Is he ever coming back?

Is he ever coming back?

Not even the sands of time can do it. You can thank Jewisoft and Assassin's Creed.

Yeah but they'll make him black in the reboot.

Is she ever coming back?

>when your spiritual successor kills your series and makes it completely irrelevant

who cares
its an ubisoft series
if it did it'd be reskinned ac/farcry/watchdogs tower simulator open world stealth combat trash

1 was fantastic
2 was edgy but still good
3 was good but somewhat forgettable

I'll come on her back if you know what I mean

Well the guy behind them is trying to revive the franchise but even if does happen you know that Ubisoft is going to try and connect it to Assassins creed or other franchises like Watch Dogs and Far Cry like they had done in the past to hope that it will sell at least like those titles

Series' creator is trying to make it return. It's up to Ubishit. They probably won't greenlight it though, since AC exists.

1 was fantastic
2 was edgy and amazing
3 was still good

I'm not sure what you're getting at user, could you elaborate

I honestly think the SoT trilogy has one of the best stories in gaming. There's something just mystical/meloncholic(?) about it that I remember fondly.

I will always fondly remember the SoT trilogy. One of the best gaming trilogies out there and I'm glad it had a clear beginning, middle and end.

Just do a full remake of the trilogy with updated visuals like Shadow of the Colossus and I'd be happy.

While they are the spiritual successors to PoP, they are not platformer games, so no they're not made irrelevant. I'd say Sands of Time is better than most of the Asscreed games anyway.

I liked the Reboot

Have you played Sands of Time recently? It's completely on rails, the only platforming is going through the motions laid down for you by devs.

So? I still have way more control with its jumps and movement than ANY asscreed game. Also it has a nice focused story, and the open worlds of asscreed games are awfully boring anyway. Yes I have played it tons of times. Also climbing has gotten worse in AssCreed after 2.

>it's another PoP '08 style reboot

>It's completely on rails

What is your point? Not every game has to be open world.

Hey I wouldn't mind, I'm one of the 4 people who liked it. Fuck Forgotten Sands tho.

If the IP wasn't tied to Ubishit, he should just go to Patrice Desilets to make a new game.

It belongs to him, Ubi would have to pay for royalties again. Which is probably one of the reasons why they are hesitant.

Patrice is way too busy with his own shit.

SoT: 10/10
WW: 9/10
TT: 9/10
PoP 2008: 7/10
FS: 6/10

Kinda agree with this, I barely played 3 so idk about that. The first two were great though. I really want to replay 2 some day. I remember playing it in middle school and being so stoked on the edginess.


The point is that the game is deceptive. It puts you in a large room that looks open and impressive (for 2004), but there is exactly one combination of jumps and wallruns that gets you from the entrance to the exit. Try literally any action beyond the exact thing devs had in mind and you'll be rewinding time. And look, that ledge crumbled just as you were getting close to it. And another one, what a cray coincidence!

Just let it go

I wholeheartedly agree with this. Patrician taste user.

>Fuck Forgotten Sands tho.

Fucking this. I had that shit in my steam account since release and never played it. Back when it came out my computer couldn't handle it.

Fast forward about a week ago. See it on my steam games list, install play.

Can't counter attack. Can't even block! WHAT THE SHIT!?

Sands of time trilogy is action platforming perfection.

Even it's bonus game FS while not as good is better then most shit get now.

And the reboot was wonderful. Still salty it sold poorly and killed franchise

I think I had forgotten sands (IIRC the name) on the wii and it was awful. I did reach near the end but there was this shitty crystal puzzle that made me mad as hell

It's not just that.
>Prince looks like a fucking dog, has the body of a wrestler instead of being atlethic
>hey haha I had this brother that was never ever mentioned anywhere cool right lets go to his kingdom or something
>piss fucking easy shit """combat""", puzzles and gameplay in general
It had some beautiful environments I guess, but that doesn't save it for me at all.

came here to say the same thing

Again, there is nothing wrong with linear games.

Yes. It'll be an over the shoulder walk through deserts game. The parkour system will be replaced with a deep rich storyline exploring the emotional vulnerabilities of the character and his connections as prince to his people. Also he will now be depicted as a strong black female as is historically accurate to the Persian empire and its royal family.

There are linear games and there is literal simon says shit like PoP. That game was a precursor to QTE gameplay. Player ingenuity doesn't exist. Skill doesn't exist. Just push buttons in this specific order.

no, horrible IP. Let it burried


>There are linear games and there is literal simon says shit like PoP. That game was a precursor to QTE gameplay.

Oh shut the fuck up you stupid child. You don't even have any idea what you are talking about.

>maybe i DO have the strength of Rustam

Call me what you will but I'll take SoT with some modern polish and be perfectly happy

Damn, it really seems I have contrarian taste around here. I don't remember there being anything wrong with Forgotten Sands. Meanwhile, I think Warrior Within is BY FAR the weakest entry in the series. It focused too much on combat (which was always the weakest aspect of the games) and was too grimdark in general.
>Sands of time: 8/10
>Warrior Within: 6/10
>Two Thrones: 7/10
>Prince of Persia 2008: 8/10
>Forgotten Sands: 8/10
Then again, it's been a while since I played any of the games so I should probably try replaying them and get a new look on the series.

Not an argumen.t There is one way to jump and shimmy through each PoP stage. There is no creativity, there is no actual platforming skill. You are following a line. These are facts.

You're thinking of PoP '08. And I played Sands of Time after 08

Nope, I'm most definitely thinking of Sands of Time. Not WW mind you, that one had terrific gameplay improvements despite the dubious tone shift. But let's not talk about TTT, which brought actual, literal QTEs to the mix.

>not much sexy arab ladies in gaming
>this series died

Hopefully not. The latest trilogy was perfect. Farah is best girl. Also 2008 is the best game in the series after Sands of Time

everyone laugh at this retard

Still lack of arguments coupled with blatant denial. Go replay it. You'll see everything I said is 100% correct.

3D PoP sucks, the 2D games were way better

yeah, now AssCreed is a game where you can have real platforming with skill involved

>buh buh asscreed
Not. An. Argument.

It's thoroughly amusing how people are upset by what I'm saying, but nobody has the grounds to argue otherwise.

You mean just like you were was saying that AssCreed makes PoP irrelevant when you just press 2-3 buttons to do any navigation in it? lol

Wow sure, attach someone else's post to me in a pathetic attempt to discredit PoP criticism. President of the debate club. Clap clap.

If you follow the reply chain, you'll find yourself defending the game where you just hold forward to climb while pretending you can't fail a PoP jump.

My first post in the thread is

Because the platforming is used as a form of puzzle solving. How to get from point A to B using the platforming mechanics is the puzzle. The game is after all a linear experience.

That's fine. But don't laud a puzzle game as a paragon of 3D platforming.

It's a great platformer, I forgot where it was written that a good 3D platformer has to be open world now or whatever. You must be drinking some company's koolaid that only open world games can be good.

There is linear and there's on rails. For instance, majority of FPS games are linear, but still give the player enough freedom to tackle the immediate challenge in several ways. Then there are things like arcade rail shooters that simply make you do one pre-defined task against a benchmark.

That's what PoP is within its own genre. It's a rail jumper rather than a proper 3D platformer.

do we realy want a open world prince of persia with animal crafting, towers and forced diversity?

let it die, someday ubisoft will make good games again

It did create some new foundations for what later games would build upon. Its presentation of those mechanics are still fantastic. Wall-running and jumping in the PoP trilogy still felt great when I played them again a few years ago. I'd say the trilogy was very much influential for how games proceeding it would utilise platforming.

He's saying he would pee in her mouth. That's how you make babies.


What on rails? You can mess up jumps in PoP, that's exactly why the dagger of time mechanic was made to reverse your mistakes.
>pre-defined task against a benchmark
Sounds like you're just making buzzwords up to be honest

It's funny because it all started as a prototype for the next splinter cell. They wanted to focus on hiding in plain sight and so on. Assasin's Creed doesn't even begin to reflect the platforming in the most recent Prince of Persia series, or the puzzle solving.
My guess is they have to pay royalties to use the PoP name to the original creator so they'd rather use their own IP.

>not playing SNES PoP

Its because AC blew PoP out of the ocean. Ubisoft is afraid they won't make enough money to break even.

>ranking WW's edgelord faggotry over either of the other two.
Why are these retarded pics always wrong?

huh? AssCreed originally started as Prince of Persia next gen, but Desilets wanted to take it to a more violent direction than the lighthearted world of POP so he fought his superiors to have it spun into a new IP

It tried to be God of War and the lead designer gave the prince his faggot soyboy tribal tattoo. Also disturbed in the soundtrack.
That aside, it was a pretty good game.

Stop trying to fit in, you hipster faggot. They were both good.
Except for Prince of Persia 3D, that game sucked dicks.

Wrong, it started as Splinter Cell: conviction and devolved into its own thing.

pop 2 was on snes

>Its because AC blew PoP out of the ocean.
You've clearly not played the first Ass Creed, it was certainly not a fun experience. How the series managed to become this popular is anyone's guess.

No, Patrice Desilets never worked on SC games, but he was the lead designer of PoP SoT. While the other teams made Warrior Within then TT, his task was to develop a Prince of Persia for the 360 and PS3

I remember them tech-demos of hobo-Sam wading through crowds of other hobos in central park or some shit.

PoP2 on the SNES was a straight port, while PoP1 on the same console was a remake with redone graphics. It looked amazing compared to the original.

I like '08's redesign of the Prince, the red and blue scarf was nice. The design in Sands of Time was based off the original, right? I think that having the character have a sort of iconic look helps to separate it from other games on the market (for those who look at covers, not gameplay).

He wore a turban in the original, so no. Warrior Within ruined his looks and they had to fix him in TT.

Well, this
is what I also remember, and the mechanics looked eerily similar to what ended up being AC. It's been a while and I don't seem to be able to find the videos.

I also liked POP 08'. It was flawed, but had some cool ideas and was comfy as fuck

>trying to fit in
you do know that they contradict each other, right?
also nop, 2D PoP was better

I would say there is a skill in it. As you say, theres only one way to do it, the right way. if you can complete a parkour ass giant room in 30 different ways it cheapens your technical skill, you can just look for the easiest way out of 30.

>someday ubisoft will make good games again
i call bullshit

Wrong. You spent the whole game wrestling the controls.

I still have hope for Beyond Good and Evil 2.


>not getting used to the controls within the first 5-10 minutes
ah, no wonder you like 3D PoP then

I don't know, the engine looks neat. If you don't have to play as that faggot monkey, it could actually be good.

That doesn't mean they're not terrible and unresponsive.

Do you really have to pee in a girl's mouth to make babies?

Michel Ancel delivers, he's like the odd one out at Ubisoft, he has a vision and it seems Ubisoft still gives him a certain degree of creative freedom somehow.


Why do people focus on the next gen Forgotten Sands and not the vastly superior wii version?

Because the wii version isn't superior in any way, that's just the only one you played.

how so?
what even

Could you imagine this scene getting approved nowadays?

Ive played both. The Wii version blows the 360/PS3 version out the park.