What did Microsoft mean by this?

What did Microsoft mean by this?

this thread is gonna evolve into Sup Forums shitposting, but I gotta say I like that design. really dig day of the dead aesthetics

They are fucking promoting their console with skins from popular shit, a tactic that was done ages ago what the fuck do you think they're doing, implanting some kind of neural transmiter meant to take over minds of children turning them into soyboys and SJWs
You fucking faggots can't embrace anything without calling it some kind of tinfoil shit, take your stupid fucking baits back to Sup Forums and Sup Forums and leave my vidya alone faggot

it means the console is, quite literally, dead.

la muerta...

It's an obvious promotional deal from disney to promote their new movie

Is there even a Coco game? What's the point of this?

>inb4 polfags will think this will turn children into mexicans

>not wanting pol shitposting
You have to go back

This is a right-wing activism website

Anime website, faggot

white genocide


No retard, anime website. Your kind is cancer and needs to fuck off.

haha, you are angry.

Fuck off


Fuck you faggot don’t make me suck your dick to prove it

yet it outsells the ps4 pro which is a fake 4k machine for casuals without knowledge, really make u think


Haha you can keep your garbage, the Switch is the one and only console that matters if you actually care about video games in 2018 onward.

Only in America, and then ps4 is capable of native 4k

I really want that controller.

Why don't more companies do stuff like this?

Let's be fair, a smaller amount of PS4 games support native 4k than Xbox right now.

anyone with common sense would know the Switch will not have a long life time due to its inferior hardware and downgraded ports, no devs will want to be anywhere near it in 2 years.

there are far more non anime boards than anime boards

>b- but my banners!
>b-b-but muh anime culture!

>the Switch will not have a long life time
>when it broke all the sales records you can think off everywhere in the world
lmao keep crying.

>30fps nudoom w/o snapmap
>50fps rocket league with DS tier graphics
>no MH world
>LA Noire unironically looks worse than its Ps3 counterpart
>NBA is selling well because switch fags lack of games

really make u think, you know what outsold other consoles too? cellphones. suck it up or stay in the denial, you don't need a diploma to understand hardware

>native 4k
on what? indies?

>he will never know the feeling of a shower of 9/10 exclusives all year long because muh hardware without any games.

Did you think you could just get away with tumblr-posting? Not on my fucking watch, shithead.

>he will never know the feeling of a shower of 9/10 exclusives all year long
I have a Switch and Mario/Zelda already came out, other than Kirby this console is already dead to me. I'm not going to buy indies I already own because "they're portable xDD" like an absolute retard, specifically not Nicalis's ones

>muh hardware
>muh 4k
>plays pixelated indieshit
the absolute madman

I mentioned indies because that's all the Switch have imo 4k is a meme I prefer ultrawide but Ps4 pro 4k's is false advertisement.

Sony does, but they cater to males who are named Coco.