What are some games where spiders are NOT wrongly represented as evil?
What are some games where spiders are NOT wrongly represented as evil?
>tfw arachnophobic
delete this
That's a cute dog, OP.
Any game where they are evil.
>monsters that use a trap to snare and torture innocent buggies
>use painful venom on them
>eats them alive in the worst way possible
Fuck Spiders, fuck you.
Every fucking game. Spiders cannot be wrongly represented as evil, because they are evil.
despite what you may think, spiders are actually the good guys, we help kill flying bugs and other menaces that invade a typical human home. Most spiders aren't even poisonous!!!
>innocent buggies
I wonder who could be behind this post
the truth comes out
They're onto us...
Fuck you, you eight legged pieces of shit. I hope all you fuckers get wiped out.
I'm so tired of people who turn into big blubbering babies if a spider is onscreen. It's just embarrassing since they have basically devoted part of their livelihood towards pushing a meme.
Come on, someone post the picture
What picture?
>Most spiders aren't even poisonous!!!
i'm onto you, venomous shill.
I would prefer most spiders over ANY stinging beetle
fuck those faggots, little stinging clicker mother fuckers fucking assholes
Thats why I have nice giant web of fucking spiders to catch them and kill them all when they come into my garage
Wasps too, those dumb asses disappeared very fast
Spiders literally started hunting down the wasp daubs and eating the babies out of the cocoon
dog bless a spider
What are some games that let you experience the thrill of living in australia?
I'm not even arachnophobic, but that still got me.
lmao that got me so fucking hard
You fucking nigger
Get fucked
Gonna use this later though so thanks
never should of come here
Donkey Kong Country 2 & 3.
spiders can't understand morality user
they're useful trap and ambush predators for the environment though
unless you mean games with sentient spiders, at which point yeah I dunno any where they're not automatically evil or at least amoral.
Fuck you
that's fake, right?
Good thing I was already sitting on a toilet.
Fuck I actually said Ooooh out loud
Bruh my butthole puckered up
user he said games
Mordor Shadow of War
Of course
just don't look at your ceiling for a while
thank g-d i only live in florida, worst thing i gotta deal with is a pack of feral niggers, tweakers,or alligators eating my pets
I know
The vindictus tutorial shows a bigass spider that's supposed to be a town guardian and was supposedly very cuddly.
oh ok so you're just shitposting then.
DKC3, look at this based fucker.
Dota 2
>i don't like it so that means it's not a game