Meanwhile, in The Zone Sup Forums...
Meanwhile, in The Zone Sup Forums
Dutyfags BTFO
гдe я нaхoжy вoдкy?
Duty>loners>monolit>bandits>mercenaries>jump to a anomaly>>>>>>>>>f*eedom
*breathes in*
Loners>any of the shitty factions
>Picking any faction other than Loners
>>Picking any faction other than Loners
Get the fuck out with that clear sky loner union bullshit. Loner ain't no faction.
>freedom above anything
XAXAXAXAXA, dick measure insecure faggots.
Duty for life.
>Larping as a soldier instead of acting like a Stalker
Can't believe i share a zone with people like (you)
Is there any way to fix the microstutter in CoP? Installing on an SSD didn't help much.
Thread theme.
>tfw you never gonna hunt mutants and search artefacts with your pals
>muffled cheeki breeki in the distance
>He doesn't strip naked and dive into piles of trash in The Garbage.
Step the fuck up blyat.
thanks for the wallpaper
I have more ;3
step it up, senpai
slightly better q
>Playing Call of Chernobyl
>Every loading screen has a 50% chance of crashing the game
Is there a version with 1440p?
I remember when I shilled this mod two years ago, when devs said they gonna realase it next day.
I had the idea that a STALKER game should take place at the Fukushima disaster. With some added underwater anomaly collecting n shiet.
NEET/Hikki factions
International STALKERS and Japanese military
>enter 100 weeb bar
>*takes out an artifact*
Yes, I will kill myself, don't have to tell me that.
weebs out
That does sound pretty cool
why are these games so good?
it would be cool if it was actually Japanese-styled instead of weeb-styled, that is, make everyone a stoic, scowling old manlet instead of nubile teenagers straight out of a highschool.
Slav autism
Poor man's fallout
>The Zone
forgive me if this is an outrageously retarded question but is the game Stalker based on the film? Seems like a weird movie to turn into a videogame
It's very vaguely based on the film, and both the game and the film are very vaguely based on the book Roadside Picnic.
It's slightly based on the movie, which was slightly based on the book.
those are some nice numbers
the game and movie are unrelated but both are based off "roadside picnic"
the game is actually closer to the book in some ways, the movie is far more limited in strange elements and the nature of stalkers.
I think Lost Alpha is the definitive Stalker experience, although it has even more bugs than vanilla games. Driving Moskvitch to was very fun.
The book is brilliant as is the movie.
Where would another stalker game take place? It be cool to see Chernobyl and Pripyat but they've already been done. Maybe some more recent nuclear disasters but turned up to 11?
AMK is objectively the true CTANKEP experience.
Nothing else comes close.
try RMA user, it restores the full storyline without addinf illuminati spooky ghosts like Lost Alpha. I like the maps(except rostok) but holy shit they fucked up the best thing about stalker.
also Call of Chernobyl is the definitive stalker experience, it just needs to have more fun quests.
is that OGSE mod good? some user was saying it was better than AMK if you use it with some edits some anons were making
It's like you don't wanna join the Ecologists, the best faction in the game and roll with the eggheads
Slavpocalypse is objectively the best setting for a videogame.
They could do a Japanese themed one. Wasn't there a exclusion zone that covers a city and some industrial zones caused by a earthquake damaged, leaking reactor?
Nice quads
bump for answers.
I'd rather have an african setting. Far Cry 2 + STALKER, half the game is hobo phase, mercenearies fucking EVERYWHERE and crazy niggas with machetes
inb4 all stalkers are schoolgirls with pink pigtails, they fight with two handed concrete slabs and the enemy is godzilla.
I'd play that
There's already the entire Playstation library.
Ex-USSR have tons of interesting abandoned places. Entire towns left for dead 30+ years ago, while the most leftover stuff is still intact. Sunken ships near the beach frozen into ice. Once grade-A military equipment left in the middle of some forests and the list goes on.
A precisely selected collection of those locations would be more than suitable for a brand new STALKER episode. Make no mistake they must influenced the already existing games too, but as it was Chernobly-centric first and foremost GSC's option were sort of limited.
>pic related is only a quick example for demonstrative purposes, here's a random video too (imagine how freaking scary would this be at night, all alone) -
A Droplets, finally I can retire!
Kady Chan kawai!
what the fuck is happening?
relax stalker it will all be over soon
Ohaio, Stalker-chan~~
>enemies have yaoi proportions