Defend this valvetards

Defend this valvetards

I had a pic of elliot in his car


>I had a pic of elliot in his car
sounds like you deserved it, based valve

>break ToS rule
>get ToS punishment

Not sure what you expected. It's just a week of having no avatar, not exactly harsh

>Be an edgy teenager
>Get treated as such

what part of the tos did he break

It's almost like homicidal maniacs aren't funny to most people. Here's a tip, genius, Steam is a public platform and beholden to it's community to a degree.

>homicidal maniac
>implying elliot isn't the penultimate story of dissociation with modern society pushing a young man into a situation where he feels no escape but mindless violence

>Breaks the rules

Same happened to me. With this. Prob some butthurt retard after losing in csgo went and reported. Had it for like a month.

he really isnt. if you read his manifesto hes just a psychotic little fuckwit who thinks he deserves things he doesnt work for

The very first line saying his "online conduct and interaction with other Subscribers should be guided by common sense and basic etiquette."

Hapas are nsfw

you are describing the result here not the process
in no other time of humanity has such levels of entitlement or the possibility for them even had the potential to exist
he wasn't anything but a product of his environment and time

Had it for an anime nazi avatar, I literally disputed this saying it was a chinese officer and that that they're racist for not knowing the difference between uniforms just because they're similar.
The ban was taken off and my avatar restored.

Repeated offenders of the above rules and guidelines will be banned from the Steam Community. Any moderator has the ability to ban a user for violating the rules at their discretion.

dude you really need to read his manifesto. he was born to a wealthy and family and talks about how angry he is at his whore mom for not marrying a richer man. he thinks that people should worship him for literally no reason and cuts people down around him who actually approach or try to get women. hes a total retard, not a product of society.

>hes just a psychotic little fuckwit who thinks he deserves things he doesnt work for
a communist, you mean?

top kek

You deserved your ban.
It should've been a permaban desu

I never realized valve cared about that shit

If it were bliz or EA you could have gotten your whole account banned to be honest.

now imagine if he was born to a poor family in some 3rd world shithole or a peasant village in the 1600s where had nothing but the things he worked for instead of daddy and mommy buying shit for him and probably coddling him from when he was a child telling he was their literally perfect little boy
would he be as entitled?

They mostly don't but if a lot of people report you they do something so that the reporting stops.

vr is fun


This word doesn't mean what you think it means

>chrome botnet cuck
>volvo corporate cuck
Yep it's soy alright

Snitches get stiches

>literally just Brave New World

Maybe that user is going to destroy the world in his final story of dissociation with modern society pushing a young man into a situation where he feels no escape but mindless violence

who /vivaldi/ here?

listen here you mongoloid brained fart breather. your unfounded opinion means nothing, you havent read the kids manifesto where he quite literally writes about why he killed, and you blaming it on his privileged upbringing is retarded, the equivalent of blaming school shootings on bullying.

I was implying that there will be an elliot 2.0 electric boogaloo

Why's he such a meme vs other shooters?

kek, I was banned for a while for having a Tyrone image, after the ban ceased I just put it right back. I've also had multiple global community bans on steam

>the equivalent of blaming school shootings on bullying
but bullying plays atleast a part in a considerable amount of school shootings

Are you also 12?

Because of the glorious pasta he made.
And it had "revision" in it meaning he went through multiple revisions of his suicide note pasta.

He's /r9k/ the shooter.

who's elliot?

none of the people I bullied ever shot up my school. Prove it faggot

The part where it says edgy faggots get sent to the shadowrealm

no it doesnt, mental illness does. there are millions of kids that get bullied badly and dont go on murdering sprees, just like there are millions of rich kids that dont kill a bunch of sorority girls

That deer from the movie Open Season

Probably report botted. They don’t manually ban people’s avatars. You could get a dude with a puppy avatar banned if you spammed the report enough.

most shootings arent by students or people who were bullied. the dude that shot up sandy hook didnt do it because the 5 year olds called him a poopy head

Bullying is a healthy and natural way to weed out spergs from becoming furries and gays

>online conduct and interaction with other Subscribers should be guided by common sense and basic etiquette
Nobody on Sup Forums knows what basic etiquette is. They don't even practice it here.

None of these shooters ever have diagnosed mental illnesses. Being a murderer isn't actually a mental illness. This is why every time there's a shooting you hear "hurr durr mental illnesses more money for mental illnesses" and then nothing is actually done because it's completely irrelevant.

How the fuck do you get banned for this? It's not even a real dead deer it's a cgi one and it's still alive.

>following etiquette when there's no repercussions

wow what a fag

Stress Factor
We spend more time at school as we do at home so bullying should be classed as abuse too..

>Was bullied quite a bit as a little kid, until around the time that I was 13
>Now I've become a sheltered NEET that spends way too much time on Sup Forums

Just you and me, friend.

Some crazy shooter guy who killed a bunch of people and then himself in 2014.

>None of these shooters ever have diagnosed mental illnesses
fuck you nigger you havent read even one word on the subject if you think this

yes bullying is bad, but it isnt even close to the reason kids shoot up schools, because like i said, the vast majority of bullying victims dont shoot up schools

Wait so Valve has mods actively stalk people for their avatars?


Whats your mental illness?

people gets triggered by everything these days

Are you high? Someone reported him.

Do yoy honestly suggest that we should take ramblings of faggy losers seriously? I don't do it here and I'm certainly not going to do in the real world.

Incels and supreme gentlemen can write a thousand manifestos and the only response they need is tldr.

You can report people for inappropriate avatars

>break rules
>face consequences

Ubisoft removed this avatar from me, because some faggot reported me in Siege

im not the one spouting off on a subject i know nothing about. whats your mental illness, being a dumbass?

the columbine shooters not only weren't bullied, they were popular at school. yet they not only shot up their school, they set up bombs in the parking lot to kill everyone around the school. they even say that they would kill humanity itself if they were able. but according to you that must be because of society or bullying? fuck off

He was a tremendous, gaping, dripping pussy.

>implying I don't use just normal Fufrer

I'm not that user, sorry. I just thought you had a mental illness because you got so upset at that one guy

My niggas Dunno why it crashes suddenly after 1.12

>that shitty pixelation

>in no other time of humanity has such levels of entitlement or the possibility for them even had the potential to exist

Whats your mental illness?

>implying I don't have over 20 Hitler pictures to use as avatars
I'm not even nazi faggot, I just love the shades

are you retarded? what better evidence of the why they did it other than their literal diary that they intend to leave as a message after their murder suicide.

mentally ill kids get bullied and snap. Wow, look at that! Mental illness AND bullying can both play a role!

The vast majority of people who had abusing parents don't go kill hikers and whores too.

Same for psychotic or sociopath who have good parent giving them support and follow their medical treatment (Yeah I know strange concept for americans) don't go shooting people in the face.

And you deserved it. It's one thing to have cropped faces from hentai doujins and OVAs, it's another to have blatantly naked women flaunting their skin. You're lucky there was no nip showing or you'd likely get a much bigger punishment.

One of your extensions? I haven't had any crashes like that

>That arm squishing against the breast like that

Good fucking taste right there, even though the OVA's nowhere near as good looking as the doujin

This. I got fired for calling a customer a kike and telling him to do the world a favor and kill himself when he was trying to haggle down the price of a tier cake. How the fuck was I supposed to know that wasn't kosher outside of Sup Forums?

I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for $500, Alex.

yeah ok, well good to know Sup Forums is always willing to argue about something they know 0 about

Are you autistic or just retarded?

Why do so many people have this idea in their head that because it's Sup Forums everybody (but themselves) are a wild animal
Of course he was joking with you user, don't be dumb

Based Valve.

>Why do so many people have this idea in their head that because it's Sup Forums everybody (but themselves) are a wild animal
Because of the "I got banned" threads I see.

I really don't know. I only have 4chanX, uBlock and Tampermonkey for anti-adblock scripts. But It's really random. When I installed 1.14, it crashed like every 5 minutes, but after 30 minutes, it didn't anymore. And I don't think it crashed since a week

>Defend this, Valvetards.
>[reddit space]
>I broke a terms of service rule.

That's exactly how you CAUSE those you fucking idiot

The kike thing might have been an exaggeration but I did get in trouble for calling him an idiot when he insisted on buying two separate round cakes so he could just put the smaller one on top himself because it'd be cheaper when that's not how you put a damn tier cake together and the thing would just fall apart.

Weird, did you install one of those 1.14.x mini updates after? could'be been an issue with 1.14 that was fixed. Who knows

>I had a pic of elliot in his car
That faggot and his lame boring ass poorly written manifesto should be wiped from the internet completely.

I can't imagine how insufferable he was in real life.

I hope chads have loud sex on his grave weekly.

>Bullying is a healthy and natural way to weed out spergs
Seems to me like it was mostly people with no hobbies beating up weak kids because they were bored.
Some kids are just assholes, and you'd have to be a real asshole to say "yeah fuck em, those 8 year olds deserve to get beaten up by a group of bigger kids, they were probably WEIRD"

This is the first time I've seen this in all the years I've been in steam, never heard a case of a punishment over avatars or names and I've always seen edgy shit either on my friendlist or in matches. Is this new?

Muh boogeyman le reddoot amirite. All you needed was a pepe or wojack meme for maximum keks bro. Go fucking back you stupid bitch.

Do you honestly think bullying and mental illnesses can't intersect in a violent manner?

What was the pic

It's not. It's just that people have been getting away with cropped hentai for so long that some retards have gotten bold enough to use shit that more obviously violates the guidelines and then complain when they get reported.