with actual working class and usually hold gratuitous positions in some institutions, basically just leeching off of something.
But your initial post described BOTW perfectly.
My post-2012 brother! We sure showed those apolitical pussies here what's what
If you fail the quest with the priest, just go talk to the bailiff and he'll tell you where to go next.
they aren't
you think a person could go on twitter, put on swastikas, talk about how we need to stop the Jews and then not be fired from teaching on a university?
If you don't get in the church fast enough to give the sermon you fail and he gets booed and pissed. I was fucking around and had to reload to do it fast enough. It's stuff like that were the game really shines. Like the boar chase with the royal shithead. I failed that too.
He can always go into politics though. And he can keep his twitter account too.
>"on the rails game"
I just guessing this faggot is some """"gaming journalist""" because he clearly does not know fukcing shit about what his talking about and is using a term that has noting to do with what hes trying to shit in. Kek
is he talking about kingdom come? cause he is right.
Tenure is a commie's wet-dream. That's why so many of them are drawn to "working" at a university.
Neither should be.
>2% popular support, here we go
So is he telling the truth?
I thought KCD was Mount and Blade with the RTS elements cut out and replaced with RPG.
stop posting your literal who twitter for attention.
>mafia 3 follows the exact opposite design philosophy
>fails miserably, dev team faces massive lay offs
Deep inside you know that you wanted it. Now come here and kill me if you can
pretty much
I like the game but the gameplay is very bad
there's a loading screen before every conversation
No. After you get through the prologue, which takes a few hours, you can do whatever. But I would at least learn how to sword fight. Then you can literally run off and do whatever. The story turns you into like a detective which is cool. But in general you can miss out on all sorts of shit. Like there is a mission where you have to go with this group of soldiers to a farm, I fucked off and they left me, so I had to ride out there by myself. Each quests have a bunch of different branches and outcomes based on performance. But you don't have to do any of that after the prologue.
The game isn’t on-rails though
This is just some casual baby upset a time trigger went off while he was dicking around
>tfw McCarthy was right
>Now commies can openly be traitorous scumbags with pride
Mafia is better than Mafia 2, but both are great.
I was so pissed about Mafia 3. It was a sad end to a great franchise.
>autistic sjws cant put more than 2 hrs to find out the game completely opens after returning to skalitz
also mafia 2 is good
Too bad for them that those cunts are too lazy and talentless to ever actually reach that goal.
I recall hearing somewhere that some bitch was demanding to get a tenure simply because she was some sort of indian or some shit, while she had never done anything of note.
Mafia 2 would have been great if not for 2k execs fucking the dev team and not allowing them to complete the vision. They put a literal dudebro in charge of producing the game. It's a miracle it's even the shadow of what it hoped to be.
This is a pissed Pablo link but listen to how he addresses cut content.
>Dumb twitter screencap about gameplay critique
>Sup Forums turns it into political shit in under 20 minutes because autism
So he's an actual cuck.
They legitimately thought this is what people wanted out of the mafia franchise. Appealing to fad political movements like BLM. This is what you get when you give games to entitled well to do sjw in one of the wealthiest counties of the country.
I didn't have a horse at that point, so I had to run after him and when I found him he'd been tied up by cuman bandits. I left him there to stew for a bit for being such an asshole while I ran back to camp and grabbed the armor I'd left behind because who needs armor to go hunt rabbits?
It's funny he actually asked me what took me so long after that.
Shit like this is why Twitter screenshot threads should always be a permanent ban.
I watched it, what did they cut?
>agreed to drink
>didn’t give consent
If you are getting shitfaced with a monk, what the hell do you expect to happen. Pray harder to God?
>Hammer and sickle
Hes just mad because there are no nigger in the game
>implying he isn't a blatant butthurt leftist mad that there's no kangz in this game
I'm a minority, faggots like him make me look bad
The worst part about mafia 3 is that the gameplay itself was actually fucking fantastic, they just for whatever reason made the open world progress just the stupidest most boring shit.
Before you can even start taking out the warehouses and stuff in a district you have to sit through fucking stupid unskippable cutscenes that tell you where to go, and it all revolves around doing enough "damage" to draw out the mob boss of the area.
It shoulda been like- if you want you can focus on killing the guy's thugs, blowing up his shipments, ect ect and have the entire district run on a clock where certain areas are doing certain things at certain times. So if you want to ambush money or drug or gun shipments you gotta do it at certain times, and there are certain times the most goods will be in certain warehouses.
Oh shit the first Mafia is on Steam?
Remember when that used to be just a joke? Good times.
Trains. Something featured in promo material and in mafia 1. Also tons of weapons cut, originally you were going to be able to explore ww2 Italy. The giant dlc arcade mission packs were planned for in game content with story, but removed so 2k could sell it for more shekels later.
>says "bc" instead of because
Instant red flag
The game failed because it’s typical open-world ubishit with the only good stuff edited together and put on Youtube
With music cut due to licensing. Just pirate it.
>Marxist-Leninist historian. Studying revolutionary theatre, radical performance, and emergent systems. PhD student and instructor at LSU. Married to @commegism!
Is this satire? This has to be satire.
>implying someones opinion on twitter matter