This game is way better than Breath of the Wild

This game is way better than Breath of the Wild


I like them both :-)

This is the newest way for Nintendo haters to "win". They want to de-legitimize BotW by saying that Odyssey is clearly the better game. They know this is effective, because while Odyssey is good it's not really revolutionary. No, the real pain and asshurt comes from how BotW managed to make every other open world look utterly juvenile in comparison, and it legitimized Nintendo as a developer again. So they praise Odyssey as a way to sneakily deny BotW the props it is do, while still maintaining the visage of being a Nintendo fan. But they know they are actually making BotW look bad in the process and that is their ultimate goal.

People should not be fooled by this anymore. When people say that Odyssey is clearly a better game than BotW, most likely they are anti-Nintendo, were butthurt by how BotW revolutionized the open world genre and gained unprecedented acclaim (and thus made their games look much worse and instantly outdated in comparison) and are trying to de-legitimize it in the only way they can. This is their newest and currently most effective tactic, but we shouldn't let them get away with it so easily.

Nope. Odyssey's definitely better than BotW, I've played both and am a nintendofag. Sorry opinions exist, my dude.

I dunno, I like them both but Zelda definitely got more playtime hours from me by at least twice.
I probably pick BotW over Odyssey if I could only have one.

In my opinion Odyssey was way more fun to play AND explore. BotW was just fun to explore, while the combat was lame and controls can be clunky at times.

It's no masterpiece.

This is either bait or you are way over-thinking things here

Even though I got more playtime from Breath of the Wild, I prefer Odyssey, because I had a lot more fun with that game. I was extremely disappointed with Zelda, the lack of good, dungeons, music, story and the extremely repetitive content killed it for me.

And here we go again.

While Odyssey was great fun, I just couldn’t see the appeal of BotW. Im sad to see them ditch the OOT formula tbqh although I suppose I should be glad they’re experimenting.

It's no Super Mario Bros. 2 baybeeeee!

Is the OoT formula what was being used for every Zelda game up to BotW? I feel like some of the games were still very different.


technically, yes, but it lacks the ambition that BotW has which makes it a less *interesting* game

Best post

>*watches It's No Masterpiece once*

I spent more time with BotW, but retroactively realized its shortcomings like shrines being samey and not much to collect in the world. Mario I'd say I liked more just because I like platformers.

No it isn't, and although I generally dislike Joseph Anderson, he does an exceptional job of pointing out exactly why BotW is a better game than Odyssey.

>*realizes he just wasted 2 hours of his life*

I had fun with Odyssey, but it was literally korok seeds: the game. At least the korok seeds in BotW were just a thing on the side and not the main focus of the game.
Odyssey was disappointing, I don't get why normies think it's on par with Mario 64.

I agree it should have got GOTY

>technically, yes

Not even. At least BotW has a variety of things to do like shrines, koroks, sidequests, and other cool things to interact with on the map. Odyssey on the other hand has one thing and it's quite possibly the worst collectible in the series.

I can't get 100 in jumpropes and Dsp got 200 and some first try


Plus, the worst Korok Seeds were the ones under a lone rock with no puzzles involved. The worst Moons on the other hand were literally just sitting right out in the open, many of which didn't even require any kind of platforming to get to. The good Moons were generally much more uncommon than the shitty ones too.

>Liquid turd is better than dried turd.
What an achievement.

I love how everyone believed this was going to be some great innovative title and turned out to be just Mario.

>I'm too dumb to use any arguments of my own
You're entitled to YOUR opinion, so why is it that your opinion is some OTHER faggot's opinion?

Sometimes, opinions can happen to coincide. Shocking!

For the record, I've been arguing about the retardation of Moons long before Anderson released his video.

Bought botw even though i dont kike zelda, played it for 70 hours. Bought mario becayse i like mario, plated it for 15. It was honestly not that fun to me and i dont like the way mario controls. Too slippery and i dont enjoy the hat

Hopefully will get Odyssey 2

The problem with Korok seeds is they were tied to braindead copy paste puzzles, Moons actually challenge you in different ways and are built around Marios movement and capture abilities.

Not him, but yeah that's definitely bullshit. I have more hours clocked into Odyssey than I care to admit and a vast majority of Moons feel copypasted and not challenging at all.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was better than both even with it's flaws.

Mario Odyssey it's not that revolutionary to the industry as BOTW is, but it's still a better game.
In a few years, many games will try to be BOTW, and later on, Zelda titles will expand in that formula that BOTW created, and they're going to overshadow Botw. Just like what happened to Goldeneye, it was a revolutionary game but nowadays it's been far surpassed by other games of the genre.
Botw it's flawed, the enemy variety it's poor, the weapon system it's arguably mediocre and the game bosses and dungeons aren't that great compared to those from previous titles.
Mario Odyssey is not going to get old, the game every single kingdom adds a ton of content, enemies and mechanics that keep the game fresh and unique. I don't think the game having a lot of content it's an actual flaw.
You still get a lot of great bosses that can be speedrunned, a lot of great enemies to capture and cool level design ideas to explore the world around you and you don't have content locked with amiibo.
Besides, most of the moons are optional, this mitigates everyone's problem with the game's excessive amount of moons. I really don't see the number of moons as a problem, while some of them are forgettable at worst, most of them are unique and bring some cool level design elements to the game.
Both of them are great titles but Mario Odyssey it's just better.

>Mario Odyssey is not going to get old

Fucking kek. It got old within the first few hours.

>throw cap at pointy thing
>throw cap at flowers
>ground pound glowing spot
>kick glowing rock
>talk to NPC
>talk to ANOTHER NPC
>plant some seeds
>buy one from the shop
>follow the dog around
>stack some goombas
>wear certain clothes
>break glowing crate
>the note challenges
>two koopa races

It's always hilarious to see Odysseyfags pretend that their precious little piece of garbage isn't the absolute WORST part of BotW stretched out into an entire game.

BOTW has way more fundamental flaws than Odyssey.

I agree, but I prefer platformers, so there's a bias.


What do people love about Zelda?
What do people hate about Zelda?
>searching every grain of sand for that last heart piece

BOTW fucked up. It's carried solely on the novelty of an open world Zelda.

I hate soy addled Link.

He could still probably beat you up.

I always see people trying to argue that Moons aren't like Korok Seeds but every time they do that it honestly feels like they're kinda grasping at straws. I've played both games for over a hundred hours each and Moons definitely feel like filler content. So much of it consists of copypasted activities, many of which aren't anything more involved than just doing something with an obvious glowing part.

Fuck no. Only autistic plebs believe that


Zelda's fate was sealed after the poor DLC.
Mario wins again baby.

Speak for yourself you fucking faggot, I've always loved overworld exploration in Zelda. This time they actually did it right.

It's not hard to be better than
>generic open world game BUT with Zelda name attached to it
Mario is at least diffrent than another open world full of nothing cause muh atmosphere

>BOTW fucked up.

By making that last thing you hate totally optional? What?

Whilst sacrificing everything else.

Yes but unlike Korok seeds every moon is meant to be found

You could easily oversimplify most any game into a general list of activities, so you're not making a very strong point. Here's a more constructive idea: How would you prevent Mario Odyssey from "getting old"?

>dude the exploration is optional
>just fite ganon straight away :^)
Not an argument. The "exploration" is 95% of that game's content.

lel no. Even fucking Joseph Anderson believes Zelda is superior

yeah but you don't need to find all of it unless you want the trophy or are really bad at video games

>You could easily oversimplify most any game into a general list of activities

That's not a general list of activities though, that's a very specific list of activities that are copypasted throughout every Kingdom. I didn't even list some of the worst ones.

>Here's a more constructive idea: How would you prevent Mario Odyssey from "getting old"?

Simple: I would make it so that there isn't a whopping 800+ Moons. The problem with having that many of one collectible is that it's inevitably going to result in a loss of varied content.

Something closer to 120 ala Mario 64 is a much more fitting number.

The dungeons and music are trash. The only good thing about the characters is Zelda's tight ass.
Exploring loses its charm after so many hours. It's not like a traditional RPG where you can learn new skills purely by exploring. Breath of the Wild exploration comes down to hopping from shrine to shrine, and looking for more shrines from the towers.

You're right and it sold way more too

that diaperfag?


>the shrines are rep-

The first LoZ was open world and had pretty lackluster dungeons by Zelda standards, and it got by just fine.

it's still shit

It had dungeons.

There's like 20 repetitive shrines. Not even close to the amount of repetitive moons.

Top kek.


well when you put it that way it really makes you think

Yeah, short dungeons where you're just moving from room to room without doing anything more engaging than fighting a few enemies at a time. That's not much different than the Divine Beasts where you're just solving one puzzle at a time.

I'm not saying either game had the best dungeons but they were about the same in quality.

People only hate games with a lot of content because they're autistic and feel like they have to complete everything 100% to experience it. Stop being a literal mentally challenged sperg and you'll enjoy things more.

and BOTW had divine beasts and shrines

This user gets it.

BotW elevates an entire genre and is making developers rethink game design across the board, not just open world games.

Mario Odyssey is simply a very, very great game.

Both are 10/10 though.

This game is stupidly short

>unironically using an NES game that was the first of its kind in the world as a shield to defend BOTW's shitty dungeons

Yeah they were trash. Couldn't even use a different color which even the NES game managed to do.

>Something closer to 120 ala Mario 64 is a much more fitting number.
You know you only need 150 moons to finish the game?

Lifelong Nintendo fan here, I own every major Nintendo console and handheld. I thought BotW was a boring piece of shit. Odyssey was a pretty average game, but at least it was better than BotW.
I don't know how much longer I'll be able to call myself a Nintendo fan because nu-Nintendo has disappointed me time and time again over the past decade, although it hasn't gotten to the point where I've flat out stopped buying their games yet.

imagine being this paranoid

Christ you're so transparently assblasted.

How does BOTW refresh game design and open world games?
I think you've been drinking too much game journalist kool-aid.

>revolutionized the open world genre
That's like saying that someone revolutionized the act of taking a shit. I mean, I guess that's theoretically possible, but it's not something I would be proud of.

>not an argument


>t. first open world was Skyrim


Based chipmunk

>You know you only need 150 moons to finish the game?

You know Moons are so easy to come across that you can get 150 in no time at all? That's my whole point.

Flushing toilets were pretty dope at the time.

>Yeah they were trash.

No they weren't

>You know Moons are so easy to come across that you can get 150 in no time at all?
It takes around the same amount of time to beat Odyssey as it does every other 3D Mario.


Yes they were. If you're honestly saying the divine beasts weren't incredibly disappointing, I can't believe anything you say.
Even the hardest shills admit they were, at the very least, samey and small.

>Lifelong Nintendo fan here, I own every major Nintendo console and handheld.

I also own every Sega and Sony console apart from the Vita.

I can quite confidently say that BotW and SMO are two of best games I've played in years. These are the types of game which only come around once a decade or so. Nintendo got called into question. And they absolutely blew all the nay-sayers completely out of the fucking water.


Both great games but hardly comparable.

BotW is still got me just wandering around hyrule for hours just...doing stuff. The vistas and the discoveries are still the reward for playing to me. Faggots who need a constant “congratulations on pressing start” reward can fuck off back to their autism.

>doesn't respond to my argument
>call him out
>lol not an argument either :^)
Are you underage?

Well, that's your opinion, but I disagree.

>Even the hardest shills admit they were, at the very least, samey and small.
Speak for yourself

>>unironically using an NES game that was the first of its kind in the world as a shield to defend BOTW's shitty dungeons

Okay, so you're being pretty unreasonable and needlessly hostile for no reason. I never said that BotW didn't have lackluster dungeons. I'm saying that its design philosophy wasn't all that much different from LoZ's, despite LoZ being a more linear game.

>Something closer to 120 ala Mario 64 is a much more fitting number.
I know where you're trying to go for this, but you are completely wrong in saying 120 is a more fitting number. A heavy majority of the 120 stars in 64 exist as a reward for reaching a certain part of an area, or defeating a boss. These are rewards for reaching an objective. Mario Odyssey is structured around finding things, as a means of exploring the sand box, and most of its moons reflect that. FIND the Seed, FIND the place to throw cappy, FIND the purple coins hidden in these crawlspaces. You can't just cut out 600 of these moons, because essentially, there'd be no reason to explore most of the map or do most of anything beyond story related moons and challenge levels.

Then just don't get the easy moons and only go for pipes/doors? You can just follow the main objectives and you'll usually have enough to move on.

Okay explain how they were good dungeons.

since when is

>Yeah they were trash.

an argument?