name one better platformer
Name one better platformer
Donkey Kong 64
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu
Mario Odyssey
le bubsy 3d XD
sonic mania
you can't
what happened to games where you had the option straight from the menu to replay every boss encounter and minigame? I fucking love Rare for doing this in BT and DK64
Galaxy 2, Odyssey
Easy, Mario 64. Checkmate you defunct british fucks
The one i played when i was a kid.
I came here to post this.
Banjo Kazooie was too much like a mario 64 clone
Crash 2
Also please stop implying Banjo 1 is the best. Tooie is best Banjo
literally any
Banjo Kazooie has terrible level design and is one of the most overrated N64 games
OP's pic is Banjo-Tooie.
You didn’t even post a platformer, you posted a Walking-and-Minigames Simulator.
2/10 try harder
BK makes peoples brains go crazy from all the collectathon stimuli, you nigger
Easy. Super Mario 64: Star Road
Super Mario 3D World.
Spyro, as well.
uhhh. conkers bad fur day
It controls nothing like Mario 64.
Tooie is too big and empty. It's not a bad game necessarily, but Kazooie's overall experience is much better.
It was easier to fill the empty space with your imagination as a child, but now you're just running through levels that are way too big.
This game is a stinker and the only reason you're saying it's good is because you haven't played it since the original year of release.
Banjo-Kazooie is still excellent though.
>The Kazooie>Tooie meme
why is tooie better?
I would barely even describe these games as platformers. How much actually platforming do you do?
Why does Yooka & Laylee feels like an inferior Banjo-Kazooie? You can clearly see how much better they got with Tooie and DK64 but yet Yooka felt like they forgot their skills and ideas
This should have been the first post
>Kazooie has levels that are the size of a postage stamp and rigid amounts of collectibles, often leading to collectibles that are just out in the open
>First half of the game is stupidly simply outside of clanker, but the jiggy puzzle and note door count are balanced so you practically don't even need that world, the game can be beaten without the move from clankers cavern and everything
>Tooie has actual bossfights
>Tooie has interconnected worlds
>Tooie has better transformations and transformations in every world
>Isle o' Hags>Grunty's Lair
>Improves the controls by no longer making somersault kill momentum
>The games core moveset was never it's strong point and Tooie is willing to lean on that moveset
>The game starts off with no throwaway collectibles and makes you fight tooth and nail for them after a certain point
>More memorable characters
People who insist Kazooie is better are retarded.
>The games core moveset was never it's strong point and Tooie is willing to lean on that moveset less*
Oh and fucking mutliplayer.
Bootlet goldeneye was insanely valuable to an elementary schooler with strict parents back in the day.
One thing really awesome about tooie is that everything you collect you only need to collect one time, so no need to worry about dying before finding that final note.
this, and
>no longer making somersault kill momentum
this. I'm surprised somebody appreciated this change of all things
Is this really a platformer? You run around and figure out how to collect things. There's no tight jumps or anything.
I see this game more as a collecting game, I've 100% this game at least 3 times and can't think of a single platforming challenge. There's minigames and exploration.
It's a comfy collectathon game to me, not a platformer.