Can we have a Gears of War thread please? I love this game.
Can we have a Gears of War thread please? I love this game
Why do you have robot legs?
There's robots in 4, I don't know why. I haven't touched the story.
>no single greater concentration of black people in a video game than in gears of war online
Why is this?
I played the first one a few weeks back
I liked it for the most part, the most interesting thing was how much of a time capsule it is.
It really plays like a tech demo for the "next gen" of 2005, its a nice feeling, the game is fun too and i didnt really mind the GREY everywhere because it was eventually broken up with some flashing unreal 3 blues and oranges.
I really liked some of the enemy designs like the giant spider and the whispering enemies
I enjoyed my time with the game and it makes me want to pick up an xbone eventually to play them all, such a shame theyre not on PC.
The final boss fucking sucks all kinds of ass, its fucking terrible
I miss gears when it was more a Horror game then anything else the darker blood tones for instance of gears 1
white 12 kids play cod and halo, niggers play madden and gears
How active is Gears of War 4 on PC? Is it worth upgrading to Windows 10?
Gears is the beaner game to end all beaner games it has replaced futbol as Mexico's national sport
>Still shotguns: the game
Fuck off
>15 years later and still can't wallbounce
Imagine being that bad.
Wallbouncing nonsense in Gears is what ruined the multiplayer. It should have been about cover and rifles, not bouncing around like a retard and only using the shotgun.
the "community" throws a shit fit if they tune anything besides the shotgun and say the lancer is too OP already
they're only in the very beginning of the game and you never see them again after that also human race is bout extinct in gears 4
if you think ram is bad just wait til you get to the end of gears 4
i believe everything is crossplay now but i might be wrong haven't played it in a while
Funny you say that because using cover and rifles is how you counter wallbouncing, you just suck.
This didn't apply to OG gears 1 because the netcode was broken and you could only lancer if you were host
>they're only in the very beginning of the game and you never see them again
Can someone remind me why that is now again? I mean:
>4 morons alone apparently gets anough attention for the COG to send a bazillion DeeBee robots, planes with robots in them, and helicopters at them forever and ever up until a certain point at which they just magically stop for no real reason
The Gears of War 4 campaign really is kinda stupid when you think about it.
>Approximate download size
>103.12 GB
>103 seconds on fiber optic
What kind of 3rd worlder are you?
>RedRojo420 has joined the game
>Superstar cole
>Ends up with ridiculous K/D 40-0 or some shit
>max sensitivity wallbounce pro
>Hear a muffled “wooo” on the other side of the map
>Two of my allies appear in the killfeed
gears 1 was laughably bad when I was a teenager so no we can't have this thread. fuck off nigger.
>He doesn't know the difference between gigabits and gigabytes
who's the third worlder here exactly?
Gears died with 2
Enjoy playing a dead zombie franchise and I am glad that I TOLD YOU SO
>Gears died with Judgement
I honestly think Gears died a little after 1 (Gears 2 is still great though): The mild horror is gone, the dark and brutal blood is gone and has been replaced by light blood. And so on.
are you fucking shitting me
consumer grade network connections are all up to 1gbps, which would take 14:08min
if you're on actual 10gbps connection you shit is bleeding edge not 1st world