Unpopular Opinions

Unpopular Opinions

All racing games are shit.

maybe if you posted a better image i'd take your ass seriously

>Meme loving moron
>Has shit taste
It checks out.

All JRPG games are shit.

I legit think mario kart and its clones are kinda shit

Witcher 3 story sucked dick and ciri is a brat

>Witcher 3 story sucked dick
This is a popular opinion. Everyone can see how dull the gameplay is.

Japanese and American games are for literal faggots

witcher 3 is ugly
witcher 3 has bad gameplay
witcher 3 has a bad story
wticher 3 is basically shit

played on a PC at ultra 1440p 60fps

dat boi was a pretty good meme

I used to love Pokemon very much that I thought it's the best franchise ever. Then I built a PC and I struggled to finish XY, dropped halfway through ORAS, and couldn't even be bothered to start SM. I didn't even know that there are USUM until a few months ago.

Open world is terrible game design

how the fuck do people keep eating that shit? every game is literally the same shit over and over again and the concept of the game bases itself on grinding and rng, it's fucking horrible

Botw is shit and not a zelda game no matter how hard you meme.
>Inb4 triggered nintendie post THAT image


That Sup Forums is best board and runs this site

if we're talking about BotW here are all the unpopular opinions I have about it

>despite all the gushing about the movement I actually think its pretty shitty and doesnt feel that satisfying
>climbing and especially gliding make traversal way too easy and trivialize the landscape. mountains dont feel as significant as they do in other open worlds.
>the game doesn't even feel that interactive

I too wanna throw my botw memes
>climbing really does not matter, it's not some killer feature
>the interactivity of the world is very superficial

I really like BotW and think it's a great game

GTA V is barebones and has an uninteresting, badly designed world that you barely engaged in the campaign. There's no reason to explore the map and look for anything. The map is now an island for no reason and the circular highway kills any sense of exploration.

racing games are shit. Driving games need to come back

You will never realize how much I agree with these

He said unpopular opinions

BotW would be my least favorite 3D Zelda if Wind Waker didn't exist.

this but the same is true for every GTA and you are blinded by nostalgia if you think otherwise

Quake 1's single player is bad, it isn't even average, it's just straight garbage

And on Sup Forums that's an incredibly unpopular opinion

spirit tracks is fucking great

What is happening here?

No it's not. GTA IV had an accurate representation of New York that had land borders. Same as SA had an entire state that was a corner with land borders.

>What is Nintengaf

Hack'n'Slash games are terrible.

>I think Dragon Age Origins is Biowares best game

>The Final Fantasy series is like 90% trash

>SMT SJ & The Dark Spire are Atlus best games

>Pokemon peaked with Gen II

>F-Zero GX is the best racing game

I'm sure there's other stuff but can only think of those off the top of my head.

An unsubstantiated meme

blinded by nostalgia

Some NFS are great, what's even greater adding loli vinyls.

>This is Nintengaf's mindset

>land borders

....what? they are islands

Anno 2205 is comfy

>no argument
OK son

newer mario is too easy to be a good game for any adult
they are too easy and therefore feel like chores instead of platforming challenges

Tiny maps for very close range fights don't make a better map

Fighting games are shit and the fanbase is even worse

Dark Souls is a by the numbers dungeon crawler with a horrendously obnoxious fanbase

Only a small handful of games have done open world design right

Fighting games and RTS should just die
Probably a popular opinion though

>GTAIV had land borders
Take off those rose tinted glasses user...

walking sims and movie games can be totally fine

games are the interactive audiovisual experience, so it doesn't matter as long as it delivers that

The RTS genre is already slowly dying outside of the Total War/Civ series for the most part

how's it like giving up on everything that's a little bit hard at life?


STALKER games are a piece of shit, and i say this as someone who can handle old clunky obtuse games.


If it wasn't going to be destroyed immediately by EA, I'd love a Generals 2.






Video games don't need story.

Not an unpopular opinion here.

RTS is being replaced by MOBAs.

>hurr durr but they aren't the same, you see RTS is for intellectuals who-

Honestly user, video games are now being played by the vast majority of low IQ, corps aim for the money and not what people want, so it's only reasonable that the games are becoming dumber and aimed to brainlets instead of making a complex old school RTS.

Video games can't be judged objectively with a numerical score

ideally a video game is as short as possible

I agree. Playing it now got me bored.

>Metal Gear Solid 3 is not that great compared to 2
>Megaman X6 is okay, not bad or mediocre
>Motion Blur is okay sometimes, especially if the game is hardcapped at 30 FPS, that being said i prefer turning it off if i can play at +60 FPS
>The inclusion of LGBT characters is sometimes bad executed but it shouldn't bother you at all
>Dark Souls 2 is really shit, but i find the PVP super fun
>PC begging for ports is not a bad thing since it helps the preservation of games
>An excellent character creator can save a shitty game (ex. 2K WWE games)

Ok I was clearly mistaken. Regardless, IV map feels like a an interesting place I loved to explore.

Additional unpopular opinion: Trevor should've been the main character and the only playable one. Michael is a lame Tony Soprano rehash and Franklin is a non-entity that doesn't even have an ark. Trevor is an over the top edge lord but at least he's expressive and memorable.

All games are shit, reality is better.

Most of Sup Forums is more or less fine with walking simulators and artsy games as long as the game is old enough, like Yume Nikki

Pokemon has plodding, slow gameplay. It is shocking that anyone likes those games.

Games with RNG elements are absolute trash. This includes random drops.

The vast majority of WRPGs have better combat and gameplay than the vast majority of JRPGs.

There are many better "Metroidvanias" than Super Metroid, or anything else in the Metroid series. The Metroid games aren't bad, but they're also not great.

The last excellent console Nintendo made was the SNES. The Playstation and Saturn were better than the N64, and things have gone downhill from there.

If you play a multiplat game on any console when it's available for PC, you are trash and your opinion is shit. Everyone serious about games should play the optimal version, which is always PC (except in extremely rare cases when a console port is irreparably broken and can't be fixed with mods).

2 12 year olds give better blowjobs than 12 2 year olds.

why exactly do you hate fighters? I mean actual fighters to not melee.

I love graphics, I'm a graphics whore

BUT don't for the middle-ground, either get top of the line visuals or don't even bother trying, these half assed kind of okay looking games are wasting effort

Probably he sucks at them.

zelda is the most boring, overrated game franchise in the entire industry

its what i'm assuming but i'm curious non the less.

strong agree

Hollow Knight is a poorly paced and needlessly long game, as a result it's very dull and languid

hollow knight is a chore

oh shit waddap

A sports games are shit

Everyone agree's with this unless your tyrone or a europoor.

Maybe they think if they all take off their shirts she'll take hers off too.

That's not an unpopular opinion at all. It's just true. Zelda games are a bunch of slow-paced casual bullshit.

Western games have boring art design and music.

I hate thin flabby dudes more than fat dudes, for some reason it annoys me so much.

A thin dude can't be flabby. Those dudes are just fat.

>Playing Double Dash right now
>Forgot how hard and blatantly the AI cheats
Understandable. They literally work together, so it's like 1v7 and ignore the stats of their karts.

Typical souls fan

Honestly its seems like some kind of nationalist pride that drives people to "like" the game

All current fighting games are either bad or mediocre, including Dbfz. This gen of fighters is a boring snore fest.

Indivisible will fail regardless of it's quality.

Tank controls always sucked ass.

Arcade racers are more fun than driving Sims. A mix of both in the level of grid 1 is pretty good too.

GTA 5 was awful, at least Single player wise, it is the only GTA I finished once and never touched it again.

Ubisoft and EA threads should be banned from Sup Forums completely, even the mention of their games should 404 a thread since there's shitloads of marketeers and falseflaggers shitting up the board.

Console war faggotry also should be a insta ban. O know this doesn't sound unpopular but by the ammount of shitposting we get I would say anos who don't want console war shitposting are a minority.

kart racers really do blow and it's more of an unpopular fact than an opinion

what? You think people who praised it are born in ukraine, russia or whatever slavic shithole it was made in? No, STALKER SOC has some of the best atmosphere in games, exploring abandoned desolated places, going deep in shit in caves and underground systems filled with anomalies and mutants, that made for a great sense of dread. Only if recent horror games had half of Shadow of Chernobyl's atmosphere. Also great weapons and exploration.

>the original DOOM isn't good
>Gen 3 is the best pokemon generation
>Final Fantasy X and XII are dog shit
>The Last Guardian is better than Ico
>Persona 4 is the best persona game
>Sunshine is the best platforming mario game

I thought this nationalist shit but for witcher 3 and poland, it got to be poles who swear it's the best game ever

These threads are just a place for people to post their retarded, ignorant, simpleton opinions without having to defend them or actually think about them

half life 2 is overrated garbage

I really could not care less about "forced diversity" and I don't even see how it could impact anyone's enjoyment of a game unless they're extremely shallow or bigoted.

Round based combat is outdated shit that has no right to exist in this millennium.

then refute the ones you disagree with

why? it's basically strat based instead of reaction based, so it does offer something

Mainline nep games except are decent(except the originals).

fuck are you on about nigger? Soulsfags can't even into fighting games. The ironic ones of course.

I think it can be done well, Divinity Original Sin had a pretty good take on turn based combat. However it seems some japanese devs simply can't make a good turn based combat system even if their lives depended on it.

Portal is the only good fps

I think gaymin would be a lot better if devs focused on gameplay and performance over graphix