You are spending your short life living in the shadows of science. You do not understand it, you simply see the shadows that the technology casts upon your screen. The pattern of lights blinking fascinates you and entertains you. You try to rationalise a shallow understanding of what these shadows mean, and how they work "Its a CPU that runs at 3GHz", "This game was built using C which means its fast" Do you understand how it all ties together to create a shadow of real world events in your mind? You are like a child, in a life of wonder and fantasy.
You do not know how to place a value judgement upon these illusions. One man spends years believing the shadows give him purpose. Another man spends decades believing the shadows grant him authority. A third man spends his life trying to obtain entertainment from the shadows.
The true question to ask is, if you knew, really knew how a system of entertainment worked, would you still be able to achieve entertainment from that system?
Evan Carter
I know precisely what elements alcohol is made of, but I can still get drunk.
Luke Rogers
thats not even the point I was trying to make.
Parker Phillips
Ok cuck where start
Justin Butler
>implying i will read all that shit
Evan Ramirez
I make video games and I still enjoy them
Isaiah Martin
Did you just have 8th grade ethics and head about Plato for the first time?
Anthony Phillips
Adam Garcia
Making a video game does not require a deep understanding of a computer system or a deep understanding of mathematics. You can download a game engine and drag and drop 5 assets onto the screen and you have a video game
Luis Perry
>Philosphy course takers
Just because Hitler killed 6 Gorillion Jews doesn’t mean I suddenly can’t go to Germany
Jonathan Moore
I will consider this communities reading ability in my future posts, thank you for the feed back.
Isaiah Thompson
That’s not how that works
You still have to give functions on what they do Don’t pretend you know jack shit
Robert Young
I have a deep understanding of a computer system, I could make a virtual computer from scratch, and I make video games and I still enjoy them
Jacob Green
That's nice dear.
William Cox
I like it though
Luke Evans
Using x86 instruction set, If I push twice onto a 32 bit stack two values, 68 and 69 and intent to write out these values to stdout, what message length would be needed? for extra points, what values would be shown to the user, and in what order.
Keep in mind, I don't know how to write a virtual computer, so you are much more advanced than me, I simply took a simple class on assembler.
Lucas Thomas
I don't know I don't work in assembly
Camden Miller
Being longwinded and intentionally esoteric does not make you intelligent. Newton was smart, but the dude was a fuckhead that published his shit in latin because he didnt like people. and you know what? it didnt make him smarter, it made him an asshole
Joseph Taylor
>pic >they hold up symbols for basic highschool level physics Dude so deep
Robert Young
You do not require an understanding of mathematics. Game developers do not know how to multiply a matrix or how to apply rotation or translation operations to a vertex without using a built in function of their game engines.
I do respect the pragmatism of game developers knowing that they do not need to know such low level details to create toys, but do not try to tell me you know anything about the mathematics behind game development.
Brayden Hill
>Game developers do not know how to multiply a matrix or how to apply rotation or translation operations to a vertex without using a built in function of their game engines. people who work in unity might not but most people who consider themselves game progammers do
David Gomez
>The true question to ask is, if you knew, really knew how a system of entertainment worked, would you still be able to achieve entertainment from that system? This same shit is why I stopped enjoying vidya/anime so much. I grew up playing vidya and watching anime, they're the reason I work/study film today (and I love it) but everything feels so shallow.
Sebastian Sullivan
I know how to make a cake and I will eat that cake.
Jaxson Harris
I agree, people who are unable to explain things simply, probably do not understand the concept themselves.
I made a thread about entertainment being a shadow cast upon a wall that you indulge in without understanding the actual concepts behind the shadow. I am trying to inspire people not make them feel bad.
high school math is really useful when you actually realise its purpose.
Tell me about your experience in the world of game development
Aiden Sanders
I do 'full stack' game programming, I've implemented renderers, physics, I've made a programming language that sees use, never had to drop down to assembly, C++ is all you need if you're working on PC
Robert Scott
This all just pseudo intellectual bullshit to a fruitless attempt to excuse why you have become a jaded cynic to entertainment. Just ignore the mechanism behind it and just enjoy the experience when performed well.
Levi Ortiz
I used C++ as well, what are your opinions on the new parallel stl functionality that is coming with c++17?
I hate to bring up the pill metaphor but, you expect me to take the blue pill?
Joseph Bell
I think C++ is a giant clusterfuck and try to avoid using it wherever possible
Easton Cruz
Yes. and stop asking questions when there's only one answer you will accept,
Gabriel Smith
All scientific documents were published in Latin as they originally these documents were created by priests in Abbeys. All you've done is show you have no capacity for understanding these otherwise simple things
Zachary Morales
What a pointless question.
James Hall
It's always entertaining how the most ""enlightened"" posters are so clearly and obviously informed by pseud shit like Nolan films, Slavoj Zizek, existentialism 101, Greek philosophy for babies, and Zeitgeist
To answer your stupid fucking question op, it makes it that much sweeter
Elijah Ortiz
You misunderstood. I could read it but I choose not to.
Landon King
this guy is probably 17 years old
Zachary Roberts
>Inb4 OP is found dead with 3 self inflicted gunshots on the back of the head with a shotgun he doesn't own
Christopher Cruz
I will consider this communities system of values in my future posts, thank you for your feed back.
Camden Flores
>OP outs himself as a retard
Nathaniel Ross
i dont get why knowing the processes through which something is created should diminish my enjoying of it, if anything, it would be more compelling and interesting to know how everything works and living through it. Many people may be dismayed to see that everything around them exists purely out of chance and casuality, with no "bigger meaning", but i personally think that it's just the way things are and it's always fascinating to discover more of our universe. I don't need a superior entity or whatnot to give me a meaning, i can do that myself
Jaxson Russell
>Sup Forums >values
Examine your choice closely.
Angel Garcia
Thank you for showing me that you are not self aware.
Jayden Brown
such a longwinded user but has shit grammar
Wyatt Fisher
Latin was already a dying language in the 1600's and there is no reason for him to not of written it in his native lounge like most other intellectuals.
Nicholas James
>it's a boomer thread
Mason Reyes
>still believing in higher meaning *buuuuuuurp* god's not real morty
Hunter Foster
So your entire metaphor is based on people the source pic of shadow cast upon a wall without understanding the actual concept behind the shadow.
Isn't that a "forest for the trees" kinda thing? You don't need to understand the concept of shadows. The hooded niggers piloting the puppets don't want you thinking about the passage of light that creates shapes on the wall, they want you to listen and understand the fucking story the shadows are trying to represent.
Art is art, why focus on the technicality of the medium? A game like Battlefront II is the pinnacle of modern gaming technology but it's a steaming pile of shit compared to some games on the SNES. Is this what this is? >You do not know how to place a value judgement upon these illusions. Are you saying we should reward games like Battlefront II because it's really technical and complex and is thus objectively better than some indie game made in gamemaker? Yeah, no, fuck off. Most people judge art as art, not as a show of technological prowess because you don't need to make a game to do that.
And I'm not sure the allegory holds up here. You're conflating a situation in which people believe something false to be real with entertainment that people are under no pretense is real which seems like fedora-wearing self-congratulating "everyone is dumb but me" kinda mentality that your post radiates. You know how a pie is made, does that effect how you enjoy the pie? It's not nearly as grand a concept as you're trying to make it out to be.
Brody Evans
When you know the process of, lets say a video game. You will no longer enjoy the game for its own sake because that illusion is shattered in your mind. When you see past an illusion you gain an understanding of how it works but you subconsciously fight against that illusion and try to bring it back into the world of reality.
A man who sees past the illusion will no longer engage with the illusion for its own sake, instead he will try to gain some meaning from it, some value. Flight simulators are used to train pilots. A flight simulator is not real, yet is able to train the mind.
Overall, you lose the ability to enjoy the illusion for its own sake, and instead will need to justify participating in the illusion.
Aaron Smith
philosophy is just shit idiots learn to impress other idiots trust me at any point you are tying to make some kind of 'woke' philosophy statement, You think you look like Matt damon in good will hunting but in reality you just look like charlie from its always sunny
Blake Gutierrez
Nice projection
Elijah Scott
>When you know the process of, lets say a video game. You will no longer enjoy the game for its own sake because that illusion is shattered in your mind. When you see past an illusion you gain an understanding of how it works but you subconsciously fight against that illusion and try to bring it back into the world of reality. none of that is true though you can enjoy a video game when you know exactly how it works the enjoyment from video games doesn't come from the illusion of reality
Christopher Smith
but that's not true. having knowledge of how something works does mean you are no longer able to enjoy it for its intended purpose
Dylan White
>When you know the process of, lets say a movie. You will no longer enjoy the movie for its own sake because that illusion is shattered in your mind. >When you know the process of, lets say writing a book. You will no longer enjoy the book for its own sake because that illusion is shattered in your mind. >When you know the process of, lets say painting. You will no longer enjoy the artwork for its own sake because that illusion is shattered in your mind. I think you might just be a joyless faggot. Understanding the process behind creating art doesn't hinder my appreciation of art as entertainment. Do you actually feel that way or are you just making shit up to sound smart?
Adam Davis
Linux is shit and SICP is outdated (HtDP here) stop falling for bullshit Sup Forums memes that place is worse than here
Thomas Green
Wow these two anons are so cool they stopped by this thread just to say they didn’t read the OP. They must have better things to do with their time unlike us losers right guys hehe xD
Easton Brown
Just telling you how it is.
Daniel Bailey
>How sausage is made. Would have been a little more succinct.
For a stint of time I looked at games with a reductionist view of: >Keys & Doors And that the repetition of this act despite what form it took or challenge it presented was negligible. At that time I turned to the more passive forms of entertainment and in time the reductionist view would reduce them to a pile of elements. Even reality as we know it was especially not immune to reductionist thought. It created a complete and total apathy cascade.
But is reductionism a sign of wisdom? Is wisdom always a virtue? Do you believe pointing out an illusion especially when it is not men in a cave but men knowingly purchasing illusions make you anything other than the idiot you believe others to be?
Jack Ross
OP is embodiment of Dunning-Kreuger tho
Asher Reed
I can code in several programming languages, count time complexities of algorithms and I know how a microprocessor works, but the creative side of video game development is far more impressive to me than anything related to the technical side
Luis Price
It's constructive criticism that the original post is unable to concisely state the point of its statement, and indeed much of it is made of pretentious statements that don't really add to the topic. They see this thread for what it is: someone not that smart trying to seem smart, and they respond with as much effort as this content deserves.
Levi Gray
Why are you trying to sound smart? Did you just get out of your first philosophy class or something?
Christian Jackson
Lincoln Robinson
Samuel Cox
Everyone here on this site has better things to do with there time. You shitposting is no different.
Jackson Moore
if you're not capable of maintaining the suspension of disbelief you're probably just autistic, not smart
John Morgan
>tl;dr >constructive criticism
The state of nu-Sup Forumsirgins
Christopher Ortiz
Sup Forums is a Meme and Shitposting forum Activism isn't welcome here
Jackson Scott
>The true question to ask is, if you knew, really knew how a system of entertainment worked, would you still be able to achieve entertainment from that system? yes lmao
Jordan Baker
______ ____ __ _____
Noah Adams
I know how to make video games (and game engines), and that has only made me appreciate them more
Ryder Edwards
>forum >capital c in Sup Forums
Jayden Stewart
be less butthurt that you're bad with words. The OP is 10 lines of pretentious statements paired with a meme'd philosophical allegory all to reach the actual point: "how da sausage gets made".
Only an idiot trying to sound smart would put that much filler for a one-sentence question.
Brody Hughes
Kek, biting this hard, you must be new
Ethan Fisher
Caleb Rivera
>if you knew, really knew how a system of entertainment worked, would you still be able to achieve entertainment from that system? nay, but a higher level of interaction with the system, such as further developing it, would be entertaining
Robert Stewart
>Are you saying we should reward games like Battlefront II because it's really technical and complex I believe a game like battlefront has not changed since the first was released, since you do not understand the process involved in displaying these images onto your screen, you believe that because of higher resolution and shiny graphics, the system itself is superior. In reality battlefront is a 25 year old system using modern hardware to present to you a superior image. It is the hardware that has evolved, not the game system.
In a way you can say that battlefront 1 had a weaker light casting a shadow, while battlefront 2 has a brighter light casting a shadow, making it appear sharper. Both systems are the same though.
>You're conflating a situation in which people believe something false to be real with entertainment that people are under no pretense is real which seems like fedora-wearing self-congratulating "everyone is dumb but me" kinda mentality that your post radiates.
I know that we all know this at some level and I believe that it is healthy to remind ourselves of this reality. Our subconscious mind tricks us into believing all sorts of things that are not true. If you watch a movie you feel emotion, even though nothing you are seeing is real, yet you cannot help but feel emotion when consuming entertainment.
Chase Myers
>a life of wonder and fantasy This is the highest mortal ideal, which as the lucky few of this blessed age we are only beginning to realize. Back to /lit/ u pseud, thus spake my cock up your arse.
Brandon Morales
>YOU'RE NOT SMART. I CAN MAKE GAME ENGINES, I KNOW PROGRAMMING. here is a summery of the thread.
Logan Lee
Aaron Cruz
This thread must be bait This thread has to be bait
Brandon Roberts
Biting on what? Pointing out a butthurt response to something that wasn't worth responding to in the first place? Besides, what else is there to do in this shit thread?
>I believe a game like battlefront has not changed since the first was released okay, so you are a joyless faggot that can't appreciate art. Nobody gives a flying FUCK about how strong the light casting the shadow is, people care about what the shadows are representing and whether it represents it well.
The original Battlefront was a shadow telling the tale of an epic war.
The recent Battlefront 2 is someone sticking their dick and pissing in front of the fire and then harassing attendees to pay more money.
> If you watch a movie you feel emotion, even though nothing you are seeing is real, yet you cannot help but feel emotion when consuming entertainment. Yeah you feel emotion from the story that is being told, you don't literally believe it's actually real. Suspension of disbelief, I can appreciate a story even though I know it's a movie and can tell how every scene was shot and how every stunt was faked. It's something most people can do.
Jonathan Jones
>if you knew, really knew how a system of entertainment worked, would you still be able to achieve entertainment from that system? My uncle is a processor engineer, is nearing 60 with two kids, and still goes to lan parties.
Colton Jenkins
You have a shallow way of reasoning about ideas, it feels almost as if you use the words "art" and "joy" without understanding their meaning but because you saw it used in a similar context and you believe this context is the proper one to use these words.
Leo Walker
>waah muh breeding
Aiden White
Jaxson Wilson
>any form of entertainment is for kids because I say so! isn't that a bit childish?
Adrian Cruz
what's mature about wasting your time playing a video game? You get no reasonable or believable benefit out of it. It's not like it can show you the world like a film or teach you great wisdom like a book. >inb4 my h-happiness is vidya's benefit
Chase Price
>he fell for the self imporvment meme You might as well kys once you realize most of that information is just as pointless as video games. No one needs to know about tribes in the Amazons or Kant's Catagorical imperative in this day and age. Entertainment is entertainment and Idealistic view of self improvement is pathetic.
Christopher Ortiz
It feels almost as if you used an allegory incorrectly and continue to project on others and selectively respond to statements to sound correct despite everyone pointing out flaws in your logic.
What was even your point with Battlefront 2? You're talking about people being tricked by shiny graphics when the game was slammed and criticized by the majority for all the reasons other than graphics. You don't mention this, you don't mention any other metric of assessing a game, because the Allegory of the Cave has nothing to do with How The Sausage Was Made, but you don't want to appear to be mistaken because this thread is nothing more than bait that only gets replies because of the effort put into appearing stupid. That much was made apparent by the thread title.
Jace James
lmao who cares
Nolan Moore
I'm sorry user but I fail to see how the point you are trying to make has any relation to the allegory of the cave.
Aiden Kelly
Here You can see that OP really doesn't fucking know what he's talking about.
Jayden Martinez
Tyler Allen
>feed back
Aaron Bennett
Not that user but I've taken a basic arc class. Pretty sure length would be 4 bytes (because i think that's what x86 is configured to pop off the stack by default) for each and since its a stack, 69 would be shown first. Though I'm sure there's some trick that the values would be truncated in some way so you'd return some other numbers other than 69/68. This is from my own research though. My class was mainly on the pipeline architecture with MIPS as our language. I want to try and get a job as an embedded systems engineer one day.
Oh and I enjoy video games. A counter to your argument would be someone like John Carmack. I've also done Dev work on OpenGL and written my own ray tracing algorithms for school. I have at least a rudimentary idea of the low level workings of video games
Austin Martinez
That's what I figured. Reads just like the cave in Plato's republic
Ethan James
Ayup. I made some of my games myself.
Chase Collins
Henry Long