Why are japanese devs so based?

Why are japanese devs so based?

The character models are shit and not sexy at all though. Their portraits are better but very bland and generic.

Athena is the only cute one

>leona the proud military girl in a bikini and cat claws

Based as fuck nips

Whens King?

They make games for people who liked games before normalfags flooded the market.

Does this mean Angel is naked somewhere?

Reminder that this is an official Blue Mary design and was put into a game.

>tranny reaction image

Different culture. They understand that women are not just objects but also that people are sexual creatures

Soyboys can't understand why the Japanese continue to flood their games with cute, sexy girls for the same reason they can't understand why strict gun control works for Japan while it wouldn't work here

Those are shitty costumes and I don't care for skin reveals when they all have the same body anyway.

*blocks your path*

she's trying her best to look straight-laced but it's just not working, she's too cute with the oversized paws and i'm enjoying it


Why you fucking retards keep shouting threehouse like it still exists?

I want to touch the cow.


Where did you get the impression that it doesn't exist anymore?

I'm doing it but nothing happened!

is it weird that I find leona with the "soldier swimswit" and eyepatch sexier than the catgirl one?

>we've decided that we're just going to listen to the people who actually buy our games

Athena and Kula are so cute.

My father works for Kimishima

Mai is a big fat loud obnoxious cow!

HeroINES, user.
King isn't a girl, he can't get in.

God fucking dammit falcoon

Based homo.

What are those bouncing things on his chest, then?

Because they actually listen to their players instead of whiny SJW's who won't buy the game even if they make all the change they want.

Give me Bonne you fuckers


joke’s on George bara is top tier

this desu

george so based he can draw titty women for days and then turn around and be like "yeah well watch this" and draw a buch of ripped bald naked dwarves just to fuck with a guy

the hero we don't deserve

>He had to apologise for this

Could Leona be ordered to wet herself?

Asking for a friend.

fuck. I would never

Isn't SNK owned by some Chinese company now?


>Will SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy feature a single player story mode or arcade mode? If so, how long will it be?

>Soranaka: There will be a story mode. Character interactions are different depending on the combination of chosen characters. We feel that our fans will be satisfied by the volume of the story.

>Compared to the dozens of fighters in a typical King of Fighters roster, the lineup to SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy is more compact and refined. How do you decide which fighters make the cut?

>Oda: To make the costume and accessory customization a reality, we had to reduce the number of characters compared to KOF XIV. However, we also added the ability to change voices, so there is a lot of content.

>Will we see heroines from other famous SNK franchises making their fighting game debut in SNK HEROINES?

>Oda: Keep an eye out for more news on that soon.

Based SNK

>change voices
huh? you mean like a dub or something?

Different dialogue for each combination of characters

Ah, that what they meant.
I'm going to make Kula and Angel play nice together, whether they like it or not


By 2020 Japanese media will be indistinguishable from American media. This is the future you chose.

take a look at Metal Slug Attack

so it turns out the problem is gamers who are obsessed with anime tiddies, not the devs


>saluting with the left hand when the right hand is not encumbered or missing

I see this shit everywhere, especially in Jap shit, and it causes my autism to flare like nobody's business.

In this case, it's just because the character portraits can appear on either side of the screen and thus be flipped.

[x] cater to fans who will actually buy your game
[ ] cater to sjw who will never buy your game

holy fucking shit

There's nothing wrong with sexualizing women anyway.

>snk is catering to their fans who will buy their game instead of soyboys who had no intention in buying the game in the first place



>leona defeated stare
Gets me on everytime

why is this such a hard concept for devs to understand?

Lmao are you serious, they know virgins like you will fap to anything that is not a real human being and the only thing they have to do is just draw 2d porn, they don't need either plot nor gameplay you faggot will throw your money at anything that looks under 12 and is overly sexualised.

They're even including a tanktop, a gym towel and a wrist band on the game's LE to help their players to become chads.


i doubt angel is going to be in this game, unchained circle wouldn't really work

Fuck off you fucking white cis male Sup Forumstard women aren’t for you to rape you fuck



>take good looking character design
>ruin it with fanserivce as a ham-handed attempt to make your game sell better

I like this

>Appeal to everybody=more money

you can use the original outfits if it bothers you that much

One of the biggest problem is that they don't think of the aftermath, no matter what they change they will still be remembered by these people for what they did "wrong" so whether or not they buy their game there's a chance that the same developers will be called out again for something next time because they gave in so easily. This just leads more of these entitled sjw's into harassing more developers because they managed to do it once before, it's a shame and I'm glad most of Japan have their heads screwed on right

yeah thanks i prefer to rape my own videogames, tyvm

You do know that you can choose to have the characters wear their original outfits in the game... right user?

That doesn't excuse the fact that it exist.

no because i dont play games i just complain about them

>ruin it with fanserivce
>ruin it
I know right?, they should've turned her into a niggress instead

this game wasn't even made to be serious in the first place

Roastie spotted

More options is always a good thing. Trying to restrict your options to just one is stupid

Then go play KoFXIV. they're still coming out with new chaarcters for it.


>you can play with your own favorite toy if you don't like his user

Does the loyal fan stop playing games or find another tittiemaker?

>if you don't like devs implying you like your favorite characters in stupid skimpy outfits you're a fucking cuck who likes niggers haha!

this shit is no different than companies painting a product pink to try and get girls to buy it. don't you feel offended being pandered to so basely?

>hey here is some fanservice for this character
>"No it's horrible and ruins the original character design!!"
>you can use the character's original outfit if desired
>"N-no! They still ruined it!"

As long as there is some other tittiemaker they will move to them.

>not being motivated to become perfect like your videogame rolemodels
Guys that look like Duke Nukem or Kratos are hot.

>letting some fictional character design affect your self image
wew lad

shit that was ment for

Nah. Kim told them to stay in their lane. He's basically got a hitman behind them incase if they try any shit.

>if you don't want every female character in the game to be in their underwear you're a roastie XD

if i want porn ill watch porn. if i want videogames ill play videogames.

if i want porn videogames i will play PORN GAMES.

I refuse to believe this wasn't a falseflag. No one can be this stupid.

I love when weebs call others soyboys yet in almost every jrpg and really every Japanese game the protagonist is a female or a little twink while in western games the protagonist is a rough looking white man

God you're such a fucking little bitch.

>tfw i like boobs
Feels good not being a faggot

That cunt has been shilling horizon for months, she just got fed up with all the shitposting.

i liked anachronox a lot but i definitely would not call it 'god tier'. that first quarter of the game is a fucking SLOG

sexy designs are a plus in my decision to buy a game, but not the sole factor.

games having western SJW agendas are immediately thrown on the no-buy list (or pirated)


>Fable in Great tier
My nigger.

You guys are going to look like idiots when this game flops.