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Witcher 3 being a Ubisoft game, people buying it for the hype and not playing it.


How will they recover

hey I played it for 10 minutes, until I got to the fag with dogs.

Releasing when absolutely nothing else is coming out

The PC version being Steam only, as opposed to Witcher 3

nice, witcher 3 always was extremely overrated

no handholding

It's coming out on GoG next week.

Not seeing those GOG numbers.

won't be on gog for another week


>People not playing Witcher 3

So thats the reason the game had gigantic legs after release.

Its simple.
KC:D is fresh. Noone ever made game like it. Like the ARMA is simulator to FPS games, KC:D is a simulator to RPG games. People that made KC:D worked on arma also.

Which makes it pointless to compare numbers between a game that was available for preorder on GOG a year before release with one that's Steam first.

>game needed 3 million copies sold on Steam to break even
>not even half a million copies sold

don't care nigga

Consoles will make up the majority of sales, just like Witcher 3.

what are you talking about nigger? It broke even on second day, devs said themselves.

did TW3 that bad that sony gave refunds?

They said they needed 3 million on Steam alone.

Game is already dead.

Game is a huge success financialy and there will be sequel.

Jesus Christ be praised!

What the shill said is impossible. The game had a 5 year development cycle, which means massive costs. Thus the 3 million figure on Steam is normal.

>They said

I got bored out of it a few hours in, dunno if what he said is true in general but it's true for me.
Legs don't mean much either considering the hype it got.

I bet you are american.

>According to Slovakian newspaper Hospodarske Noviny (a rough google translation of the full article is available via that link), Vavra said that the game was set to break even today, as well as passing 500,000 copies sold.

In case you have a problem with reading and understanding, here is the key phrase:

>the game was set to break even today, as well as passing 500,000 copies sold.

tfw too tazy to even consider pirating it. how does it run on an i5 + 970. Is 60fps possible at 1080p?

>Thus the 3 million figure on Steam is normal.
At 60$?
Are you retarded?
FFXV broke even on the first day it was released and it's WAY more expensive than this game.

FFXV sold 5 million copies on the first day though

if you're too lazy to pirate you're not going to want to fuck with tweaks to get it to even run, wait for feb 27+ see how patch is.

Having an actually-good combat system (so not the Witcher)

Appealing to right wing politics actually works. ResetEra on suicide watch.

>trusting Jew devs
are you fucking serious m8?

that has to be console because that looks worse than Skyrim on the 360

The source they provide doesn't say how much they would sell to break even. Vavra hoped to sell a million copies over a few days somehow.

KCD had a 10 million dollar budget. FF was exponentially higher.

FFXV needed to sell 10 million to recoup its development costs.

>KCD had a 10 million dollar budget

You need a source for that. There is no way the game can cost that after 5 years of development.

Skyrim came out before all time high was recorded
Check steamDB, I think the actual all time high is somewhere around 200k
Still, for what's basically an indie game made by some funposting slavs, KCD did pretty well reaching almost half of skyrim's numbers

That information is false, and has been known to be wrong since like mid 2016.

>Comparing a AAA Jap game from a long-standing franchise to the first game made by some random slav studio

Too bad the combat is spoiled because your enemies are either peasants that die or yield in one hit or perfectparrying jedis that sidestep every single attack, never fall for a feint and break all your combos

>Needing to stack 2 platforms vs 1

And it also had a much larger budget and took twice as long to make.

It's made in slavland so the costs are lower
Same thing with Witcher 3
If it was made in the United States of Goblino the costs would have been double or triple to pay for the extra hamburgers

>paying full price for a single-player game, which is probably gonna get another 80$ worth of DLC

why do people do this?

>not considering the cost of living in the region the game was made

That's one of reason witcher 3 looked so good for its modest budget. A million dollars goes a lot further in poland and the Czech republic. Where have all these retards come from?

Were is the quests? Witcher 3 is Bioshock Infinite level of complex.

>If it was made in the United States of Goblino the costs would have been double or triple to pay for the extra hamburgers
and it wouldn't have been buggy. you get what you pay for

I don't think exponentially really applies to something that isn't growth comparison. Also it seems that FFXV didn't break even on 5m and is said to need 10m.

I don't think KCD pulls some horrifying numbers on steam. It seems to plateau at about 400k copies sold at max price right now with later big increases being during sales. That's somewhat good for a relatively unknown title with a decently big budget. The game seems to have been for a quite long time in development too. In comparison TW3 has 4.5m copies sold, probably at least half of that in the first week.

>Same thing with Witcher 3

The Witcher 3 budget was 80 million. Those numbers require around 6 million copies sold just to break even.

Didn't The Witcher 3 come out 3 years ago? I don't understand the comparison.

does someone has the picture with todd howard from the video where the guard kicks and charges at you?

witcher 3 is overrated, just like BOTW


Are the devs going to prove they are "cool" the way they act and be generous with the price the way the Witcher devs are? Or are they going to be like Bethesda and sell the game AAA price for 10 years?


Bunch of retards comparing the first game by a random new slav studio to sequels from acclaimed franchises

Hahahaha. Everyone look at this retard. He probably thinks Ford's are great quality vehicles too.

>good combat system

Deliverance combat system is so bad it makes The Witcher 3 look competent.

Most of money was spent on the game instead of marketing.

>It seems to plateau at about 400k copies sold at max price right now
Doesn't seem like plateau to me, altough it already passed the inflection point.

Yes, to show that the random slav game needs only a fraction of the sales to be profitable when compared to said game.
The retard might be you if you can't get that.

With euro truck simulator it looks like czechs are really into simulators

too hard for you?

>Most of money was spent on the game

So why is the gameplay such shit?

>Fantasy dating sim feat. Fabio

What's there not to like?

>most people haven't even finished the tutorial

>shit gameplay is good because it makes the game harder

Look at actual owner numbers m80, not concurrent players in single player game. One look at steamspy and you already see the growth rate starting to hang near the bottom. Even your CC players chart shows that it peaked yesterday and next hill seems smaller.

It was in czech television that the budget was about 200 millions czech crowns, cca 10m USD including marketing

Because success of the game hurts your feelings.

>and it wouldn't have been buggy.
oh yeah like bethesda right

go play minecraft if you want fun sword fights retard

>comparing an activity that requires high levels of human labor vs. one that has largely been automated away
Just stop posting. Czech programmers are shit compared to American ones, which is why they're paid peanuts.

I bought it to btfo SJWs

>paying 60 dollars to troll the libs epic style
I did that too.

Your just making shit up because your butt hurt. Why are most Americans so pathetic??

That's purely anecdotal and it would be crazy even considering the cost of living and team size. Given the time they worked on the game I would expect it to cost at least 30 million dollars, which would require at least 1 million sales to break even.

>go play another game if you want fun gameplay.

Bethesda's games are pretty pristine compared to KCD. I can't remember a time I played Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim and loaded a cutscene that crashed the game, but that's happened to me continuously in KCD 1.2. When you chase down the quarryman who dropped rocks on people as he drags his bandit buddy out of the mill, I got not one, not two, but 5 glitches where the cutscene wouldn't load after approaching him. When I drank in the bar with the Hussite preacher and went to his home with the wenches, the game stalled twice on the cutscene and crashed. I ended up alt+f4ing both times, and I ended up missing out on the preaching content after sleeping with the wenches because the only way I could progress in the main quest is by turning him down at the bar and skipping the whole thing.

And then there's the random bullshit like not being able to walk up stairs, getting clipped with collision on the doorways, and failing to lockpick a door by getting stuck in a rubberband infinite loop because for some godforsaken reason the dumb worthless Czech programmer decided to keep the collider on the door enabled as you approach it for a B&E.

Like I said, Bethesda games are fucking pristine compared to this shitjob of programming.

Vavra said that in television

>not eating grass and burning money to trigger the libs

t. Beta Cuck Soyboy

What success? it still hasn't broken even and sales have slowed to a crawl.

See and also pic related. There's a reason why the USA braindrains all the good programmers of worth. The sad side effect is that it leaves behind shitty ones in their home countries, who pretend to be able to program a game.

Enjoy the 40 FPS on a modern ($800+) rig though, I guess.

>Bethesda's games are pretty pristine compared to KCD

They're unplayable without their modding community releasing fix patches, that's how pristine they are. Budget of 100 million and you eat their shit right up

>They're unplayable without their modding community releasing fix patches
You're mixing up stability and shit design. I'm not going to defend Bethesda's shitty design choices or lack of content.

Stop conflating them like a retard.

>There's a reason why the USA braindrains all the good programmers of worth
And what good AAA games have USA released recently?

>praising jewish games

Hello resetera SJW

mhm new vegas was fully playable at launch too, americans are so good at what they do.

Holy fuck you are stupid.

Why the fuck are you playing AAA games? Jesus christ this board is lost.

It was in profit after 2 days

But you are just baiting for reaponses

This doesn't include the gog sales/player count. Lot of people bought it there for no drm

You couldnt name anything could you

>Look at actual owner numbers m80, not concurrent players in single player game
I think you should do that or do I need to screencap it and post it here?

>Even your CC players chart shows that it peaked yesterday and next hill seems smaller.
Cuz it was during a weekend, you dildo. Today's peak is the largest working day peak so far, which clearly manifests that the quality of the game played more important part than marketing or hype.

because authentic eurojank beats westernized sjwfied bullshit

why Witcher 1 is superior to 3

Two boogeymans for the price of one. Neat.

Their mix of German and Slav blood is a prime recipe for high-functioning autism