There. I fixed it

There. I fixed it.

>if I cant fap to it then its bad
You have to be 18 years and older to post on here.

Don't fucking touch the squid gremlin


but then it's just a generic peppy girl, who gives a shit

you can be a mean girl without looking retarded

Guess what?
I can fap to Pearl normally.

good. Now put it on a relevant console and we're in business.

Pearl is perfect the way she is

post more cute purls

Too bad she couldn't buy her way to a Splatfest victory.

Stop bullying my daughterwife.

It was thier intention to make her a Gremiln though


Vut it's already on Nintendo switch

>Every day till you like it

ugly goblin i hate her

You pulled that image from another thread. You didn't fix anything.

video games

yes. this thread is revolving around a videogame character. your point?

It's not about the game mechanics or about acquiring the game, thus not Sup Forums.
It's a thread about gossip. Basically a tumblr cancer.

talking about a video game's designs is still vidya. are you new?

Most people on these threads talk about their feelings for characters, which is not Sup Forumsideogames. They should post in Sup Forums or /r9k/, not Sup Forums.

I love Pearl. She has an energetic, outgoing personality. Much more enjoyable than the mousey shy octarian who worships senpai.

The only thing that i hate about her is her bitch ass savage 24/7 princess personality