Britbong is /ourguy/

>Even mentioning his name brings out salty losers he's BTFOed
>Girl streamers hate him
>SJW's have tried to blacklist him from YT and Twitch
>People constantly slander him
>Still manages to be the most entertaining and real lad out there

Why don't you watch the only genuine streamer out there?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Cam girls tried to witchhunt him
>Gains more fans instead


It's sad that he does not make SL trolling videos anymore, now we are only left with shitty knockoffs and wannabes with dying channels.

The thing about Bong is people like him for his personality no matter what he does, he transcended from YouTuber to Streamer with ease unlike the rest.

Even people getting him banned everywhere just makes him stronger.

he is a gay midget who is scared to death of emptyhero
he quit second life after emptyhero roasted him
and quit VR after encountering emptyhero there too

BB also likes to dress up in his mother's dresses and uses her hair ties as cock rings

I don't because i watch better content such as DanielFromSL.

Stay mad ManletTears


his only fan is an onion eating cyclops / baby strangler

Literally who?

He'll always return though.

You got BLOWN THE FUCK UP by empty hero. Just let it go, you unfunny manlet

Mods, don´t lock this thread.
It´s a transsexual crossdresser that loves Britbong making these threads, last time we had one of these we had a blast mocking the manlet.


You must be at least 6 feet to post here, manlet tears.

>Why don't you watch the only genuine streamer out there?
>Watching any streams

s-stop p-picking on me y-you buwwies!

Why are you lying, short stuff?

i can relate to this. when your mere existence pisses people off.
feels kinda good. like you know you're doing something right

/r/ing he Sup Forums of the future picture where moot's a tranny and manlet is still trying to get people to notice him.

This is the first funny thing I've ever seen with the manlet in it, thanks for posting it.

here's a reverse angle

Britbong has been banned like a dozen times and his fanbase is stronger than ever which makes a few bitter losers very salty indeed.

I smell a few of them in this thread, some very unsuccessful YouTubers.

When the fuck did people start calling this little twerp britbong?

There was a thread on otherchan Sup Forums where he got outed as making 300ish posts with a few different proxies since he didn't know what EXIF was.
If anybody has the archive, it's hilarious.

>tfw manlet was cucked by his gf and started posting her dox everywhere
>tfw someone found out that his dad was cucked by his mom as well in the past
Does being a cuck run in the family, Dom?

>all these newfags who don't know who manlet tears is
I hate this website

When you’ve even trapped Sup Forums into getting triggered at the mere sight of your name you know you’re a successful troll

eat another onion Sloth

the manlytears name became toxic so he rebranded himself

oh hey mt
yeah there are lots of failed youtubers on Sup Forums. it's part of the reason they hate "e-celebs" so much. they wish they could be one

I have no idea who any of these people are.
Life is good.



>Literally who?
this guy
you bought his book for fucks sake

Your fanbase is smaller than ever.
That´s why you are shilling your garbage everyhwere.
Why here of all places? Everyone who remembers you thinks you are complete faggot, the rest was not around when you made an ass of yourself.


You've got to wonder what drives a man to go that far in the pursuit of E-fame. Just imagine, if he applied half the effort he does samefagging his own threads to getting a real job, he'd probably be a millionaire by now.

that and the shilling is intense

But jobs usually require leaving his mom's attic.

did he switch handles to get away from stuff like this?

Remember when Dom dated a girl who was a more attractive man than he is?
He also bought a tranny porn thing and a fucking dog that he clearly buggered.

Daily reminder that Britbongs father went to jail for smuggeling cigarettes and cried like a bitch in court

>lavander storydel gets featured on joe rogan
>emptyhero gets featured in a pewdiepie video
>bad guys views dwarf, pun intended, britbongs entire career

He lives in the attic? How can he climb the ladder with his height?

bitch looks like an oblivion orc

>that awkward silence as he tries to remove he penguin

Still a total faggot after all these years. Does he still live at his parents house on the Isle of Wight?

Got his ebay history with all the crossdressing stuff?

All we can say about Emptyhero is that he's incredibly angry he's not relevant (and never will be) so he's clinging onto Britbong for dear life.

Either way, Empty associates with literal pedophiles so it would indicate he might be one also.

recently he left the sink running and flooded the first floor


No wonder his son wound up such a failure. Don't most attention seekers come from broken homes? And only a single mother would let her deadbeat son live with her rent-free for the rest of his life.

you realize you guys look more pathetic for obsessing over and stalking him, right?
like you know you look worse than him, right


>this is literally one of the people spamming anti britbong propaganda

HAHAHAHA skeleton warrior


It's hard to look worse than a pudgy nobody who's been trying to suck up to Sup Forums for 11 years and still has nothing to show for it.
Enjoy your third decade of childhood.

And she's still miles ahead of him.
Oh please, wanna talk relevancy? Let's talk about being so desperate you hire people to keep a fucking Wikia page about yourself up.

Whatever you say, m*nlet.

Holy shit

w/e. it probably feels better to get this kind of attention. whether it's negative or not.
you don't get any attention at all

>when Britbong makes you so mad you spend 7 years crying about him

skip to 24:50 to see the last time manlet tears ever visited second life
because he met emptyhero on mage, got roasted, and tried to crash the server

Manlet, I really don't think it's possible to look worse than you. These guys who e-stalk you are doing us all a service, and they wouldn't find out any of this crap if you didn't post it online to feed your attention seeking behaviour.

How the fuck do you flood your house as a full grown adult? Were you not tall enough to reach the taps after your stepladder broke?

>Everybody who thinks I'm a fag is one person