What went wrong?
What went wrong?
everything after first gen
Le evil teams maymay
I really hope they're doing something new with the Switch game
Isn't Nintendo forcing GF to do what they want because of how much shares they own?
>We could do the same forever.
Nothing, judging by how it's surpassed Star Wars in recent years
It's just furshit at this point
That's a sexy dragon tbqh famalam.
It should have stopped by gen 3
Sun & Moon barely even had an evil team. Team Skull were hardly villains at all; Lusamine was the real villain in the original SM, and the closest USUM has to an antagonist is Necrozma itself.
The passion to make good games died out after gen 5. Now they're just focused on shitting out the toy that will catch the average nip kids attention as fast and frequently as possible.
The only hope this franchise has is in the hands of another developer but even then, they wouldn't be allowed to make new pokemon so you could say there really is zero hope.
If I had to pick one fundamental flaw that's holding back the series though, it would be the insistence on bringing all previous pokemon from past games onto the next one. It just adds more of a workload for each gen and prevents them from adding any more depth to the newer pokemon.
Too much focus on story and dialogue, too much gating and hand-holding.
Too focused on pandering to Gen 1.
They kept making it after it stopped being a fad.
>He says when the most heavily shilled character this generation is not even a Pokemon, but a human girl
It's just a huge RNG simulator. That's how it went wrong.
Nothing, Ultra Sun has been great fun. 300 hours in, and I just went 18-3 with my trick room VGC team.
Incompetent Dev team. They're like Sonic Team but sucessful
Realized they can just coast on their name alone, and fanboys will eat up whatever they do.
>forgetting fucking Lucario
>who was shilled the gen before and every gen afterwards
Nah, but a good runner up
GameFreak stopping giving a fuck after Gen V.
Taijiri made an innovative first game then a bunch of corporate suits formed the Pokemon company and sucked the well dry.
Ask /vp/
>Gen 7 in high tier
>GF stopped giving a fuck
The only things gen 6 has on gen 7 are secret bases, PSS and dexnav.
>SM/USUM in High
Everything is so good yet that's disgusting
why did people hate x and y
besides the fact that I despise the french, I thought the pool of pokemon available were cool.
Not perfect, but agreeable for the most part
C'mon, you KNOW Diamond/Pearl should go in Shit and ORAS in average.
>the entire generation in one single tier
>not a problem
t. retard
The region was pretty bland, the gyms were braindead, the postgame was nonexistent. I liked Friend Safari though, and the online was the best we had at that point.
The Pokemon Company was formed so that Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures wouldn't all need to hire separate lawyers and such for the Pokemon brand
Pokemon is owned by three separate companies, and The Pokemon Company only exists to simplify tings.
Shitty team
Shitty friends
Annoying cutscenes
Boring towns
Lack of postgame (weakest since in almost 10 years)
Lucario shilling
Even more Kanto shilling
It paved the ground work for other games (Fashion and PSS)but it was pretty terrible once you get past "Pokemon in 3D"
Nintendo owns creatures and in effect owns Pokemon.
USUM should be between high and god tier
otherwise this list is fine
Oh yeah and pets were literally unfinished like this route with many events just skipped over and moved to ORAS.
Also just general pacing and trying to balance the game around the exp all so poorly
But they do not own Game Freak.
Nintendo owns 2/3rds of the Pokemon brand, Game Freak owns the other 1/3rd.
Gen 7 was the final nail in the coffin, the gen was so bad that it killed my enjoyment of Pokemon in its entirety.
It was Star Wars for 6 year olds in the 90's. Yes Red/Blue, i.e. the initial piece of media that sparked the cultural wave was pretty good, but it was dwarfed by the rest of the phenomenon, TV shows, movies, cards and all that other colorful matter.
Not unlike pumping out a Star Wars every year, each one of the later gens have things that are better and objectively improved upon, but they don't re create that initial experience. So naturally, any player will feel like something is missing, that really isn't. In something that basically is and has always been just a standard RPG.
>Even more Kanto shilling
Let's elaborate:
>whoa is that a pidgey!? ain't that nostalgic?
>whoa it's viridian forest remember this?!
>wow pikachu says it's name now! just like the anime!!
>here have a kanto starter with a megastone! Don't worry they're the only starters sans blaziken to have megas
>by the way we know you most likely love charizard so we gave him TWO megas!
>uh oh there's a snorlax blocking your way, feeling a case of deja vu eh?
>whoa you can see your freebie lapras when you surf with it, feeling nostalgic yet?!
>what's that? you want more legends other than the main trio? don't worry we got you, have some KANTO LEGENDS! we'll even make them super easy to get for you
>don't worry we know mewtwo is also a fan favorite so we also gave it TWO megas!
Honestly never seen a case of callbacks being this shallow in any other game.
they turned a monster collecting rpg into a story-based jrpg that also has monster combat, sorta.
the girls are still good, but holy shit the games got worse.
fpbp fuck
You forgot the huge selection of monsters
I literally bought Red on release day after getting the Nintendo Power VHS in the mail, and I liked Sun and Moon a lot. I don't think there's anything 'wrong'. The only gens I didn't like were 5 and 6.
>He hasn't caught them all
3d ended the series.
I need to recreate my living dex after losing it a couple years ago.
>likes the two worst games in the series
>waiting on more Mew, Manaphy, and Diancie givaways
I finished my first national dex in gen 5, though, and did regional dex in gens 1, 3 and 4.
I have a Celebi code from Silver 3DS but have yet to input it because I don't even want to start up Pokemon Sun due to how much I hated it.
You grew up
Kids playing Sun & Moon today have the same feeling that we had playing Red & Blue back in the day
Just install Crystal.
I disagree. I played XY before BW2 and found BW2 infinitely more fun
The multiplayer has improved to the point where I'm addicted to the online double battles. The single player however, is a hit or miss. Gen 4 and 6 sucked but i really enjoyed gen 5 and gen 7.
The fact that you made this thread you putrid shit-stain.
The lack of change in the core gameplay is the thing holding them back.
The simple turn-based combat is good for little kids, but for returning fans it's boring as shit. I'd assume the reason there is a lot of Gen 1 fans is because they enjoyed the gameplay the FIRST time playing a pokemon game.
I'd be willing to wager that most fans now only care about the story or Pokemon and not on the actual gameplay because its the same shit.
Competitive battling has drastically evolved and still gets changes every generation, both entirely new mechanics and little tweaks.
Change for the sake of change is cancer, though. I don't want them to switch to a different, real time battle system (at least not in the maingames) to appeal to people who don't even like Pokemon. Doubles is fun as fuck.
GF literally doesn't have to do shit since the brand itself prints money
The actual gameplay has only got better as the series progressed. It's one of the few things GF has done at least a decent job of improving every gen.