I'm going to go kill myself right now! SEE YA!

>I'm going to go kill myself right now! SEE YA!

Other urls found in this thread:


I can't believe he took that girls ring, she really wanted it.

Pally shit never drops!

He got a ring in 'ere last night.

Can you guys leave?
I came to this thread to be alone.

50 dkp minus!

did he died?

Did he drop your pants?


>dragon kill point point minus

Okey, serious question what the fuck is the wow thread invasions recently? There is always 2-3 wow thread all the time, you guys can't find vg of what?



Excuse me. How da heck is dis?

>you guys can't find vg of what?
/wowg/ is a hugbox and /wpsg/...I don't even know what the fuck that is anymore other than sheer shitposting.

balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls

/wowg/ is unsalvagable in its current state

>joins new guild in front of them as his hearthing
its a fucking classic.


Was it autism?

better version


have you ever been to that board?
you don't talk about the games there

This is why I will never raid.

I like this one because of he's a dumb frog.


> g-g-g-g-gget rid of him gg-g-g- get rid of him right now

>do a raid you can solo with viewers
>expects them to not ninja
full on retard

I fuck man ass?

imagine getting this mad at videogames

This is great.


This guys a diiiiick. Who wants to play with that guy?

Be honest Sup Forums what would you have done in the priest's position?

I think I would have curled up in a corner and cried. I can't stand people getting mad at me and much less calling me out on how much I suck at videogames. Combining both would be disastrous.

just leave the guild and be done with that shit

I would go and make a sandwich while this autist rages at nothing for about 10 minutes then come back and see if he calmed down.

I'd have left as soon as the guy started acting like a fucking chimpanzee and then proceed to stew in my own anger for a week

Instantly leave as he began to rage, then never associate myself with him or his friends again. I don't care to stick around bad people

I suck cock all day just because l like it so much

Probably be taken aback and realize maybe this guy isn't really fun to play with, then leave.

I would start insulting his character as a person. He is obviously a shit person. I would a burned him to the ground. Then left the raid and guild.

>mfw priest guy was new and inexperienced so he couldn't rationally explain to his dipshit raid leader that you're suppose to fucking smite as Discipline Priest

I would have just said have fun being a sperg then /gquit

tell him to shut the fuck up, call him a faggot and leave when he's in the middle of his tangent. i personally have no idea what's going in that video though. did the priest actually fuck up? if he fucked up then the situation is slightly different. the raging faggot is still a faggot though

Told him its just a game bro.

>"f-fuck you.. f-f-faggot..." [while scrambling to type in /gquit]

>did the priest actually fuck up?
No, raid leader just doesn't know how to play Priest so talks shit lmao.


>implying I would be able to hear him over the music I have blasting whenever I'm playing WoW

>This manchild was a sergeant in the US military



/wowg/ does not talk about the game
it's a thread centered around a bunch of shitposting socially deprived head cases jerking each other off.
when you wanna talk about the game you are told to go to reddit or somthing,
all they do is post the same Vore, scat, large women, footfag, fart, piss, midget, hypotise, and avatar faggot pictures in every thread that's it
over and over again


/wowg/ has been flooded with hypnognomes for the past few days


psychological projection

Probably because it wasn't real. His reaction is incredibly forced.

They went to circlejerk on discord.
Someone told me their recent adventure apparently just ended, they went on a new x1 or x2 wotlk server to only kill ONE (1) boss at Naxx after hours of raiding.

>blood legion
>best guilds in the US
Luh mao, classic amerimutt hordefags.

>Make a mistake and own up to it
>Get yelled at because I didn't own up to it apologetically enough
Just don't give them what they want, which is to freak out and get equally as emotionally invested. Instead let them sperg out and move on with the raid or quit. Past situations where I've seen this happen, it was the one who lost their grip who looked like a tard to everyone else.

Leave the guild

>Normal person
Try and explain why you fucked up

>Smart person
Take your scolding and say it won't happen again

Preemptively disconnect your router whenever you think you're about to fuck up and reconnect 3 minutes later and say it's storming outside before apologizing

Reminds me of youtube.com/watch?v=1NbBpp90coQ


>Take your scolding and say it won't happen again

Why are WoW fags completely insufferable?

They're casuals in denial who think that because they fail simple mechanics, the game is hard and they're actually hardcore for progressing through it.

>i..i didn't fuck up it's you guys!
Honestly all anyone wants is to kill this shit and if you're fucking it up for everyone because you suck cock you have to sort your shit out. Good players never need to have these arguments because they have their shit together. If he can't simply explain what he's doing what he's doing and why it's better than what he's being asked then he's a fuckup.


This shit happens in top guilds, they're not for you if you can't take criticism. Leader wouldn't have raged if the guy didn't try to justify himself by spilling spaghetti. These people are not your friends, you either get good or get replaced.

Blizzard made LFR for people who just want to take the game at their own pace.

it's just a video game lol

What a fucking fruitcake

>autistic sperg rage

pick one

I've never been on the receiving end because I don't fucking suck. I'll reiterate, if you can't defend your position and instead just try and get into a shouting match with the guy trying to fix the problem, you're a fucking faggot and nobody in the guild will like you.

He didn't rage from the very start, only when the shitter started defending himself.

>t. never been to a good guild
The most shocking part of that video wasnt the turbo autist, you get a ton of those in the game. It was the fact that nobody else fucking told him to shut it and pull again l mean how much dick riding is going on in the background geez.
>l-l'm sorry Jamal l will spread my ass wider for you next time.

>Be Riggnaros
>Be an actual screamer who still doesn't know how Disc Priest works

>autist doesn't know how disc priest works
>gets mad at priest for using a core rotation spell
>priest has to explain how his class works because the fucking raid leader doesn't understand it
>raid leader sperg rages

yes 100% justified

He saw a guy sitting constantly at the bottom of the heal meters and asked what's up.

Gee, it's almost like a few million people play the game, and we're in the middle of a pre-expansion datamining season. Wonder why everyone's discussing WoW.

You need to define good guild. I used to raid with hardcore guilds, these are not laid back environments where people walk on eggshells to criticize you. I'm not defending that guy, I'm just saying these guilds aren't for everyone.

>and asked what's up.
And instead of being calm and behaving like an adult he threw a tard rage, and dumbfucks like you defend him for it. WoW community is a joke.

This is how top guilds work. I witnessed worse. This is not representative of the whole wow community at all.

I miss autistic WoW

Why not just play a good game?

Good either get better or get the fuck out and stop wasting everyone elses time. In reality you wouldn't have even gotten an interview.

there's a way of actually going about it than shouting like a fucking autist for nearly 10 minutes straight, fucking americunts

>tfw I found a guild of cool guys who raid mythic efficiently and are really chill and fun
>Many of the players are top-10 in US or world for their class
>They end up transferring servers and then breaking up a few months later because another guild poached them

I miss you, Connor.

You wouldn't talk back to your boomer boss would you? This is their job after all. It's 100% serious. And you bet that boomer is going to explode on your face if you are lazy and don't do your job properly.

>stop wasting everyone elses time.
you're doing content in a game that will be 100% obsolete in another expansion. who cares?

Raiding efficient is different from competing for first kills, I hope people realize that. When you raid 5 hours every day and you keep hitting a wall because the same guy keeps fucking up over and over you'd react like that guy too.

>not being self-employed in the current year
You really are a cuck.

he was too strict I saw a stream back in jtv and you can't joke at all, but then again you join a top 3 guild, what do you expect

>real life analogy for video games
every time.

>s-self emblod
lmao dude you're a neet

Yes. The raid leader doesn't know shit.

See how he brings up ego there? He's projecting. The RL has a massive, unchecked ego.

I believe that this man was in the military, he's certainly meatheaded enough.

Wouldn't you have realized much sooner that there was something wrong instead of just repeating the same thing over and over? Didn't they have people advising each other? Seriously you play 2 hours you can see what's going around you, unless you go on automatic all that time ignoring everything.

>but then again you join a top 3 guild

I hope the girl that says this thinks about how retarded she sounded everyday


>buhu the mean internet person yelled at me

>interactions between real people in a multiplayer game don't occur in real life


Keep freaking out over video games you autist.

>Meaningless content in a video game is equivalent to a real life job where you get paid