Post your dealbreakers itt

Post your dealbreakers itt
>turn -based
>visual novel
>story rich
>walking simulator

weapon durability

So you dislike japanese games?

>visual novel
>story rich
Why're you here then?

Most of them, yes.
Sup Forums is not only for japshit

>visual novel
>walking simulator
agreed, everything nips make is cancer
>turn -based
fuck you for this though
>story rich
Nothing wrong with having good story alongside gameplay
All I would add is

>voice acting

>made in russia
>a lot of russians around
>russian language allowed in chat

>>story rich
What the hell does this mean?

>open world

a game with lots of writing and additional text, stuff like books and non-required but optional reading
it's ADHD repellent

That's alright. Japanese games wouldn't be that bad if they took out those things. They seem to understand how to make good games but they just attach them to absurd aesthetics.

He диpaј ми бpaћy pyce пичкo aмepичкa

>First Person Shooter
>Visual Novel

It's not russian.

>early access
>open world
>crafting system

the four horsemen of the apocalypse

>murican can differentiate between slavic languages
Color me surprised.

>same thread every day
>hundreds of replies every time because weebs are mentally incapable of not falling for it every time

You don’t like XCOM?

I'm from Europe, user.

>Static main character
>Real time strategy
>Near future
>Vault Boy as a mascot

>female protagonist

animu graphics
2d graphics
anything indie

>Vancian casting system
>Dialogue options.
>Open world
>"RPG" where you play as someone elses character.
>Humor games

Still impressive. To most of you all slavic languages sound like russian.

>long tutorials
>random encounters
>bad controls
>unfinished at launch
>unsaturated colors

>look ma i posted it again!

>female lead
>black lead just to show diversity (mafia 3)
>RPG but no builds or character customization

>Western developer

Microtransactions that affect the game.
Online components that affect directly the single player experience.

it's always the same threads on Sup Forums everyday


Oh Boy where do I begin
>Multiplayer focus with no singleplayer
>Singleplayer is just thrown in there
>Sports Simulators
>Walking simulators
>Glitches effect scripted scenes
>English voice acting is awful
>No dual-audio
>Season Pass
>Season Pass (Part 2)
>On disc DLC
>Open World, Survival, Crafting Game
>Western characters look horrendous to fit a agenda of some kind
>Forced gay malarkey
>Hard mode is just more health
>Game is a step back from previous games
Fable 3
Dead Space 3
Dead Rising 3
Dino Crisis 3
Halo 4
Lost Planet 3
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5
Fallout 3 and 4
Sims 4
Sim City 2013
Pokemon X and Y
>Game has memes
>Game forces sub culture
>Game forces politics or some shit
>Fighting game doesn't include original roster or removes existing characters and sells them for DLC
>Game takes a 180 in quality
>Game is unfinished
>Characters no clip out of areas
>NPC walk slower than you
>Escort missions
>chromatic aberration
>Bad Controls
>Disgusting UI
Smash Bros 4
>Game Company ports a sequel but doesn't port prequels
>Shitty Localizations
>Region Locked
>Western Developer makes existing sequel to a japanese developed game series
>In game advertisment
>Forced Multiplayer

Back to your containment board

>always online

All yours with the exception of story rich and well-done turn-based combat, for instance Darkest Dungeon. It's tense since anything can happen but if you prepare you can overcome any challenge and it isn't a snoozefest.
What I add to my list is,
>typical MMO combat
>monthly sub

Oh shit I forgot mmos even existed.

I'll try just about anything! I like playing video games!

dodge simulator action-rpg

>hunger meter
unnecessary busywork

Mine are:
>LGBTQBRAP+ character in a Western Game
>Walking Sim
>Black Female with an Afro


>side quests that get cancelled or become unavailable once you progress to a certain point in the main story
>game doesn't tell you what gets cancelled or when so you don't know unless you look it up
>game has an achievement for completing all side quests
fucking infuriating

>claims to understand Christianity
>cites the old testament
>especially that part about sacrifices as if it applied to Christians

>mandatory auto-save
>immersive world


How is it impressive that a European can tell the difference between slavic languages?

>early access
>walking simulator

>checking trophy data

>Tons of difficult to read hitboxes because so many attacks are made up of poor particle effects
This needs to stop

>Everything is unlocked from the start

Name one (1) game that this user would like.

so pokemon sun and moon?

You have shit taste kill yourself.


>SWJ bullshit

We're already on Sup Forums

I wish death upon you all. You are cancer

>Post max payne 3 TPS
>big tiddie anime

Forgot to add
>battle royale
>multiplayer focused

>turn -based
Turn based as in traditional Final Fantasy, or as in Fire Emblem? Turn-based strategy is fucking great.

>unfinished at launch
So you haven't played any games past 2010?

>Open world
>No respawns or enemy replacement of any kind

You might want to get your head checked...

>indie roguelike
>Modern FPS with America vs Russia
>Open world multiplayer survival
>Zombie survival FPS

Go to bed Eric.

>Anything that makes the game feels like a fucking newgrounds flash game
>That shitty looking 3D that one of the Shantae games has and the Secret of Mana remake looks like
Yet I have no problem with Dragon Quest Builders since it looks more visually appealing

Pycи нa интepнeтy cy или peтapди или пpaви дpyгoви.

Holy fuck, just go back to resetera and stay there.

>Game doesn't have a loli, a tomboy, or FASHION-capable armor pieces / equips