will we ever get a game with as much technology and attention to detail as gta5?
Will we ever get a game with as much technology and attention to detail as gta5?
GTA IV which had more TECHNOLOGY than V
wow the metal in that gas tank is Wakandan
How? GTAV is fucking drowned in the pointless stuff.
Yeah, GTAVI or RedDead2
We already did. It's called "Breath Of The Wild".
GTA5 was a downgrade in many ways.
>not a single bullet even hits it
the falling guy who fires a shot misses too and lowers his gun to the necessary height after it's starting flaming out
GTA 5 was shit though
I never really got the whole downgrade thing for GTAV. I mean, it's definitely not the best game ever, but it's miles above the shit heap called GTAIV. Only thing it does worse are the characters and setting.
>GTA5 was a downgrade in many ways.
abandoning the factually wrong and retarded ragdolls of GTA4 is not a downgrade
and then there's all this which GTA4 lacked among PLANES, UNDERWATER, SIDE ACTIVITES, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY: FUN
Looks like the guy who gets downed shot it to me.
>this is your brain on GTA4 fanboyism
try watching it again, he shoots before it starts leaking, and when he's shot it's not at the correct height to make a hole down there
I hate all GTA's equally, just here to shitpost mainly
>I hate all GTA's equally, just here to shitpost mainly
A man of my own taste, albeit I love all GTA games equally, I just hate 4 fanboys (even though 4 would be my favourite if I HAD to pick) so I started this thread :3
lol, deaf, dumb, and blind one spotted.
>and when he's shot it's not at the correct height to make a hole down there
Look again, he shoots twice and it's the second shot that makes it leak.
>0.01 GTA$ added to your account
>will we ever get a game with as much technology and attention to detail as gta5?
Yes, GTA 4.
>Show much evidence against that fact
You faggots need to kill yourselves. 5 might have better gameplay in places but 4 got the technology that was toned back in 5
I've never played multiplayer but V still keeps me entertained for hours after the campaign, it really is just contrarianism.
implying you wouldn't pre-order VI
>no proper dismemberment
>not even decapitations
>things that the PS2 games had to a certain extent
>burns just covers the characters in soot instead of making them look like burn victims
>technology and attention to detail
Not there yet.
be real that's because of muh ratings
>M rated game can't have M rated elements
So are we going to pretend that BotW just doesnt exist and blows these games out of the water in terms of detail?
gta4 still has actual charm
yea and proper gore animation would tilt it to AO and possible get it banned from countries like australia and germany
who cares I'm just here to trigger gta4 fags
I honestly do think that GTAV has a lot of great attention to detail in terms of graphics and environment. Not so much with mechanics or combat though. But I was still pretty impressed.
>Literally just copy pasting the same links you already shilled earlier
This is not how a penetrated propane tank explodes though.
Gas would rush out and cloud the area and if there were a true ignition source, it would either be snuffed out by the gas immediately overtaking the oxygen, or it would plume downwards and blow the player up and everything else in a 200 foot radius.
shit, almost forgot i was playing a video game