I just bought this, played it a little back in the day...

i just bought this, played it a little back in the day, thought it was nice but i gained a lot of appreciation for it over the years.

am i in for some GOOD Final Fantasy stuff this time Sup Forums ?

the game will end up playing itself

XII is garbage in terms of gameplay. Pseudo-MMO garbage that plays itself with gambits.

No. The narrative falls apart halfway through and the entire game is too easy.
VII- best narrative, premise, and characters
XIII- best combat/difficulty (after the tutorial), graphics
IX- best overall
Brainlets and hipsters will disagree though.

Playing vanilla XII rn on PS2 for the first time, and I'm really enjoying it. Gambits just cut down on the repetitive nature of FF combat, and tinkering with them as you gain more is very satisfying but YMMV.

It’s one of my favorites, but it’s bit of an outlier compared to previous entries. If you’re looking for a more “traditional” FF, I don’t think this is going to be it.

Maybe you should play it yourself and find out, you fat vagina.

It's the lowest tier of all FF games and set the precedent for the garbage we see from the series today.


b8 of excellent quality.


Fuck off you soyboy twat. I bet you like playing the games with female lead characters so you can imagine getting fucked by a big black dick you liberal cuck

Oh, I see. You just hate the good ones because they have female leads and you're deeply insecure.

>i just bought
made a mistake

12 is fucking shit. I dropped it 3 times on ps2 before forcing myself to finish it and it was not worth it

The gameplay is fun if you appreciate the preparation aspect of these games as much as the actual combat. Make sure to control at least the leader so you literally don't just watch.

only lightning fags think 13 is good

>not wanting to lick lightning's armpits


Nice bait you were never a fan of ff to begin with. Must be a 90s kid.

better than the flowing
16 100% fact will be shit
type zero
Great record SE LOL

You know you can actually play it without gambits, and that it's really fun and a way better game if you do so?

>Prepare properly for fight
>Hit LB+Up to switch to 4x speed
>Fight's over in a second
The preparation aspect is the best aspect tbf.

u mad

yeah, thank god they added the extra license board in this game, I think it made it way more interesting

does anyone knows where ican find the cpy crack password
