ITT: Games Sup Forums hates but you love

Night in the woods
Hollow Knight


Starcraft 2. Wouldn't say I love it, but I like playing it.


I play skyrim. Oblivion and Morrowind a shit load but only vanilla. I heard that is pretty unpopular


Dark Souls 2. It's the worst of the 3, but it's still great.

Kingdom Come

haha classic XD

shut the fuck up. You can't even criticize this game on Sup Forums without being called a SJW or leftypol


Life is Strange

I swear I'm not a girl

But you are gay.

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Megaman Battle Network 4 (though I don't love it, I just enjoy it)
Final Fantasy IX

>Sup Forums hates Hollow Knight
but that's wrong retard


idk Sup Forums's opinion of it cause it's not talked about much but this is one of my favourite games of all time

I don't love but Mighty No. 9 and Yooka Laylee weren't as bad as Sup Forums claims they are. They were decent games.

Yooka Laylee now with the patches is much more tolerable than it was at release


Not so much hate as it is pretty much ignored and barely exists to the majority of Sup Forums but the CSI games have been a wild ride the entirety of last gen

But user, Sup Forums doesn't hate Hollow Knight.

>Hollow knight
Some contrarians saying they hate it doesnt mean Sup Forums hates it

>far car 3
>far cry 4
So hyped for 5 and I'm glad there will at least be people whining about to make threads and talk about it.