what's wrong with this fucking gun
What's wrong with this fucking gun
it's not the siegebreaker
im talking about its spray
i know the scoped version is worse but they're both pretty bad. who thought it was a good idea?
>scoped version is worse
Not anymore, they buffed it so it's 100% accurate when zoomed in
It floats, and whatever facilitates that probably has some negative impact on bullet trajectory.
wow no wonder i just missed every shot. i was expecting it to miss on its own so i just aimed in the general direction of someone
i barely play so i have no idea what happens when they update this game
gotta love when the skill gap in a game relies on someone simply knowing something you dont
sounds like every multiplayer game ever
thats like playing chess against someone who doesn't even know the moves lol
so no...some mp games actually do require a bit of thinking.
It's legal in the US
>watch a duo walk through woods not 20m from me
>me and my buddy take aim with m4's and open up with single shots
>every...single..shot misses the pair and they turn round and kill us both in a single burst with same gun.
I was done after that. It's happened too many times so I'll wait til they fix the recoil again.
Gunplay will never be fixed. It's intentionally gimped to lower the skill ceiling so shitters have a chance. It's been a clear trend in game design for the past 10 years and it's very good for business- hell, the entire genre is built around the premise and it's the reason it completely blew up.
>get green shotgun
who balanced this shit
All multiplayer games come down to game-knowledge and strategy, Fornite BR is the same way. It's the fault of the player if they don't have the game knowledge and strategies to succeed. Take the time to learn the game, instant-gratification fags I swear.
Good luck waiting, they've shown they clearly don't give a fuck about fixing the low skill gameplay and are more interested in listening to Reddit on whatever they scream about. If they don't think it's a problem, then no patch.
Why is the Fortnite map static now?
Are they ever going to fix bullet drop/speed on scoped weapons or are they just going to be eternally inaccurate pieces of shit?
fuck that then. I don't want to go back to pugb either but the shooting model is vastly superior.
Fortnight with nerfed building and a proper shooting mechanic would be fucking fantastic. It looks and runs so damned good.
Drop is fine but the speed is so slow you can pretty much time jumps with the shot to avoid headshots. Though the head glitching with sniper rifles is a bigger problem.
>It's the fault of the player if they don't have the game knowledge and strategies to succeed
Only to a certain point, there are too many unknowns players can't compensate for which is why even the best players have low win rates. Your opponent found a shield potion and you didn't? That's too bad, see ya next match.
>Drop is fine
It's really not.
Well expect them even less to fix the impenetrable cucksheds that can get erected in milliseconds. Reddit loves not having to think about positioning, or actually ever shooting back.
Get good then. Compensating for drop is ez mode.
Couple other BR style games out this year. Hoping we get something golden soon.
As long as it runs well and doesn't have shitty mechanics I'm happy. Just want to fill the void left from my days playing the DayZ mod with buddies. That shit was the best.
It's a shame because H1Z1 actually had skillful gunplay, high level players could reliably two-tap headshots meaning a player with better gear didn't have such a huge advantage over you. Daybreak sat on their asses instead of fixing and improving the game and that gave time for Brendan to swoop in with his lower skill clone (after he had done work on H1 no less) and steal the playerbase away.
It's kind of funny though because Karma came back and bit him in the ass when Epic did the same thing to him with Fortnite.
I hear you, I just want something that has solid skill based mechanics, item balance, good optimization, and good servers.
It always feels like a mixed bag of only work attributes from the list though.
they have low win rates cause they fall in tilted towers every time, where not finding enough shield potions right away means death
Not gonna happen unless they're more casual and F2P. It's going to be MOBAs all over again.
In fact, PUBG is in a really easy spot to overtake right now by any competent developer, it literally just has to be F2P with similar psuedo-realistic gameplay.
There are rumors that EA are working on BR for Battlefield, won't be a huge hit though because it'll be the usual $60 + $60 tip.
More like drop tilted and die because it sounds like a guy is bottom floor outside but is really on the metal fucking stairs just under you. Game has abysmal positional audio which is sad when you consider it's their fucking engine and pubg's audio is great.
I'm sure the best players will win way more games after listening to this nobody's advice lmao.
The game - hell, the genre - is low skill ceiling shit and nothing will change it.
I'm amazed Planetside's devs haven't gotten in the game yet. Surely they could whip up a BR clone using pre-existing assets. Been a good few years since I last played it, but it wasn't terrible.
I didn't give any advice at all
>Complaining about random loot in a battle royale game
I'm not complaining, I don't expect it to change. I'm just pointing out why the genre is shit.
You are aware that H1Z1 exists, right? It's the reason BR got popular in the first place.
oh I know that, back when I played h1z1 BR it ran like ass. used to play the survival mode a bit but severe lack of loot drove me and my mates away.
this game is more geared towards strategy rather than just being a 1337 csgo player. Go play pubg if you want the same gunplay you're used to
PUBG is the same way, just without building.
But you're right, BR is like the card games of shooters.
Skill always trump shield
Look at any pro CS player playing BR games, like shroud for example
His aim is so precise that every other shot of his is a head shot. If you have gamesense and have good aim, you can win most firefights in the beginning. Only endgame is when you really need a shield, and if you don't have one 30+ minutes in there's something wrong
You don't have to think about positioning at all, resources (outside of shields due to their poor implementation), or even technical skill with weapons outside of the sniper rifles.
Everything else is down to spamming cucksheds and getting the right gear to counter the opponent's cucksheds in the late game (which boils more down to luck).
>Skill always trump shield
>you can win most firefights
>Only endgame is when you really need a shield
Holy shit just stop talking lmao. You progressively contradicted yourself.
Also, it's meaningless to compare a good player to a bad player in this scenario- you could substitute an afk player with a shield and get the same conclusion. Instead, compare two shrouds, the one with the shield will win every time. The other issue is that an otherwise bad player wins by luck and that happens to be the main issue with the genre.
meh, I would rather have cuckshed building skill over letting circle rng decide the match.
>Press Q and spam LMB while flailing your mouse indiscriminately or thought with literally no downside
Also circles in this game mean fucking NOTHING. I've had the circle in this game go opposite side of the map from where I drop and was always the farthest out and it meant literally nothing besides the change of scenery.
Worse yet it's actually more beneficial to ride the storm in this game because the retarded shiny blue field and loud ass sound effects hide you perfectly.
true the blue glow hiding people outside the circle is actually retarded
Late game where the circle lands fucking matters, and if you nerf building, which can be used both offensively and defensively, you strengthen then effect of the circle on the match.
The gunplay in Fortnite is fucking trash.
>getting shot at with golden rifle
>turn around and one shot them with my green shotgun
pshh, nothing personal kid
They should just release the recoil mode they've been working on. There's no way it isn't done yet or in any way worse than the "literally pray your bullet goes where you point" bloom shit we have now.
>Late game where circle lands matters
Not really outside of "who's cuckshed is it going to be closer to"?
>If you nerf building you strengthen the effect
No, because by late game circle the cucksheds are already deployed. Late game is decided by three factors.
1) If there's engagements between towers, height advantage or RPGs will win
2) If there's no engagements, circle RNG will king one player while the others are forced to leave
So if you nerfed building then you'd have to play more proactively and not just expect wallspam to save you because you chose not to engage for the last two minutes of the circle like a pansy ass bitch. That's why circle impacts you.
the green pump is actually fucking easy mode
>if you nerfed building then you'd have to play more proactively
wrong, nerfing building means whoever is already in a fucking building when the circle lands there has the advantage, i.e. something you have no control of
>Nerfing building means whoever is already in a fucking building when the circle lands there has the advantage
Again, there's a good two minutes where, were building nerfed, you could disassemble his cuckshed and actually shoot the fucker. You playing like a passive pansy bitch trying to avoid all conflict is what's letting the circle have advantage.
I won't deny the problem at the moment is the disassembly part, the guns that are supposed to be good at killing walls fucking suck at it, rockets can be nullified because u can just place walls faster than the rockets come out and using the minigun is just asking to be headshotted by a sniper rifle.
I prefer games where to rules and STATS are clear, and fight mano a mano with an opponent,
rather than what 95% of the games do, wich is to have hidden knowledges you have to dig on the internet.
And god knows how much I digged in all the games I played, but there's cryptic stuff that is just retarded.
The chess exemple above was a good exemple.
>Rules and stats are clear
Problem is there's a lot of attributes in video games that can't visually represent these sorts of values, much less the inherent mechanics of how the game engine accomplishes these things which can be affected in differing ways.
Video games will never be clear, and will always require some more in depth knowledge if you want to be above average.
This gayme oddly reminds me of GOW with how everyone always tries to rush you with a shotgun no matter the fucking distance.
the buff is very recent
This was semi fixed last week they added distinct sounds for verticality depending on the material your ennemy is walking on.
Yeah, now they just need to fix the times where footsteps just don't even fucking happen when a player is already on top of you.