Nearly march already

>nearly march already
>$968 of $1000 games budget unspent
why are there only a few decent games released per year? I don't even play that much anymore and I'm still left with long periods of boredom between releases

>buying games

>playing games

you budget video games for the year?

>spending $12,000 a year on video games
you are truly disgusting if that is true

At times like that, I usually scan through /vg/ and dig up info on games/series/genres that I'm interested in. That's gotten me into the Rainbow Six and Vermintide years ago, and the Endless 4x series more recently.

Yes. Its not set in stone but I have certain amounts for each of my hobbies to try and stick to
$1000 is the annual budget

why is that disgusting?

I think he spends $1000 a year. We're almost 1/6 through and he's only spent $32.

Because good devs are going bankrupt and bad devs are moving to "games as service" models where they just release DLC for a shitty multiplayer game forever.

Do you only play AAA titles as they get released or what?

Curious what you've bought

>his "games budget" is only $1000
Stop working at McDonalds

Agreed, /vg/ is a really good place to come up with new vidya. So far there aren't many 2018 releases that interest me, but I've got a decent backlog still so I'm probably not gonna run out of games to play soon.

Finish your backlog, you piece of shit

>Agreed, /vg/ is a really good place to come up with new vidya.
Wrong, it's an atrocious den of circlejerkers that does not belong on the site. Also stay there.

>Fiscal responsibility is a bad thing
Kill yourself credit card trust Fundy

I'm fiscally responsible but can afford to invest, have a hefty emergency fund, live, and spend more than $1000 a year on video games. Stop being poor nigger.


I have taken to just buying whatever shit is on sale on me Xboner and giving it a whirlygiggle

Oh I don't browse /vg/. Thread links/pastebins and directed questions are very useful for determining whether or not a game is worth a buy though

Start retro collecting; that cash will dry up in an instant. I recommend the Sega Saturn.


what else is there this year? don't care about spiderman

If you're spending even $1000 on video games a year, you're a fucking retard.

t. 26-year-old with $110k in savings

>In savings
Don't know how to invest? You're losing my bro

You say that like it's a bad thing. ;_;

>God of War
>The Last of Us: Vaguely Nordic Edition

I pray every day for Ace Combat

No need to justify yourself, that guy is just a parroting tool. For many active games /vg/ is the best place to get info and discussion.

It's only meme singleplayer games with autistic followings you should be wary off.

>games budget

They blew their load last year.

Games industry has been ass for a good few years now, what rock have you been living under?
Just pirate everything

Do you not budget?

First half of the year always sucks. If you were a publisher that wanted to make money this is the time to release but no they're all fucking idiots and release everything in the holiday season and compete for peanuts.

>Spending over 1000 a year on video games
This is not a money issue, this is a disgusting blob issue.

Who the fuck buys more than 10 games a year? It's not about being able to afford it, it's about being the kind of freak who will seriously play all that crap. Do you literally buy EVERYTHING that comes out, goddamn.

Legitimately what are you spending more than a grand on each year? Do you buy like every single console revision and limited edition that comes out?

You listen to Sup Forums far too much if you think there aren't dozens of good games released already.

This, I probably buy more games than that if you count little indie titles or steam ports of old shit I like but how the fuck do you come even near 1000$ just for games in a year?

No, I know how to spend my money wisely.

uhh... like budgeting or something?

So.. you budget

If I tell you what games/consoles I got last year you're just going to do the thing you faggots always do where you go

If hardware is part of the budget then that can use up a lot of that

user, I'm legitimately curious on how you managed to spend more than a grand on video games in one year and what you bought with it.

Tomb Kings and some indie game I can't even remember
I have plenty more money but I don't see any need or reason to spend more on this hobby. I have budgets for water sports, photography, shooting and travel too

my 2018 list
>also bannerlord
fuck video games seriously

Building a decent PC

...this has to be bait

OP here. $1000 doesn't include hardware. I spent $4k on my new desktop and desk at the end of last year

People are bitching about this, but it makes perfect sense.

>I don't diet, I just don't feel the need to eat tons of sugary garbage

You don't need to plan with your money or really worry about it at all unless you're just a massive trainwreck who just buys shit all the fucking time.

inb4 >food anologies

I need to plan with my money because my income is finite, I have large savings goals for education but I still want to enjoy myself

I'm a neetbux

How do you get neetbux? So, SO many of you faggots seem to just skate by for free, which I don't understand, I never saw the pathway to such a life.

Why the fuck are college liberals always bitching and moaning about a universal basic income when it turns out we already have it? I wish I could just be a lazy slob instead of having to go to work 5 days a week.

family neetbux

As a former long time neet I could never go back. Even with the finest european autismbux you're living like shit

last year all I bought was Kekken, botw, mk8, and mario. This year is MHW and DBZF so far

There are more games than just the latest releases

>vita 3.61+ soon™
>3DS blown wide open, GBA games natively supported and with a flashcart, all DS games are too
>switch will be hacked within the year
>Ps4 hacked up to 4.05, still developing too
>ps3 fully piratable if you don't have cuck model
>psp, wii, wii U all softmoddable and by extension all Gamecube and PS1 games natively playable
>with a little investment, PS2 and OG Xbox can play backups
>dreamcast fully piratable on for almost two decades
>snes, n64, gameboy, and nes can all get flashacarts
>for almost anything these missed, you can emulate on a toaster
All you need to consider in your budget is the hardware itself. Invest in that and you'll never have to spend money on software again.

More like
>Do you limit your intake?

Not like that, I just figure out how mu h disposable money Ive got and go with my gut feeling if Im comfortable spending it on the given thing. Granted Im a salesman so my income could be drastically different from one moment to the next. Made 1500 on a sale and treated myself to something I wanted.

Key word is LIMIT.

You do not need to limit your intake (Of food.) or output (Of money.) unless you have a problem. I won't even say it just takes self-control, since that isn't a factor. There are some people who just don't have the urge to waste money on dumb shit, and there are some people who quite seriously lack the compulsion to chug 3 gallons of soda a day. Shocking, I know.

I've spent probably close to $300 (AU) already this year. Some notable purchases include Monster Hunter, GuP: Dream Tank Match and MG Survive

how long did you neet for?

In the US if you get a doctor to diagnose you with anxiety or depression you're eligible for $750 a month in SSI, $200 a month in SNAP (a special credit card that can only be spent on food), up to $600 a year in heating grants depending on what state you live in and free low tier health insurance

Ironically all that shit goes away if you get a job

That is called self-control. People with higher self-control also may have higher perspective. You are programmed to find high fat or calorie dense foods enjoyable or tasty. You use self-control and conditioning to limit your intake. Just because some people are so far beyond that point they don't have to actively think about how they limit themselves doesn't mean they don't do so. Some people don't sit down and write out a budget (I don't), but that doesn't mean they still don't budget internally. What you're trying to describe is not desiring something, which is completely fucking different.

Read my lips: You do not need self-control to stop yourself from doing something you DO NOT want to do!

Fuck you're a tard, and I'm honestly starting to think your view on this is colored by a personal animus about this.

>What you're trying to describe is not desiring something
Which leads to a lack of a need to regulate your behavior on that subject. If you don't want to by useless garbage, you do not need to restrict yourself from buying useless garbage. It's never a factor in the first place, which is something you aren't making the connection with.

"I can't buy that." is way, WAY fucking different than "I don't want to buy that."

On/off for 3 years with the longest period being 11 months straight. I was getting very depressed , bored out of my mind and self worth was non existent. Boredom was the worst though and I couldn't get any enjoyment out of anything anymore. Couldn't afford to eat well or do much outside

hah, I'm neeting for 10 years already you're no way a "long-time" neet

Read the conversation, retard.
>Do you not budget
>No, I know how to spend my money wisely
Which has ZERO to do with not desiring something but everything to do with intention. You're on a video game board gloating about not desiring video games. Do you not see that the nuance of your argument doesn't fucking exist?

3 years is a long time to be neet. You're just the fatness equivilent of a 600lb crane required trainwreck

>only recent game purchases were ports of old games to the PC and some indie titles.

>Dead Rising 1
>Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
>Kero Blaster

pc gaming is a fucking joke, there's nothing good to play

why do you think I'm fat, angryman?

I don't, that wasn't the point

i think my last purchase was either rabi ribi dlc or hollow knight

doubt you even have a point, you illiterate joke

>want to buy some games during the chink newyear sale on steam
>too tired last night to browse, figure eh fuck it ill do it tomorrow night
>have to work, tired again
>the sales over

this happens like every sale for me now.

Alright angryman, the point was that just because you are the worst case scenario, doesn't mean there aren't lessers on the scale that are still very bad.

who said anything about the worst case scenario you pathetic cucklet?
don't project your sad-story bullshit on me, my life is fucking great
you're the one who probably had to get the "equivilient" of a janitor job so he feels his "purpose"

It's similar but not exactly the same thing.

Your eating habits can indeed be influenced by having a healthy relationship with your body, like knowing when you are sated or actually craving healthy food out of impulse.

If you unconciously budget your money though, that either means you are a quite satisfied person or your parents hammered it into your head how to not be an idiot with money.

Why are you so angry?

yup, there's fucking nothing, unirocally bought WoW on the last patch in January and put about 24 hours then quit. Last exclusive I bought was csgo 3 years ago

>thread is basically financial discussion


I write down which games I'm interested in, and I usually end up only buying, out of a list of maybe 12-20 games, 3-4 at launch, and maybe 8-12 in total, per year. I put money aside for the games and get them when I have enough.
This year I've only bought MHW, and I plan on getting either Bayo 1 or 2 before Kirby comes out in March. Aside from that I don't have a whole lot else to look forward to until May/E3.
But like other anons have pointed out, my 3DS, shitty toaster and Chromebooks can emulate a lot of shit, so it's a good thing I've filled my backlog with retro games I haven't played yet.

Also you can get your rent 90% discounted with Section 8, but you have to be black to get it

Its obviously intended to get recommendations or info on upcoming games this year

>we're almost 1/6th through 2018

Jesus wept

good job guy, stack up them VTSAX

budgeting is for casuals. once you're competent you can effortlessly save 50%+ of your income without any real planning, so a budgeting exercise is pointless.

How can you completely lack reading comprehension yet call him the illiterate

What a ridiculous statement. It depends entirely on the amount of disposable income

that's casual thinking unless you're a useless minimum wage employee. at median or better incomes it's not hard at all.

M&B: Bannerlord

Even with a decent starting income, most young people are paying around 60% of their income to rent and student loan repayments alone.

investing is for people who aren't happy enough with their wealth and feel the need to gamble it on the stock market to get even more

steam sales. I blow $3000 to $5000 per sale plus TF2 hats

>have extremely narrow tastes in games
>complain about how there are barely any good video games

You guys really need to stop doing this.

For what?

MMOs, new fifas, new FPS

this year alone I've spent $2000 on fortnite microtransactions and another 4 large on PUBG lootboxes, although I don't think I'll spend more on PUBG this month since it seems to be dying down

loans are easily paid off and then that income can go to savings. obviously you wouldn't bother saving if you have high interest debt to knock out first.
high rent without a crazy high income probably means excessive luxury or being stupid (e.g. living in SF).

>being from a poor enough family you can't afford to own a multi-bedroom condo for NYC, SF, LA along with a mansion in Texas.

Let me guess you have to be a wagecuck too?