
You didn't even make a pretense of being on-topic.



America is Israel surrogate you stupid fuck

Why are we being raided?

Sorry mutt, but I win this time

What did the original poster mean by this thread

Post more.

El diablo..

Because pandering to the faggots who inhabit places like Sup Forums was a mistake.


just kidding 3

Good thread, post more mutts

more like a 6

Your forgto to type shareblue

Check these dubs

what games can i play as el atrocidad


Post yfw you see a shitpost thread.

Op here.

It's just me using 3g lol. Won't let me make more than 5 threads though



I never knew why she just covered her boobs, she's fully naked there. Also, not like the robot could do anything. I bet there is some R34 out there tho.

Give me Jill or I killl

You're doing a fine work. Thanks for your service.


This is what eurofags look like


rolling in a shitpost thread


Rolling for some sweet sweet yosh puss as always

>American joins the server

Ive got scat porn I want to post

One day I will get you my sweet sweet love

don't mind me just rolling

The animation is so smooth that it looks unnatural because anime.

It's a shame that short was only 9 minutes. I want to see more of the world of a perv robot.
Tabi no Robo Kara

Keep being mad while Sminem fucks your mom, burgergoblin

rollin for what i jack off to
>inb4 mods ban me for rolling on this atrocity of a thread

At least he doesn't shoot up schools.

Check these dubs

>hurr this is what europeans look like
>posts a picture of the florida school shooter
Is this what soy and burgers do to your brain?

why are yuropoors so obsessed?

Rolling and bumping for Rorona.

The Japan Animator Expo 34 - Robot on the Road

Just rolling on by

report off topic, and fuck off back to Sup Forums you retard

ask a latino with legitimate 56% european ancestry, as confirmed by 23andme, anything

>Can't make a joke about school shootings now without getting vanned now

Your future president looks like this, how does this make you feel burgermutt?

This is the average eurofag

why aren't you then


post pics

> still less school shootings