Biomutant Gameplay teaser


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Holy shit.

It's hard to believe that the Just Cause devs are making this.

This looks so bad. Just no effort on any of this and it shows, from the title to the gameplay.

Shit taste confirmed.

What disappoints me is that the create-a-furry is always gonna be the same rat thing but lankier or stumpier. I wanted more freedom.

>western dev
it's going to be 30fps on consoles because western developers are all graphicwhores despite the fact that this is an action game

Never trust a trailer with excessive cutaways.

It looks like trash, I don't get it.


Explain Zelda framerates.

This looks so bizarre.

I don't get the comic book effects, they completely clash with the game's art style, it's very weird.

>inb4 xbox one exclusive

This takes me back to the PS2 days. I hope it's good, there's not a whole lot I'm looking forward to this year/

finally a game where I can go on adventures with rocket raccoon in a prequel worthy of note

>on consoles
Why do you care?

>Fromsoft is a western developer

So basically every trailer?

>hack and slash at 30fps
Do I need to explain why that's a problem?
I don't really. I was just making an observation. I don't really intend on buying the game, but I do think it's quite interesting

t. born in 2004

I remember when they first showed this off. Sounded neat in concept but was super fucking rough. Glad it's looking a lot better now

Gonna make a big head brainy boy for them psychic powers

If you discount FMV trailers as they aren't actually gameplay? Yeah, generally that's the case.

if you take blizzard as an example. SC1/D2 both purely used cinematics as their trailers. Cutaways are an easy way to turn a small amount of already finished gameplay footage to make a trailer out of it. This is, usually, because trailers showing actual gameplay tend to be very early footage and very choice cuts.

It looks fun, can't wait to see more gameplay. Any chance this comes to PC?

Thought it was already announced for everything (except Switch lol), if that's not the case I still think a PC version is very likely.

>Shown off at PC Gamer Weekend
>Any chance this comes to PC?

>implying Japanese care about framerate or graphics
Most Japanese games look and run like ps2 era games on the ps4.

Oh shit, I didn't see that.

Seriously though, came into this thread to ask wtf happened to Overgrowth?

It finally released in a 1.0 version and it's kinda mediocre

I saw a First 20 minutes thing of this and it had a British narrator that just would not shut up. He would narrate opening chests, finding hats and fighting enemies. Does anyone know if there'll be an option to turn it off?

Officially released last year

It's okay

Yeah of course, the very first thing the devs announced for this game that is in its rough pre-alpha build was advanced sound options


>1 terrible trailer = basically every trailer

I'm getting it just because of the fact that I can customize the protag to look like Nate

This game would be perfect for the switch.

Looks interesting and the combat looks good but I’m not sure I understand the concept of this game

this is the worst trailer i've seen in a long time

the game looks interesting

you have to go back

system requirements. You can only get so many GRAFIX out of a console that fits in the palm of your hand

this looks awful, am I going crazy?

It's had a steam page for the longest time already.

jesus why is THQ nordic wasting time on furfag shit? this looks beyond awful

>open world
Welp, so much for that
RIP good games

that is some lame looking character design, is this secretly developed by Square Enix?


deal with it dogfucker

has nothing to do with Square Enix at all. This isn't japanese.

dude I am posting with fuckin tyrone biggums who would suck dicks for some crack.
I have a switch and every fuckin aspect of the community around this system is garbage but what piss me off the most are those switch beggars spamming every fuckin stream (like NISA last time) or any fuckin game news asking for a switch version. fuckin crack whore
what is kung fu panda the open world.
It look interesting even if I don't trust open world crap.

I don't get what it is about, it has shooter elements, but is it a platformer?

No, it's some open world hoghwash bullshit
Like Zelda or any other terrible AAA game

Remember the days of Donkey Kong, Crash, Sonic, Ratchet and Clank, Beyong Good and Evil etc where anthropomorphic animal characters weren’t called “furshit”? God the internet ruins so much good shit.

From what I can tell, getting infected from enemies can give you enough mutations to not look as much like a furry. One that stood out to me was crab claws growing out of your back.


I can see why people call it furshit though, the player character looks kinda edgy and lame in its design. Furfaggotry = dumb as fuck anthropo design, pic related for example is a quintessential furfag game

>see developers
>it's not Avalanche
why are you lying though

Ex-Avalanche devs

As a furfag I can say even the character design isn't that appealing. His face is too flat, his face looks like a chocolate chip muffin. Give me something cute and fuckable like Rocket.

You don’t *have* to make your character edgy though, that’s entirely up to you. I hate furries just as much as anyone and I think the game looks interesting. At least it’s something new.

>Furfaggotry = dumb as fuck anthropo design
Hahaha nope. This is the "I'm not a weeaboo, I just watch anime" or "I'm not a brony I just watch the show" of furfags

It’s because of faggots like you that games like this get called “furshit”. Slam your head into a knife you disgusting abomination.


Nope, anthropo predates furfags by a long fucking time. So people who enjoyed Mickey 100 years ago were furfags? You don't know what you're talking about.

I'm having trouble giving a fuck.

Sure thing, furfag


Color aside, this is kinda cute.

Its a neat concept but remember Spore?
Lets wait until launch just and hope everything stays the same

It looks promising but the garish cartoon font for sound effects is a bad choice.


t. literal retard

>muh realism
Bet you wish the color palette was brown and grey huh

I'm excite

It's like Zelda for adults.

may I ask what the connection between this game and Spore is? I'm not seeing it

Are you excitebike?

See, I have a degenerate fetish too. Difference is I’m able to keep it to myself, I don’t project it for all the world to see because I’m some hyper autismo who is so uninteresting he needs to latch onto some kind of “identity” lol what a pathetic life

Big head smart animals forever

>Difference is I’m able to keep it to myself,

Then stop talking to me and keep it to yourself fuckhead.

Maybe a little

>Appearance is tied to stats
God dammit

When did THQ come back?

I’ll stop once you stop destroying entire genres of games with your degeneracy and autism.

Fuck you I love games that do that

Nobody cares, pedo.

>When did THQ come back?

When Nordic Games brought almost all their shit after they went bankrupt and changed their name because the THQ name has more brand awareness

Another company bought them after they died

Nice strawman, I just think the font looks fucking awful.

Autistic furcuck virgin lmao

we are also getting a mediocre Darksiders 3.
Still going to get it though

it reminds me of PS1 games
full of fantasy and shit rather than realistic trash

Both Darksiders 1 and 2 have been mediocre overall.

Darksiders 1 was good tho

You have mediocre taste

I enjoyed both games to a certain degree, but neither of them were great.
Darksiders 1 is okay, but it was plagued with shit puzzles and repetitive challenges.
Good one.

>So people who enjoyed Mickey 100 years ago were furfags
there is evidence of furry porn dating that far back

Darksiders 1 was a pretty good Zelda clone. 2 was mediocre and I dunno why that game got so much attention compared to the first, I hated the loot system. Really I hate Diablo style loot systems in any game.

Literally looks aliek a monster hunter world sidegame.


Prowler mode was actually a thing worldsperm

Looks good. Not £50 good but worth buying on sale.