Just end the franchise already.
Just end the franchise already
gohan calvo when
Wish granted
Fite me.
toei are pimping DB worst than what Disney are doing with Marvel.
>we actually got Goku Blanco
Toei made pic related.
The fully white haired one was Toriyama's idea.
>esto es el fin, Jiren
>it's fucking real
I swear they read that mexican shit and simply copy it becuase they're too bloody devoid of own ideas.
The white haired one is fully mastered Ultra Instinct, the one in the your picture is half mastered.
Toriyama only came up with the fully white haired one.
Or maybe "this is the end" is just an incredibly generic sentence that's used in a fuckload of movies and shows, which is why that sentence became a meme associated to this.
Why do people act like this is meme magic when Toriyama already said he wanted to use white hair?
Yeah, crazy Mexicans predicted Goku would fight the antagonist, how did the madmen know?
Toriyama is a hack
the meme became real with the wrong character
And they made up that half-mastered version themselves. Toriyama only intended UI to have the white-haired version. It's just Toei doing whatever the fuck they want, as usual.
Mastery is mastery, you can't say it's only half.
>Anyone that isn't Vegeta, Goku or the current big bad
>Getting a powerup
Saiyan form with fabulous gradient rainbow hair when?
You told him, user. DB doesn't have a track record of this shit.
Do you have anything to back that up? For all we know UI Omen could show up in the manga too.
could be real
Toriyama is a fucking hack.
Maybe in 2020 when a new series starts.
Yes you can.
3~4 years after Toriyama says he wants to do one, so people forget he ever said it and attribute them making the form to them ripping off all the fanart that spawned from him saying he wants to do it.
Well, SSJ "Broly" Yamcha, a mastery is actually composed of 3 parts.
When you first master the technique, then you HOLD the technique and in the end you really master it.
DB will never be good wholesome action shonen people want it to be. It will always be the platform for simple powers transformations and fights being all about who can launch the bigger energy beam that can supposedly disintegrate solar system but is someone restricted into being solely distributed into the supposedly supreme shock-absorber of a target.
You come up with a new villain who can block the entire cast with his pinky, have them go to training for 2 years in supernatural environments, activate a new power form for Goku and Vegeta and go back and kick the villains shit in before he activates his special transformation, jobs Vegeta and has a final show down with Goku.
Then you have the fans sit around speculate different power combinations and jerk off to the idea of old villains coming back with new plausible transformations.
This is DB, a power level opiate where fights are just scream blasts energy that are allegories for will power with no tech, planning or intelligence.
>he didn't accumulate speed for 12 seconds in the hyperbolic time chamber
It very well could since the manga and anime borrow shit from each other constantly, like how Goku started using SSG all the sudden after he did so in the manga, but there is no design sheet for UI Omen at all, only the actual version.
nd who fucked up our prince?
Base Ultra Instinct was perfect.
His subtle and silent activation of it against Jiren in the most recent episode was a fantastic moment.
I can't believe they ruined it by making him Goku Blanco.
Who hasn't?
>end it
>when the memes are becoming real
But the good part starts now
what's the next color?
That's Bardock tho
>Nazo was Migatte no Gokui Sonic all along
Isnt that gif Bardock though?
Being a Vegetafag is suffering
>DB will never be good wholesome action shonen people want it to be
Except it has been for almost 30 years now.
I still can't believe goku blanco is real. Has there ever been a case of meme magic this big?
la forma blanco..........
>Super Sayan God LGBT+
Sup Forums memed Trump into the white house
Sup Forums reenacted the opening of TDKR.
orange, should be happening just about next episode judging from the pace at which they're revealing them now
last episode will reveal 6 new forms
You retard
Can someone explain these memes to me? Why are we making up all these spanish fake names for DBZ characters?
Of course it's real; Toriyama said it would be after Resurrection F. The only thing stopping him was his idea for Zamasu, so as soon as he was out of the way, it was only a matter of time.
>Super is actually worse than GT
I want off this timeline.
That ended with the cell arc.
Thing is the memes just became real
Do you remember Vegeta's and Nappa's color change or Super Buu's eyes and mouth color change?
>Super is so shit that it's already ending
Except it didn't.
inb4 >b-but I didn't like it
I take it that you haven't seen the webm yet, where the reveal is extremely identical to the fanmade spic animation. It was way too similar to be taken as coincidence
Mexican fandom of DB is the absolute worst one. They also love Gohan to an insane amount for some reason.
Leading into the ToP, Gohan had a moment where he said he's aiming for a new form that nobody has seen. The entirety of Mexico interpreted this as a confirmation that he'll get Super Saiyan White.
>you really master it
He wasn't there when people where so starved for new DB, that AF became a thing.
No it's not
Is there a single vidya character that could defeat him?
But are they the ones who made up all this fanfiction this whole time? Also it seems they are actually making this stuff canon now?
>They also love Gohan to an insane amount for some reason.
The mark of a false flagger, that meme started in Sup Forums, insecure faggots using Mexico as a scape goat for everything they did not like in the franchise.
Gohan has been seen as joke ever after Buu in Mexico, it's the gringos who love Gohan and even think he ever had a chance to be the MC. Goku is god around here.
>It was way too similar to be taken as coincidence
Because the clips in the webm were specifically cut and rearranged to mirror each other. It's not coincidence, but it's also not proof of anything other than the extreme levels of autism at work in the Sup Forums threads.
A good chunk of them were just people fucking around, but if you see one that comes across as unironic, you can bet it was a spic.
Galactic annihilator Flim-Flam after consuming the life force of Scrappy.
Every Mexican I have ever met liked either Gohan or Vegeta the most, no exceptions.
aren't they just taking a break
I hope the next Dragon Ball series follows the fucking manga this time.
Jiren is an unlikeable asshole with a generic backstory that makes him participating in the tournament hypocritical as all fuck.
>austists meme'd gohan blanco
>goku blanco happens
Remember when Goku wanted to pass the torch to the new generation
Remember when Vegeta got over his obsession to surpass Goku and decided to be a family man
Remember when DB had actual villains
Remember when characters used techniques and not just different colored beams or gimmicks
Remember when the Z fighters actually had gains
Remember when Videl had a personality
Remember when the characters actually looked their age and not like teenagers
Remember Goten
Remember Launch
I member
Why is this news for anyone? Toriyama stated right after Golden Freeza, that he intended to make SSGSS white, but blue was a better contrast to Freeza's golden skin. Then he said he'd come up with a new purpose for the white color, which, I guess, was meant to be Goku Black but then they kept changing their plans until now.
Their fanboyism is hilarious then.
You're alone on this on buddy has a point. The action is good, but I feel the choreography for the fights dropped after cell. DBS doesn't compare to the fights in DBZ
>I've been living a lie
Sure you can. Someone with a blue belt in karate would be semi mastered in the discipline. The black belt would be full mastery.
'pebble in shoe' Ed Black
What the fuck went wrong bros?
You mean the fanmade spic animation that ripped and altered scenes directly from DBZ? That animation?
>Remember when Videl had a personality
Jesus, this. She's not even Videl anymore
Chicanos do not count, we grew up along with Goku, from DB to GT and now Super.
It's muricans who love Gohan because they started with DBZ and got the idea Goku was just the father of the MC
>Sup Forums memed Trump into the white house
People actually believe this ? He won because people hated hillary too much. It the exact same reason why TRUEDAU of all people won
You were born autistic.
>Dragon Ball anime was incredibly cheap to localize so most countries including many third world countries had a dub.
>Mexicans absolutely loved DBZ and their fixation of powerlevels caused the Sup Forums-meme where people who fantasize about things like Super Sayian God Cell are called Pedro.
>Mexican anime community is decades behind the western community and certain immature or so called "gaia online" behavior is apparent with most of their forums
>Things like DBZ forums and fan sites being plastered with OC characters and transformations the site creators think were worth showing off to people; where a respect for the canon is tarnished with a powerful urge to spout fan fiction and fan art.
>A result of this culture is Mexicans fans love to "leak" fake shit pretending it's real and there are multiple youtube videos of people posting blatantly fake shit like El Hermano (Jiren's "leaked" Brother)
>Sup Forums thinks the culture is hilarious and starts to make fun of Mexican fan theories such as Grand Priest being the final Villain or Gohan Blanco
>They throw in random characters like Shaggy based on all those "cross over" memes to distort and mock the fan theories of Mexicans
Also, the fixation on Gohan Blanco is because Mexicans really love Gohan. It is true that in the Cell Saga Toriyama was considering having Gohan take in reigns of Goku as the main character but this was quickly decided against. For some reason Mexicans never got over it and are really into the idea that this will still happen. I'm not exactly sure if it's a cultural thing like the son surpassing the father or what. Either way, they all really believed Gohan would enter a white haired sayian form to surpass Goku.
DLC char soon:
>el Grande padre
>gohan calvo
>shaggy verde
The choreography always goes to shit when you have to add crap to extend episodes to wait for a new chapter.
just bought xenoverse 2 in the steam sale after enjoying dbfz since launch but wanting more
did i fuck up?
Gohan vs Super Buu, except Jiren is in place of Buu. Bravo Mexicans
challenge accepted
>remember launch
>remember when videl had a personality
It's like some crazy muslim says they are gonna bomb the USA, and then people start memeing and then he actually bombs it and then LOLS MEME MAGIC IS REAL XD
>Based Maijin Buu does nothing
>Based Gotenks does nothing
>Based Piccolo loses to A FUCKING BUG
>All Chadhan did was sacrifice himself to knock off the number three
Atleast Vegeta killed the Lorax.
You're dumb and you know it. DBZ fell into a rut after Frieza. There are elements of old Dragonball still in the show, but it is limited. Buu being able to turn people into snacks, Gotenks and his ghost power, etc.
But Super is constant pallet swaps and "Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan!" shit.
I'm just sad they didn't save UI until right now. Revealing it early (and using it AGAIN on some fucking mook instead of the big bad), totally takes the climax out of it. Which is sad, because the first intro of UI was kino.
>just bought xenoverse 2 in the steam sale after enjoying dbfz since launch but wanting more
>did i fuck up?
Why ? It's like giving up a free buffet for an 100 $ big mac.
Toriyama is a hacking fuck.
If you wanted it for another fighting game, you fucked up big.
If you just want more Dragon Ball, you're in good hands. Just don't expect deep gameplay.
To be fair every single capeshit movie makes me cry after seeing TDK. Well except for Man of steel