People call it a philosophical game when the true horror lies in portrayal of psychological delusion a man is willing to make up just to ignore the obvious reality. That he is not going anywhere. Was it a coin toss?
People call it a philosophical game when the true horror lies in portrayal of psychological delusion a man is willing...
>Was it a coin toss?
No. The game was rigged from the start.
The woman lies to him by saying it's coin toss just to shut him up and get to work. It was never a coin toss.
its COPY and paste, not CUT and paste
It's a basic Theseus' Ship paradox. Kinda' neat for a game I guess in how they explore it, but nothing special, and honestly lots of missed opportunity.
>a man
I love the game but what's up with the daily threads? It's getting annoying.
They really fucked up the ending sequence by showing the guy left on earth first and satellite paradise second. Would be much better if it was reversed.
That would work too, but I think the devs wanted to end it on a positive note.
The story was really good, but it lost the magic that the dark decent had.
Ironically if they would have used cut and paste rather then copy paste for him, it would have solved all the problems he had to deal with.
Wrong. That would have not made it nearly as big of a punch. The player would feel the disappointment at not being in the ship too late. Honestly, they shouldn't have had the sequence with you in the virtual world at all.
nej lad. they should not have shown the ARK period
Altered Carbon does it better and has much more shit going on
>Altered Carbon
cool videogame.
Don't leave me here...
Calling Soma a videogame is a stretch.
thanks for the tip, looks cool.
It's not a coin toss and it never was. Simon is just a stupid naive faggot.
>Altered Carbon does it better
It doesnt though. That show doesnt explore what being a human really means, it merely has the bare minimum acknowledgment that yeah your consciousness is stored on these floppy disks and promptly moves on. Because the show isnt about that shit
You either didnt watch the show or play the game
>philosophical game
This game was so stupid it hurts, and the fans are even more stupid.
>it's literally explained on a baby level that your mind gets copied and not transferred through direct exposition and clear explanation at least 10 times before you get to the abyss
>a major point then is when your mind is copied from your first suit to the second, the game makes sure to show to you in a unskippable cutscene that your old "player" is still alive and says out loud that it's confused that it didn't get transferred
>main character painfully goes "WEW LAD I WONDER WHAT HAPPENED" like a massive fucking retard
>it is then explained in at least 100 other was through the logs in the computer, the fact that your mind is saved in the database, etc., that you get fucking copied and never transferred
>gets to the end of the game
Jesus Christ how cringe worthy this game writing is. When the twist of the story is based on how retarded the main character is, it's not a twist.
ugh, that part pissed me off so much. How can Simon be so stupid?
>Honestly, they shouldn't have had the sequence with you in the virtual world at all.
Why? It's actually pretty brilliant. The scene after upload kinda concludes Pathos station story and perspective of failSimon and failCath.
The final scene concludes the global story of our planet, reminds you that humanity and Earth as we knew it is finally over, look how camera pans off of their shitty little VR chat 2 to a shitty space can holding ghost of what was our entire culture with lifeless scorched rock that once was our home as a background, than turns to show it fly away, waiting to get smashed by space dust or fried by solar flare.
It's much more sad actually then just Simon and Cath on pathos.
The whole point of Soma is that it's Thesus' Ship, but surprise—you're the ship! It doesn't touch on what being a human really is either.
Altered Carbon also briefly touches on the meaning of this sort of consciousness redistribution with the rewind and backup systems employed by various characters as well as duplicates. In fact, the paper-scissors-rock match at the end of the series holds more weight then the "it's a coin toss" meme.
Imagine YOU go to the dentist and 5 minutes later wake up in a claustrophobic post-apocalyptic hell in someone else's dead body.
Brain damage or not, I absolutely can't blame the guy for being in denial.
That whole part was actually stupid.
cut and paste doesnt actually exist with computers. Its actually copy and delete and would be no different than him killing his double
>copy and delete
you mean copy and hide from the user until it gets overwritten by something else
Well sure, Simon is a dumb-ass, he behaved like you'd expect him to.
I as the player however understood how it works (chose to kill the old body when given the choice).
Him throwing a fit and overloading Catherine just pissed me off as it's just plain stupid and left him worse-off all by himself.
well yeah technically but overwriting and deleting has the some consequence for the original file - it being gone
Can someone explain how brainlets keep discussing the coin toss as if it's actually not a big red herring?
Coin toss was brought up by Simon, not Catherine. She just didn't say no because she was afraid of failure. She tried to lie to him after he proved again and again that he doesn't understand copy and paste and wouldn't accept the implications just like that. Her motive wasn't to hurt Simon and I can't really blame her.
Also consider her point of view. She knows she isn't going anywhere yet tries to give herself a meaning by pursuing a noble deed while having to massively step out of her comfort zone and stay in a role she wants to run away from. That makes her a true hero of the story.
How exactly did the beginning of this game happen?
Imagine being this stupid.
>Coin toss was brought up by Simon, not Catherine. She just didn't say no because she was afraid of failure.
Ah. Yeah, it's been a while since I played this game. Poor Catherine. She didnt deserve to die pissed off.
Imagine having such objectively shit taste.
He didn't actually go to the dentist, he went to get a brain scan. And it's the brain scan that lives on while the real Simon is long gone.
Simon goes to get a brain scan in his hometown of Toronto to try and figure out what's fucked up in his head after a car crash. Starts taking the scan, then wakes up in some dark and dingy underwater base with abominations roaming the halls
Doctor brainscans Simon, Simon dies, doctor later becomes famous and Simon's scan gets preserved as his historical work, and then Wau puts this scan into a corpse with an antenna because of reasons.
it isn't noble. she made copys of humans and planned to leave it orbit earth until it was destroyed. I would have tried to make the robot body thing work as to keep humanity alive that way.
I read the book and it's a cool story that I enjoyed. It's offering more examples of the technology in practice, but it doesn't really explore the technology on a deeper level like SOMA does.
Ok but how did so much time pass? Assumably things were fine at the beginning, even if it was a brain scan copy why did it take until everything in the world was fucked for his copy to suddenly appear?
This is in the OP
>People call it a philosophical game when the true horror lies in portrayal of psychological delusion a man is willing to make up just to ignore the obvious reality.
So you are the brainlet here
Oh yeah, what exactly happened to the surface? I don't recall. They could have just manufactured robot bodies and put people in those. Maybe rebuild or go to another planet eventually. Maybe they could have cloned new humans eventually?
It didn't suddenly appear, it was just in storage for a few centuries.
You are forgetting something. Protag was actually acting like some real humans would. You know, how some people are told something but they keep deluding themselves that the outcome will actually be different? That's what the protag was doing.
>Ok but how did so much time pass?
You're a single scan that was uploaded years later so your memory jumps from the point of the scan to what's the now in Soma. It 'took that long' because that scan was uploaded to a body then. Presumably scans had also been uploaded at different points in time as well given the historical significance of Simon's scan in the game
>I don't recall
Why are you asking to get spoiled on game you didn't play just so you can "discuss" it while knowing nothing but someone else's perspective?
Jesus this place
How do you know his copy hasn't been used before?
I did play it though, a long time ago.
Excuse me for not having perfect memory lol.
Whatever is going on on the surface is probably survivable in a robot body.
That was one of those fucking awesome subtle horror moments when you discover your scan right there and Cath says it's been used in AI development.
Just gives you a clue for a thought and leaves you with it
Not to mention, Munschi's scanning technology back then was financed by Haimatsu, who's equipment and stuff you see all over Pathos clearly implying they've been\become a huge corporation.
Wau was clearly on track with setting things right and we get a glimpse that it's not so bad inside of his simulation. So why destroy it?
Wait, are you saying the WAU is distantly related to Simon?
>people still can't stop jerking over and over-analyzing SOMA
It was a massive step back from Penumbra and Amnesia and the story was mediocre at best.
I didn't, for same reason. It achieves nothing and at the very least he figured out later to put people in Vivarium to live their happiest dreams so as to not break their psyche's, after a bunch of murderous failures.
Besides, Johan is a faggot. Fuck him
Yes and only for plot convenience. The mind code is taken out of suit A into the system, copied, then both are put back randomly. This makes no sense whatsoever in universe and only exists to set up the plot and character drama.
Do they ever explain how consciousness works in the books? The implications of remote backups of stacks seem to mean that you're creating a new person each time you implant it in a body.
I guess you can put it that way if you want.
Interesting bit though, there's was a nice theory somewhere about the whole Delenda Est transmission and Carthage. Theory quickly goes out of hand and into utterly retarded fanfic quickly but still has interesting observation about that transmission, Carthage corporation, that guy crushed by Construct and the fact that he is most probably the one responsible for putting Cortex Chip in Reed's body since helper unit is actually unable to do so after ejecting his.
Why would it work like that?
It's a walking sim. Having a great setting doesn't make it not shit. Same thing with Observer.
>walking sim
I don't think it means what you think it means.
Please correct me then I'll be waiting.
''survivable'' Earth is burning after a meteor hit it hard every living being died except what was in the ocean, perma clouded burning earth you call that survivable?
No it isn't, the game just keeps the point of view after the launch to maintain the drama.
They gloss over it, but it was kept purposely ambiguous.
There's even a short story about a woman from the station who climbed up all the way to the surface on the space gun just because she knew she was gonna die anyways and died from the toxic air in hours
Observer actually had gameplay though.
will this run on my shitty gpu?
its a HD4400
Just to clarify, I did say in a robot body.
Obviously no living being could survive there.
I just read that story a few minutes ago lol.
Is there any chart of these walking simulator games?
I feel like playing them since they are short, i have played/downloaded:
Outlast games
layers of fear
gone home
edith whatshername
ethan carter
slender arrival
scp containment breach
Is there a book the game is based on? What's the title?
I liked Soma more than Penumbra and Amnesia. They're all good, though. Soma was my favorite game of 2015
The actual gameplay segments are the most barebones stealth gameplay I've ever seen. It's not quite as pathetic as the game's attempts to be scary but it's not enough for the game to be labeled as anything other than a walking simulator.
What Remains of Edith Finch and The vanishing of Ethan Carter are great
>step back from Penumbra
Penumbra was good for a low budget indie game released at that time, but it doesn't compare to SOMA. Especially the wise-cracking sidekick in the second Penumbra game completely turns that game in a farce.
>people call it a philosophical
>but it's not, it's psychological
you're stupid as shit OP
shut the fuck up loser
>Especially the wise-cracking sidekick in the second Penumbra game completely turns that game in a farce.
I missed Red
>When the twist of the story is based on how retarded the main character is, it's not a twist.
That's not necessarily true, but you might also want to consider that it isn't a twist, it's just a point of drama.
Just a book series. Check em' out. No gaem tho
It's almost like the focus was on the story or some shit.
But you're right I guess it needed more gunfights, explosions and waypoints.
a game can have a story and still have actual gameplay
its a videogame after all