One part on cartridge and the other part a digital download code

>one part on cartridge and the other part a digital download code

For what fucking purpose? There is no way in hell that 6 NES games wouldn't have fit on a cartridge.

Other urls found in this thread:

>How to Curb Used Sales

Capcom has confirmed that the Switch cartridges are too small.

Nintendo has learned nothing from FFVII.

A bit too dry overall, but
>It’s like getting a rock to run Devil May Cry… it simply is not going to happen.
was pretty funny.

>can't fit on switch cartridge

>6 gigs large


seems legit

totally not crapcom pulling a ubishit

whats the smallest size switch cart? The first one is 379mb, so of course they went with cheapest choice.

Bayonetta 2 is 14 something gigs and fit onto a cartridge.
"It's too small" is a bullshit excuse.

Can you fuck off with this garbage website? Fucking Neogaf wasn't as bad as that shit.

>EVER putting effort into physical releases
remember physical AA5 and 6? Neither do I!

Wasn't Nintendo supposed to have introduced larger card sizes this year? They could've just waited for that.

>free cleaning cloth

Switch cartridges can be as large as 32GB, but I think a 64GB version will be available at some point.

>parts of the game only available with the amiboo

That's literally on-disc DLC, how do people even accept this at 2018

That's a parody article and a simple 8GB cartridge (which has been available since launch and isn't even the biggest size currently available) would've sufficed.

What's funny is that the non-Nintendo versions can't unlock them at all because Capcom was too lazy to make it non-amiibo compatible.

It´s just Crapcom being cheap faggots.

>breath of the wild is 13.4 GB's
>the megaman collections are 6.39 GBs together

If I've never played the old megamans should I?

there's always emulation

>the megaman legacy collection is just a bunch of roms
but you're dumb as fuck. there's a bunch of music, art assets, re-edited challenges, not to mention jap+english versions of every game
it's a lot more than just dumping the roms onto a cart, at least file-size wise.

You should definately play the classic Megaman games.

Don't bother with the first collection, just get a NES emulator and the first 6 games.
The second one should be good for you.

Too complicated

>looking for a casual game to waste time in
>find mega man collection on ps4
>input lag
>game slows down when there are too many enemies on screen
>no refunds after you click install
what the fuck console cucks how do you guys not have refunds yet?

These collections are just roms being run on emulators, and not even accurately at that. Just fucking emulate them yourself, all the "goodies" are available online for free in better format anyways.

fuck off with shilling your trash site, Cody.

I'm more upset about the boxart being ruined by that internet access required label. At least this means I can always have 9 and 10 on the console without having to double dip for the digital version. Still, Capcom is a cheap fuck.


>6 NES games
>1 SNES game
>1 PS1 game
>2 notNES games

how the fuck

Very accurate emulation

>The absolute taste of gen z


>expecting Crapcom to do something right

>6 NES games can't fit on a Switch cart

fuck outta here with that damage control

>about page says "This is an example of an about page."

So you can't resell the second collection.


>To small
So capcom cannot into compression? Do they forget that Mega Man 9 and 10 were for the WiiWare which had a notorious memory cap?

Just another pathetic attempt by Capcom of sabotaging their product on Nintendo device. They want nothing to do with Nintendo anymore, but because Switch is selling well and RE Revelations and Street Fighter sold more thsn expected, they have no choice but to put games on Switch. So now they are just half assing everything in hopes that no one will buy it so they can have an excuse in future.

Is this a """satire""" site?

They're trying to make you buy new copies instead of used, much like they did with RE Mercs on 3DS.

Didn't the cuck who made the first collection say that they worked hard to make them accurate to the NES?

all slowdowns included

I wish.

>that they worked hard to make them accurate to the NES?

layman's terms: we didn't want to actually WORK to balance the issues with Mega Man 1's difficulty issue so we kept in the glitches.

>total collection on steam is no more than 7gb
>can't fit on a card that can hold up to 32gb
Well, you got your (you)

I don't recall Mega Man 1 being particularly glitchy, but I do remember that its level design wasn't all that great compared to the later games and had some bullshit deaths needed to know where the land.

Aren't NES games like 1MB at the absolute maximum?

>being glitchy

you can cheat Yellow Devil by using Elec Man's weapon on it then pausing over and over and keep registering hits.

>nobody gave this faggot attention in the other thread
>"oh boy another thread? Might be my chance to get some (you)'s!"
Fuck off

Is it worse that Capcom jewed out Megaman 7, 8, 9, and 10 on a second blu ray disk when all 10 games could have easily fit in a fucking 3DS cartridge.

I don't believe that for a fucking second.

No, it just means PS4 wins again baybee! I have 9 and 10 on physical and you don't.

Yeah they have tons of articles like this

I miss iwata

Capcom is jewing everybody, yet there is people defending them, why? Are you fags this blind with console warring?

It's a feature

>No MM&B because they can't be bothered to copy paste the GBA translation to the SNES.

what a lazy ass company

I've read in the comments somewhere that the collections were made differently, so in order to make both of them work on one cartridge they'd have to remade them again, so it's not a problem of space if that's true. It's still shitty that they didn't put the second one instead since it's 5gb.

>Breath of the Wild fit on a cart
>But not these old Mega Man games

Again, it's not jewing, it's just laziness and incompetent.

Wouldn't they just have an overlay when you boot up asking if you wanted to run Collection 1 or Collection 2? That's what they did with the Resident Evil Origins collection.

Hell if I know, that's just what I've read here.

they are getting away with it though.
how them maximizing profit over a half assed attempt not jewing?
their pockets are big enough for an 8GB cart.
and youre defending them too, stop lying.

He's wrong. The smallest size Switch cart is 1GB.

Capcom are absolutely being jews about this and going with the cheapest option.


literally no one is defending them retard

Actually 1 GB is the lowest size possible on the switch.

It's just good ol' fashioned penny pinching

if theres any reason why both collections can't fit on a single cart is because each collection is bloated that increase the file size like high resolution art scans, also the smallest switch cart is 6GB and capcom doesn't want to shell out extra money for more

also when the fuck is someone going to make a business out of making and printing covers for switch games without the god awful "internet download required" banner


>too small.
>for fucking NES games
What kind of absolute fucking retard you need to be to defend this shit?

The real question is, what kind of absolute fucking retard do you need to be to believe that parody site?

No, dude, the actual real question is what kind of absolute fucking retard do you need to be to believe I was gonna click that shit. I just went and check Capcom directly, and they said that themselves, so stop being a fucking imbecile.

Even less than that, largest officially released game was kirbys adventure at 769kb.

That said, mm1-6 are together 2,25mb

Clearly too big for a card. Capcom dindu nuffin. They a good boys.

5.25 Gigs still seems way too big for 10 sprite games. There are fully rendered 3D games with decent physics engines that don't even break that amount.

How is Capcom this fucking bad at managing file size?

>Not just emulating

Good fucking question, because we have Monster Hunter World over here clocking in around 13 gigs which is actually a reasonable size compared to other current gen titles. Capcom is only competent when it comes to MH for some reason.

>I just went and check Capcom directly, and they said that themselves
Sure they did.

the games are likely running on very cost intensive emulators

Look at the box of the game, you fucking moron.

Where on the box does it say the card is too small for NES games like you said here ?

Jesus fucking Christ, I was ridiculing that other asshole that posted the link and said that Switch cartridges are too small, you braindead fool.

>legacy collection 1
I hope they fixed all the huge issues with that

>the Switch card is too small

How bullshit of an excuse is that? Here I thought that not having MvC on Switch was iffy.

>Skyrim and its expansions fit on a cartridge with no issue
>six NES roms, a SNES rom, a PS1 rom, and two small NES-style games can't


What's that 1 GB tops? How can Capcom be so incompetent.

The 64gb carts have been delayed until next year.

the reason they are separate is because one is made by digital eclipse and is a shitty buggy emulator while the second is made by capcom and actually runs good

>Capcom will split the X games into 2 collections

How badly do you think the X5-X8 collection will flop?

A switch cart at 8gb is price compat with a blu ray release on ps4, even if capcom went max jewand pushed for a 256mb cart theycould fit every single nes game on it

So, what I gather is that the Switch could definitely handle all 10 games on a cartridge, but Capcom is a bunch of lazy assholes?

Legacy Collection 2 has voice acting and high res artwork.

Carts can’t handle that.

Legacy Collection 1 + 2 come out at around 5.25 GB, a regular 8 GB card would've been way more than enough.


I feel so bad for nintendo adopters sometimes. the games are amazing but the tech is just so barebones and backwards, it's a joke really

Here is the real reason: Capcom is too cheap to add a game launcher for both titles.

The collection will show up as two separate games with two separate pages on the eshop and Capcom has refused to have a single bundle game with a single launcher.

They did the same thing with Revelations. Both games could have been on the same cart with a launcher but they cheaped out.

Meanwhile Sega got their 3D Classics on the eshop with separate pages AND the compilation games that have their own page and own in game launcher.

I can't wait for the dmc collection on ps4, it will be dmc 2 on disc with 1 and 3 as download codes

And that's why they're not getting my money, and Sega is. If you do a half assed job then expect half assed sales.

Capcom's support for the Switch has been fucking embarassing.
Even SNK amd Bethesda did a better job than Crapcom, they really don't have any excuse.