Xenoblade 2

Was about to start playing Xenoblade 2 for the first time, since I finished XB1 last week, but I heard a new patch is coming out the 3rd of March

Looks like the meat of the patch is NG+ (which I don't care yet), plus some gameplay improvements.

Should I wait at least until it's out, for those gameplay improvements, or can I start it right here right now?

Other urls found in this thread:


Depends on if you want to do a 100% run on your first playthrough to get all the Rare Blades from the no-money gacha system

you can start right here right now
there are still a few bugs, but no gamebreaking ones, and you can finish the game anyway

>Shes not real

There are some spoiler in the NG+ so I recommend you stick with the original.

You're gonna be disappointed with 2 regardless, might as well play it now

You should start now. The gameplay improvements mostly end up affecting lategame when you've got to manage 144 blades and you're sitting on a stack of 300 cores.

Why? I wasn't. This game was lovely.

She is, user in your heart




2 is a huge step down in terms of it's narrative, I had to force myself to finish the game. It's a slog until chapter 7, which even then isn't that great going forward. Only redeeming factor is the combat, which get's bogged down by boring sidequest and the gacha blade system

>9 light elemental cores
>4 dark elemental cores
>7 master strike mods
>4 master tank mods
>3 master muscle mods
>2 master luck mods
>8 master strike mods
>850k+ ether
>ZERO master evasion mods

im pretty close to gouging out my eyes

I got way into it after Chapter 5. I loved all of the political and factional storylines.

how would impregnate her if she doesn't have a belly to bear your kids

>implying she doesn't have a personal dimensional womb

The baby would just float in there and you'd be able to see it as it grows.

The jury's out on whether the baby would be missing its belly, though.

That's when you give up and use Morag.

>Cressidus' voice
Most hilarious Blade of 2018 confirmed.

She's a blade. Blades don't reproduce that way.

I don't think that user posted the file you think he did, but here.

That depends on each person, I think XC2 is easily the best Xenoblade game yet, it improves on everything from 1 at least, but X changed so many things that it's hard to make a direct comparison.

Titans have a womb. You could walk into it and jerk off over the eggs.

>4 evasion mods here
>and 0 light cores

This is what I fear going into 2. I enjoyed the hell out of 1 and the consensus seems to be that the second doesn't stack up to the first.

I think opinion is split right down the middle. 2's more obviously flawed than 1, but I like it more because I like the characters more.

X ~ 2 > 1

99% of that "consensus" is blunderfag calling it the most hated game of 2017.

I think the real question is who is best blade. it's pandy

Finch is worst legendary blade


also, that's not floren

>gameplay improvements

Finch has her uses. Godfrey is ithe worst blade.

user, we all know he meant rare blade. The distinction between rare and legendary is meaningless.

Fixing Nia's merc bug, letting you skip the blade awakening cutscene, and then a ton of NG+ stuff.

The main gameplay improvement from the next patch is the ability to skip Core Crystal resonance animations, which isn't a big deal early game since it's still new to you and you aren't going to be mass-awakening Blades until late-game anyway. I'd say you could start now.

Will this new patch give us 1080p docked?

He means stuff like being able to skip the gacha animation. That's in 1.3.0 coming in march.

Hey at least Floren can use trap powers to get you free shit.

Ah, fucking baited

B-but muh burning justice...

You're an ICE blade you fuckin' cunt.

>also, that's not floren
Don't dare talk shit about mai waifu.

>mai waifu (husbando)

Why is Poppi the best girl?


>that north korean soldier march
>that goofy dance when you're idle

shes the best girl

traps are gay





what new blades are coming in march with the new game+?

all of torna except jin and malos

Akhos, Patroka, Mikhail (not a Blade but fuck canon I guess), Obrona, Sever, Perdido, Cressidus.

Don't play it, it's a major disappointment.

Beat the game before new game+ is out then buy this figure.

I better get to go on an all senses VR fantasy adventure before I die.

He has the full crystal unlike the other examples of blade eaters. And he can clearly manifest the weapon from his core as seen in the second fight against him. Flesh eaters can resonate with cores; why couldn't (full) blade eaters resonate with drivers?

God my penis is asking me to buy both of them, but I can't stand that plastic leg stand. It ruins everything to me. They should've went with another pose were it isn't needed.

How bad would it be if I removed it? Why don't we have antigravity yet?

Best combat 2
Best exploration X
Best Story 1

I'm an Xfag and honestly I enjoyed 2 more than 1. Not more than XCX though



Mik is so damn Bladey he's even got the accent. I think he might be special somehow. A more perfect fusion maybe.

Mikhail does have a full core and can manifest a weapon. It's not farfetched that he can resonate with a Driver too since Zeke with a 1/4 core can emit lightning from his body

You can suspend it in a EM field

>some NEET is going to invent an antigravity field to allow for perfect poses for his waifus

Nobody can figure how make porn of her.

I can agree with this, I still don't get the "XBC2 combat is slow" thing people have mentioned before


Just request it in the drawthread and someone will take it as a challenge.

You haven't seen much drawn porn have you? They could easily make a vagina-like opening from the swirling, sparkling matter inside her that tightens and slides up and down your dick. Besides I'm sure you can see she actually has a vagina mound underneath the belts if you tilt the camera correctly

Is this Loss?

She does not and I can definitively prove it if you give me a few minutes.

Honestly 2's story is better than 1. 1 has a more viscerally satisfying story, but 2 is much better written and structured.

Yes please. If only because I would like more upskirt pictures for my collection.

>tfw being poor and pretending to be a normalfag all this time

They're doing it wrong. They're not using art recharge pouch items, they're not switching blades, they don't realize what cancels into what, and they're not using combos so their damage output is shit.

If there's one major complaint I have with the combat, it's that they didn't make it hard enough to weed out the idiots because you can limp along without actually understanding the system for a good while.

It's just void, her legs stop a little past the bottom of her skirt.

whys she so perfect bros

10/10 would read books with

Thanks for the obscure waifu upskirt senpai

Maybe, but I found the ending parts after the second battle with Egil to be much more exciting and interesting than most of what's in 2.

>xenoblade 1
>best story
>dude kill god lmao

sick meme

1 had one incredibly stupid part in the middle that nearly ruined the story for me.

>ywn be one of Mythra's Minions

Plus, it was as predictable as any other jRPG story. They gave you huge hints thorough the story though, so it's intended, I can't blame them for that.


Whoa whoa hol up there, that mythrw statue isn't on amiami, where do I order it?

>Kora has 8:18 of voice lines
>almost two minutes longer than the second longest rare
>Hey Morag! I wanna know about you. What kind of kid were you? What was Gormott like? Have you ever been in the guys' bathroom?
Best girl

Kora and Adenine confirmed for most talkative blades.