You're buying her game,right Sup Forums?
You're buying her game,right Sup Forums?
Yes, I bought UNI[st]
I already have. Her new routes in ST are so specific, #B 5C j.C 214A, 3B, 623A, 5A only gives you 2 normals to confirm and doesn't work for A startes.
...5C 4C j.214B, 66C, 214B... is a lot easier and raises her damage off of A confirms by like 500 but it doesn't work in the corner.
2C dl.2B 236[B] 66B 66B etc. is just insanely awkward to pull of in an actual match.
Use ">"s dude. Your notation is hard to read
>Good partner
What did they mean by this?
I already bought Linne's game, it's good
Exactly what it means
the characters who make good assists for her, Weiss and Orie fight the exact same way in their respective verses
Fuck buddy.
Only because she's the best
I bought [st] last July
>buy game
>buy stick
>buy PS+
too expensive
I can instead skip PS+ and maybe even the stick and get DBFZ but with its season pass it's expensive too. Every match takes long in DBFZ too.
I might just skip these new fighting games again.
I already bought her game, but I'm not buying the game she's guest starring in.
Can't skip PS+ for DBFZ.
Just because it forces you to use online lobby system on login doesn't mean Sony allows you to play online.
Great, isn't it?
PC which is why I can just play it on keyboard without losing my mind on pad
>buying stick
>buying season pass
Weiss is a lesbian
Hyde is her husbando
Jin... uhh... Jin is an asshole. Should've put a personer here desu
>Weiss/Orie in the same team
Absolute perfection.
Why wouldn't I get the Season Pass?
I might as well spend the dosh while I have it rather than get it all piecemeal and fall behind in relevancy. I hate that shit too, but it just seems like a reality if I want to play the game.
Orie hardly gets the luxury of having fast projectiles. She also isn't a scrub of a summoner since she can fight with her summon and not just stand around and take a millennium summoning it.
>Weiss/Orie for ojou team
>my boy Gordie/Ruby for GRIM REAPAH team
just need Haku/Merk for back of Mori's notebook team and I'm set
Ruby's guncentric scythe is not worthy of Gord's actual scythe.
Why have I only seen people who play UNIEL use the numpad numbers to describe quarter circles and dashes?
Also, is Orie complicated to play?
As someone who's new to the franchise, it seems she requires some set-up for her doll thingamajig.
Its an anime fighter, numpad notations are common.
>Is Orie hard
Not really. The summon is a special and she isn't a puppet character.
I find the terminology strange though.
As it's not like people actually use numpads to play fightan, and yet it's still used in the terminology despite QCF being more accurate representation of the motion.
QCF and their variants work fine untill you start to get into more complicated moves or you want describe precisely inputs that may help you get the combo down.
>QCF being more accurate representation of the motion.
Also this is simply incorrect. They are both just as precise.
You mean to tell me someone actually goes through the motion of pressing 2-3-6 on a keyboard in fighting games?
It sounds like it'd be even more of a pain for DP.
No, what the fuck are you even talking about? Just because people don't play on actual numpads doesn't mean the numpad notation isn't precise.
It's just a convenience, in other words and doesn't represent the actual notation of motion.
>the absolute state of anime fightan fans
I kid. I just find that it might be harder for non-anime fighting game fans to adjust to reading numbers and letters in succession when practicing the combos.
I learned this shit when I was 11 playing BBCS, its honestly not that hard.
I don't think Quarter Circle Forward is anymore indicative of the necessary motion than 236, especially as both expect you to be facing right so they don't work in the other direction anyway. I also don't think SRK/DP is easier to understand at a glance than 623. When you learn numpad notation you just substitute the numbers for arrows in your head, which is what French Bread uses in the tutorial and mission mode for [st] anyway. They used numbers in their early character previews and the combo videos they put on Youtube though I think
>Quarter Circle Forward
>expect you to be facing right
How fortunate of you that you got to learn at an earlier age.
Anime fighters were not a big thing when I was growing up outside of Guilty Gear.
QCF doesn't really expect you to be facing right actually.
Only in the direction facing your opponent.
236 expects you to be on player1 side.
As for DP, I tie it into a zig-zag motion like how you would perform it on a stick.
meant to also quote
Yeah, because as soon as you swap sides or start on 2P side your QCF doesn't come out and you have to know to do QCB instead. It's the same for 236 and 214.
Most people don't use sticks now though so your point might not come across.