Are they out of touch?
Are they out of touch?
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Yeah they continue making such problematic games. Why can't they just embrace diversity already? It's clearly the way of the future.
No, they're the only ones that still make good games.
No, it is the children who are wrong
can't believe japan has 127m people and the most advanced shit they can do is make cartoon shows and video games
No,but i am out of time
*make games that do not get translated to engrish
that is the true down side.
>nearly crippled the western population because of it
They are genius. They made something more deadly than an atom bomb without the restrictions
No, it's the gaijin who are wrong
Two bombs weren't enough.
>>nearly crippled the western population because of it
non white immigration and jews are a much bigger problem than the japs cartoon games
who? red dot people?
How much of an out of touch manchild do you have to be to think Japan only makes anime and video games?
they're in touch with otaku, which is all they need to break even
top 5 Japanese exports
1. anime
2. anime video games
3. anime porn
4. ???
5. ???
Oh right, I forgot their cars that aren't even made in Japan anymore and lost their touch 20 years ago.
Yeah, let's just disregard that they're the biggest car manufacturer in the world or that they have the largest music industry if you discount America, fucktard
Kill yourself
oh jeez what would we ever do without our Honda civics and shitty nigger music
when was the last time a japanese automaker actually exported their cars?
models made for sale in the US are made in north america now
No, they actually eat proper soy rather than the trash the west guzzles down.
what's the difference?
The soy they eat has the healthy oils they extract here to make the soy oil you use to cook shit. So it is less hazardous because it is more balanced. Also they eat other things that help balance the diet of eating soy.
For sure my guy
>pop culture is the same as the actual men that live there
So you want the equivalent of men that are medieval to still be the standard in modern days where bloody battles and sword shit isn't used. This is why nobody can take your memes seriously.
They also developed the coating we use on our stealth aircraft, lol.
>sony makes video games ONLY
>the whole economy is based on anime tiddies
This is you
>Not pandering to the masses of a country on the other side of the planet means you're out of touch
I'm out of time.
I'm out of my head when you're not around
It is funny because USA economy is actually based on oil
When oil is over they will actually get fucking rekt
underrated post
>idealized movie characters compared to soulless marketing husks that are the product sold to the masses
What point are you even trying to make here
Could at least have posted your fuck and suck meme.
Thats venezuela and they did get rekt
Yeah? then why did the US steal the east oil.
They're still trying to make video games that are video games instead of consistently trying to escape, sorry, "redefine" the medium, so I guess so? Thank fuck they are, though. I haven't ever played as many Japanese games back to back as I have in the past year.
Fuck all these artsy walking simulators, aggressive MTX accepted as the norm, unfinished, high concept games and vain games built to exist purely as a form of self-expression.
And cars. And televisions. And consumer electronics.
Yes they're out of touch with the western market, which is a good thing otherwise they'd be making movies as well.
You might want to check where the US gets its oil from bub.