Playing Total War

>playing Total War
>Surrounded unit refuses to fold
>Unit activity status is "Fighting to the Last Man"

What non-lewd vidya things activate your boner, Sup Forums

>turn based game
>MC is rumoured to have insane unmatchable power
>they never explain what it is
>one of the party almost gets killed
>MC goes absolute rage mode and unleashes his true power
>"New Passive Ability: This units turn does not end."

This doesn't exist.

Disgaea 5

>get to final chapter/boss/stage
>it's the name of the game

>'When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard' -Sun Tzu

Basically if you only do a 80-90% encirclement, some forces will l rout while others will stay. The result is disunity in the ranks. 100% encirclement leaves them zero choice but to stand and fight

>the "final" chapter is called the title of the game, "The Witch and the Hundred Knight"
>except it's not actually the final chapter, there's two more chapters in the proper ending
>finally get to the true final boss
>she says pic related
>fight the final boss
>"Objective: Defeat The Witch and the Hundred Knight!"

If i ever make an RTS game...

>units surrounded
>"to the last" causes units to stand the ground and not leave untill the enemy or they are dead.
>if you send support the status changes to "rally"
>if squad has been wiped out leaving only one status changes to "dead man" causing them to act suicidal and taking the rnemy with them usually via grenade suicide.

>side character dies
>MC goes berserk
all ability cooldowns removed

I feel like I would do so much better in total war games if I actually thought about my tactics.

>>Surrounded unit refuses to fold
>>Unit activity status is "Fighting to the Last Man"
>this saves your Stronghold and you get a Pyrrhic victory
>next round your support units arive and crush the remaining enemies

Doesn't this happen in the Banner Saga?

Tactics in Total War are rather simple if you're fighting AI. Just follow a few basic principles found throughout history

>Infantry are similar to pawns in Chess in that you use them to "pin" enemy forces in place and shift the field of battle
>Each unit is a resource that is in a state of either 'Available' and 'Unavailable'. Unavailable units are either dead, routed, or committed to a fight, hence why pinning key targets is useful
>Projectiles are useful
>Until guns came along, the Cavalry was every army's versatile sledgehammer that would crush foes from the flanks.
>Pick your battles. Only go for the juiciest fights where you can be guaranteed victory with minimal loss. Avoid unfavourable engagements and only take that fight if you are absolutely forced to.

Combine the Cavalry charge with the above Pinning maneuver, and you have what is known as the Hammer and Anvil Tactic that many an army has used time and again to decimate foes. This can win you about 80% of all fights against the AI

Gonna need sauce, brother.

This happened to me once in Rome Total War II, I had only four individual Pricipes survive an attack on a small, unwalled town after they decided to fight to the last man.
I couldn't reenforce it in time for the next round and everyone died in another attack

Oh shit, pleasantly surprised by this thread for once.

It's criminal how underappreciated TWatHK was. The actual gameplay was pretty bad though, and the save bug a nightmare for some.

Pretty much this.
And if you play FotS just get cannons for an easy win against anyone.

I had this a few times in Medieval 2 where I thought that the city was lost. Winning battles against bigger armies just with a few garrisions is awesome.

dunno lol

Disgaea 5

I held basically all my castles in fall of the samurai by taking the generic 30 acc musket men, pulling them slightly back from the battlements and having them firing squad enemies climbing up the battlements

Ended the game with dozens of high chevron musket infantry with like 60-70 accuracy

You mean these guys?
I always tend to use Line Infantry everywhere.

>pulling them slightly back from the battlements and having them firing squad enemies climbing up the battlements
Always thought they have to stand directly at the wall to shoot. I have to test this the next time I play.

tank skills that resolve around "fuck you i'm too angry to die"

WAR blackguard "fuelled by hate" fits this. was a self heal on a tank fuelled by getting hit

>Low health activates double damage