I just can't wait anymore bros. I haven't been this pumped for a game in a while. It just looks really good and the gameplay seems nice. Also cute dogo.
Are you hyped, Sup Forums?
I just can't wait anymore bros. I haven't been this pumped for a game in a while. It just looks really good and the gameplay seems nice. Also cute dogo.
Are you hyped, Sup Forums?
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Nope, I'm pro Trump and a True Christian.
I was until it got Delayed yet again
Are you also pro amish/mormon?
I know this is false flagging but that collectors edition looks awful as fuck.
At least it comes with the game
>not getting the fathers edition
I heard you can make your own/pick character but I don't actually know if that's true... Any of you know?
>everything I don't like is shilling
Get a grip man.
Global Rule 11
no, retard. i didn't say that. but when there is a pre-defined pattern that exactly follows the same steps every single time a game by ub*shit is released, and then the fake user reviews get exposed, yeah, you can be pretty fucking sure ub*shit is shilling their awful open world tower sims.
>You have to buy a dlc pack to get the fucking atv
For real?
those skins look like shit
you do understand that is overpriced plastic shit. If that package cost more than 20 dollars you got scammed
I'll buy it day 1 if I can convince trick one of my friends to buy it and co-op it with me. I'm a slave to these games.
Reminder that a faggot who wrote for Far Cry 3 and other Ubisoft games added in a male on male rape scene specifically because he wanted to make straight men uncomfortable as a way to get revenge on his high school bullies by treating straight men the way he thinks straight men treat women. He also admits that his sole interest in writing is to make more gay characters and to make "gamers" uncomfortable.
Remember this the next time any of you think FC5 is going to be anything but FUCK DRUMPF FUCK CIS WHYTE PEPUL WOMYN ARE STRONK AND EVERYONE IS GAY DEAL WITH IT YOU FUCKING BIGOT GAMERS for several hours around bland open world tower climbing and braindead shooting.
Irrelevant. He didn't write for 4 which had a better story. Also, 5 has no tower climbing. Try again.
ubis*ft makes bad games
no , their platform just sucks
jesus fucking christ what an absolute KEK.
that whole article is just littered with absolute garbage.
>wah guys were meanies
>i never had friends
>let me get back at them by pushing my agenda through video games! That'll show them!
This shit hasn't released yet?
What kinda fucking antlers are those on that deer? It's like some fucking hybrid retard mix of a white tail and elk, not like the Muleys they have in Montana. Pic related my buck, and mine is a small one.
no, they make bad games. stripped down empty open worlds with nothing to do, ridiculous writing, cringe worthy "hello fellow kids" tier memes/jokes, sluggish movement with hold x to parkour, rpg-lite elements that result in nothing but a boring grind, shitty crafting elements, shitty watered down stealth gameplay
ub*soft makes bad games. fundamentally bad.
>the game
Its just a painjob user. eh who cares, im pirating it anyways.
how to spot a shill 101
reminder that traditionally piracy has increased sales
sales for origin went up after it was cracked
people saying "eh just dont pay for it" are shills
do not play it.
what in the fuck are you talking about
I said, "I" won't pay for it dumbfuck. The hell are you smoking you paranoid mongoloid?
Ubisoft games all play the fucking same. Its just bland open world shit with endless fetch quests. Even mad max was the same. Far cry's shooting is also really unsatisfying.
>expecting ubisoft soyboys to know anything about hunting
I really wonder how will be the antagonist, i've always like far cry antagonist, they are often douchebags but they have reason for it and are often not worst than the "good guy" .
>pirated both Far Cry 3 and 4 and regretted not buying at launch
Guess I will get this once. Even if just for the online mode.
>Same boring generic shooting and driving mechanics
>same minimap clogging open world collectathon bullshit to pad game time
>same generic ubisoft gameloop of direct exposition to drive plot-> setpiece with shooting gallery->find and climb tower to reveal area-> repeat
>more tacked on crafting that brings anything to the game besides COLLECT AND GRIND
What an obvious shill post.
he understands, but his boss is paying him to promote that shit so he doesn't care.
I unironically want to play Far Cry 5 but buying a special edition with an ugly statue is just stupid.
>unironically using the word "hype"
>shilling the super ultra deluxe preorder edition
When will the shills learn that this makes people completely disregard anything they post? I swear to god its the same tired copy/paste formula. "Why haven't you preordered X yet?", "I'm so hyped for ( mediocre sequel to a dying series)!", or God forbid, "Devs of (game) are based AF!".
>inb4 "lol liking game makes you a shill!"
Even newfag cunts know you don't admit to preordering.
>Are you hyped for "being white, christian, or American means you are a terrorist that needs to die: the game"
oh and don't forget
>SEASON PASS bullshit
>day one DLC
>preorder bonus!!
Why do you retards still buy this shit? Granted it's not weeb garbage but it's pretty close to the bottom of the barrel.
They're fake. Dude.