Critics are going to overrate this game, and fans are going to think it's shit. Just watch.
Critics are going to overrate this game, and fans are going to think it's shit. Just watch
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Real hot take there.
>Critics are going to be paid to overrate this game, and Sup Forums are going to think it's shit. Just watch.
>Critics give it great scores
>Old fans hate it
>Old fans will be replaced with a huge influx of new fans
Although the lack of advertising is pretty worrisome.
Actually fans will love it, critics will love it, Sup Forums will hate it
Did someone mention tomb raider?
Drones will love it dude, so far people are already calling it the best GoW
My roast is ruined!
>Something predictable is going to happen, just watch
critics will love it
fans will love it
Sup Forums will hate it
Can't wait for this board to shit itself again. I'm hyped.
If they don't like it, they aren't fans.
And critics can never overrate anything.
I've seen very little of it since the first trailer, which implies to me that it sucks and they know it
I’d be genuinely interested if it weren’t for the fucking kid, I hate the new trend of “protec child” I hated it in bioshock, hated it in last of us, and im probably gonna hate it here.
But what if... I were to purchase The Last Of Us and disguise it as my own game? Hohoho, delightfully devilish Kratos!
>hyped for the god of last of war us of nu male
Im sure fans will be fine with it. Especially considering the first games in the series are only popular because of the nudity and graphic violence.
These. Suddenly critic scores won't matter, sales won't matter.
>try to keep a beard this size in frozen wasteland
>in two weeks it would look like steel wool
Thank God everyone in vidya is perfect
Everyone is going to love it except people on Sup Forums who will claim to have played it and shit on it regardless because it's a PS4 exclusive (except idorts and people who actually played it)
This is how it works on Sup Forums
Why is "of" circled? What deeper meaning is there behind this visual scheme?
>Sup Forums all of a sudden cares about god of war now
i think this reboot was a smart decision. if it was just same old god of war nobody would have cared, especially here.
The son "OF" my wife
Just a nod to the die hard fans of the series
Well no shit
Critics and consumers are essentially two different markets at this point. One group liking something is almost predictive of the other group disliking it.
>One group liking something is almost predictive of the other group disliking it.
When the fuck was a western big budget, highly promoted AAA video game loved by critics and loathed by audiences? Or vice versa?
still no release date
I think it will 82-86 game.
The combat looks like sub-Darksiders trash, I have no faith in exploring in game without a jump button and unless they manage to completely subvert expectations the story doesn't look that ground breaking either.
Or make that a game from ANYWHERE in the world, and not equate poor sales with loathing.
>I have no faith in exploring in game without a jump button
Ask a Dark Souls fan about that.
Same for the combat.
I'm pretty excited desu. I know shit gets pretty crazy in god of war. I'm assuming this is the start of a new trilogy
>Uber cinematic looking
>PS4 exclusive
>Bonus points that part of the story is taking care of your kid
Oh yeah, the critics will circlejerk themselves raw over this game regardless of its actual quality. Hopefully it actually comes out soon so we don't have to see it dragged out for 3+ E3s like the last couple games like this.
Sounds like my kind of game.
You're obviously either going to move the goalposts or get into semantic bullshit because this is Sup Forums, but this is evidence of a strong critic/consumer divide in perception of quality not related to sales.
There should be risk of death lost progress and branching map for that kind of horizontal search for the next checkpoint to work and frankly that doesn't sound like God of War.
A 77 on metacritic is actually underwhelming for a big AAA title. Plus it's modern day Call of Duty so nobody really CARES about it.
The only thing I can think of for the kind of thing you are talking about is Driv3r or Gone Home. But the former had critics outright lying and the controversy over Gone Home was more embarrassing than the mark of some kind of divide where critics think a game is good for the reasons audiences think it's bad.
I think you're just stuck in your echo chamber on this board and think that EVERYONE hates cinematic games whereas if they didn't sell then nobody would make them.
>Linear, cinematic dark souls where open map design is sacrificed for amazing setpieces
Mite B. Cool. I know that God of War was unbeatable when it came to enemy variety and the ways in which the game mixed up enemy encounters until Bayonetta came along. I wanna' see Sony Santa Monica do the same to Dark Souls that they did to Devil May Cry.
We'll see of the combat will have any more depth than Dark Souls.
It coming out this April
Ja diggi not him but i could give you more than a dozen of examples from the top of my head.
It's not that he thinks that Everyone hates cinematic games, of course he doesn't think that, on the contrary, cinematic (basically games that play by themselves, an experience if you like, a ride)-games are very popular with... yes, people who don't usually play video games. And that's the thing, you are on Sup Forums, he is talking about Sup Forums and not the rest of the internet or ''real life''.
>I know that God of War was unbeatable when it came to enemy variety and the ways in which the game mixed up enemy encounters until Bayonetta came along
It's going to have a marketing budget of 10 billion dollars so sheep will buy it no matter what. You could sell shit in a bag with enough marketing.
>You're obviously either going to move the goalposts or get into semantic bullshit because this is Sup Forums
>A 77 on metacritic is actually underwhelming for a big AAA title. Plus it's modern day Call of Duty so nobody really CARES about it.
Well what am I supposed to do when your example is so obviously irrelevant to your argument? You essentially going "inb4" isn't going to make your point any more valid.
>No, see, people who like games I don't aren't REAL gamers! Real gamers are people who agree with me!
>God of War "fans"
Those subhumans shouldn't even exist tbqh
Umm........ ?
That's what I think about you tbqh
Hi David Jaffe
You're twisting the point. The people who play these movie games are 30+ year olds who didn't play video games at all before the last few years. My dad's like that. There's nothing wrong with it obviously, not everyone's gonna have the time or interest to go deep into a hobby. It's just that this is a dedicated video game community, so there aren't many people like that here.
God of War is already overrated.
Hi pedo
Still stuck in your edgy 17 year old fantasy, i see.
How's that Drawn to Death game going, must be a success by now.
>reviews aren't important now because gow is sony exclusive
I'm 27 and I think linear, cinematic video games are the best kinds of video games. And I spend a lot of time "going deep" into fighting games if that's the term you want to use.
If there weren't people like me here, who also love cinematic games, then nobody would discuss them, because only I would want to talk about them, because nobody on this board but myself would want to play those games.
But it's clearly obvious that that's not the case, that many people apart from me who post on this board also love linear, cinematic games. And if you think that opinion is rare, then you have either isolated yourself inside your echo chamber, or I just managed to retain a spine while posting here.
Ja Diggi don't act surprised.
All the shitposting you are currently engaging in aside, Drawn to Death is legit one of the best shooters of this generation.
But that's probably lost on a moron like you who unironically uses the word "edgy".
>predicting exactly what would happen when someone on Sup Forums is confronted with an explicit, direct refutation of their point doesn't illustrate a point
You asked "When the fuck was a western big budget, highly promoted AAA video game loved by critics and loathed by audiences?"
Despite these arbitrary constraints that you imposed on my point, I illustrated a 41% difference between the good score an entry in the biggest annual video game franchise got with critics and what it has from user reviews.
You then used your subjective opinion as a reason why this evidence was invalid and then used a straw man representation of the dynamic I illustrated.
You played yourself.
>Immortal God
>Fights against undead warriors, mythical beasts, mountainsized Titans and literal Gods
>Final Boss is the almighty Zeus
>Has his own will and disregards anything to reach his goals
>Is sexually active and had sex with multiple women at once
>Married twice and has 2 children
>Is a trained elite warrior with a varied movesets with varied weapons and is able to rip enemies apart with his bare hands
>Able to use magic and abilities of fallen enemies
>His fans are real men and dudebros
>Androgynous elf
>Fights again plants, faggy magicians and lizards
>Final Boss is a braindead piglet
>Entire life revolves around taking orders from or saving a bitch
>Virgin beta that has literal fags living outside his house
>Unmarried and never had a romance
>Untrained villageboy that swings swords around the same way he swings twigs around
>No powers on his own
>His fans are tumbrl landwhales, homosexuals and manchildren
>tfw i will never be so badass to openly like cinematic games on Sup Forums
Fuck my pussy genes.
I'm not "surprised", I'm just a tiny bit perplexed as to what your comment was supposed to mean. Did you have a stroke, or an epileptic seizure? Did you actually want to say anything with your comment or was it posted accidentally?
Was my comment even the one you wanted to reply To in the first place?
>Old fans hate it
Nah, this is probably exactly what they want. They have no tastes anyway, they're fucking God of War fans. Look at that guy on Easy Allies. If the promotional material tells them change is good, they'll believe it.
>implying most of us don't have all 3 systems + PC.
when will you consolewar turds finally stop being trolled?
>Overcasualized and westernized DMC-like game because dudebros wanted a game Like DMC or ninja gaiden where you could win by spamming square.
>Featured in quite literally the best games of all time.
A 77 score on metacritic is not a game being "loved" by critics. It's the critics saying that the game is just decent. Which it is. What gaming culture treats it as is a completely. Different story.
You have still yet to show me a proper example of your point
t. soyboy
Amazing how salty p c u c k s get just from the existence of a Sony franchise.
Diggi first of all,
And ''unorthodox/random'' enemy encounters and variety existed long before god of war or fucking bayonetta.
>Featured in quite literally the most overrated games of all time.
God Of Order: 1886
I feel like this new game completely misses the point of GOW, in that it's supposed to be fucking ridiculous with fast combat. This is just a walking sim/dad sim with piss slow boring combat now
You are the one who plays god of war and i am confident that i can literally send you to the hospital with one punch.
I think it'll be ok, 80-85 on meta.
It'll be criticism to be another walking sim that's good but nothing special.
And while that may be true, no action game did them as well as the PlayStation 2 God of War games - like I said; prior to Bayonetta; the current gold standard (along with its sequel).
Yes because Melee is overrated, right.
Have you already preordered your cardboard?
Glad I'm not the only GoW fan thinking this.
They might as well have made this a new IP and made a real GoW game. It's not like we're drowning in hack n slash titles, yet they had to go make a walking simulator out of it for whatever reason.
"Loved" is your arbitrary criteria with no proper definition.
My original statement was "One group liking something is almost predictive of the other group disliking it"
But I guess I'll give another example.
>Walking simulator
It's a Dark Souls clone, not a narrative game.
Or is any game with sections that aren't about combat suddenly a walking simulator to you?
I finished bayonetta 2 the other day and you couldn't be more wrong. It started of pretty good but it is clear that bayonetta 2 is rushed. The peak of the game is in chapter iv and from then on it's downhill with a few exceptions here and there.
The bayonetta ip has not set any golden standards, on the contrary, the combat is very easily abusable even by people who don't play these type of games. Did you even play bayonetta 2? 1 is better in everything except weapons.
Why would anyone do this?
I think people hate critics too much. This game will end up at 89 like Horizon Zero Dawn
A lot of Sup Forums loves cinematic games even if they won't admit it.
It was done for several reasons
>Kratos/GOW is a brand that sells on the Playstation, new character doesn't have the same pull
>Shit is too violent/sexist now, hence why most of the enemies bleed lava and female monsters don't have titties out
>Modern gamers just want a interactive movie
How is this anything like Dark Souls?
>not a narrative game
Looks way more like uncharted than Dark Souls. Every trailer is a fucking " daddy and son" narrative trailer.
All you do is walk with your retarded son through a forest talkin. How is that not narrative driven.
This looks nothing like Dark Souls.
Now as to your point: Mass Effect 3 was a fiasco unheard of in gaming before or since. Even Bioware's defenders only admitted "wrong" when Bioware itself gave in and essentially admitted to not giving a shit.
But I still don't see a trend. Name me 10 games critics love and """Sup Forums""" hates (multiple games in a series don't count) and I bet you money that eight to nine of those games have both high critical and audience scores on Metacritic.
The videogame community gets the critics it deserves. If people were more mature about things and could accept differences of opinion then we wouldn't be in a situation where critics feel the need to inflate their scores just to make their lives a bit easier. It doesn't need to be this way but it do.
>overrated sony franchise gets a new overrated entry
>fans cry it's different even if it's garbage all the same
so(n)y boys eveyone.
>the combat is very easily abusable
How to miss the point of a game's mechanics completely: the statement.
That's nice Jimmy, now remember to actually post an argument next time.
Nothing wrong with linear, but "cinematic" games are essentially long, drawn out cutscenes with some minimal interaction.
You're the dumbest person in This thread.
And that's saying something.
Diggi you can SPAM:
>Push the left joystick in the direction of the incoming attack to block EVERY attack
Combined with
>Spamming dodge to witch time
even if you get hit, you just spam the dodge button again to-
>Bat Within
So you basically have 3 options to Block/Dodge/nullify an opponents attack.
That, on top of the game being at least 3 hours shorter than the first game, is what makes bayonetta 2 fall short. Seriously, it is clear that they can't do sequence breaking for shit, the entire missile ride cringe fest in the first game was insultingly bad. Or the Horse-riding thing in 2 (thank god that one is only about 2 minutes long).
Again, it's a damn shame how bayonetta 2 went from:
>Exciting to see what happens in every new area you visit
>Yeah, another wave of enemies and random mini-boss encounters
Top it all of with the Lack of pic related (atmosphere), and you simply don't have a good sequel. Not even going to mention the literal copy paste areas.