It's coming up to 20 years since the last proper game in the Lunar series. Will it ever see a comeback...

It's coming up to 20 years since the last proper game in the Lunar series. Will it ever see a comeback, or at least ported to modern systems?
Lucia is the best girl.

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pic related. but sadly we will never see another good game in the series.

Some things are better left dead I suppose. At least the originals and 32 bit remakes are easily emulated.

i want to go back

I own SSSC and EBC and I know they're not rare or too expensive but I love them.

Sometimes I wonder how a bunch of redneck weebs living in the boonies of northern california were able to produce something this good. It's honestly better than most localizations these days if you ignore the dated references

I remember seeing ads for silver star story and wanting to play it but I never did. Was it fun?

It's a very old school style JRPG. If you like those, you'll like it. There's nothing quite like it out there. Play the Sega CD versions first, then the remakes.

Hopefully not. This is one of those things where the creators have raped and beaten the corpse so many times that the only proper thing to do is pray for its final rest.

Dragon Song killed the franchise, its soul, and any kilogram of future potential it might've had (in the eyes of the business world, anyways). Who can go to the past and change its course for it? Certainly no one, since they'd sooner make themselves their own great grandparent first than focus on an objective. Starting with me...

I still want the Sega CD and Saturn/Playstation versions to be ported. Those games deserve better than they got.

Are these actually good? I got the one on DS as a gift a while back and it was legit one of the worst I've ever played.

I love this series... quite a bit. Also, if you haven't yet, play the PSP version.

I am so fucking sorry. Do you like old school JRPGs? If so, it's a must play. The Sega CD originals and Saturn/Playstation are great, but pretend everything else that came after didn't happen.


I've seen snippets of the PSP version that made me very bitter and turned me off from playing it. But time heals all wounds, and I'm considering giving it a try.

What caused the bitterness feeling? I think you should give it another shot honestly. It added just enough new content to feel fresh, but also kept it straightforward enough to feel like the original.

Fuck man. Working Designs had the best game boxes and extra stuff. I still have my Pendant from Lunar 2.

That's an understatement. I honestly miss these type of collectors editions. They felt natural somehow.

The songs made me bang my head against a wall when I first heard them. What I heard from the voice acting I felt was pretty bad too. For example...
Also, I'm not a fan of the sprites and field graphics, and that they took out the overworld. I felt it was bad enough to remove battles from the overworld in SSSC, but completely removing it felt just plain wrong. But like I said, I'm not as mad anymore, so I may give it a try.

Their foil stamped manuals on Sega CD were the bomb too. I'm never giving up mine.

I see what you mean, but personally don't think it's enough to deterrent a playthrough. Who knows it may even end up surprising you once it's over.

Looks awesome user. Never owned a Sega CD, but always loved the case for the games.

I really like Shining Force and I've played a fair bit of JRPGs since then. What are the games actually like?

Check this out

It's a pretty typical turn based JRPG, closest comparison would be Grandia and Trails in the Sky, where a fair deal of your character's positioning on the battle grid matters. Battles are very challenging (since Working Designs cranked up the difficulty so people couldn't beat the games in a rental period), but the toughest bosses are immensely satisfying. The story is simple, but the execution and worldbuilding is amazing. If you're not much of a storyfag, it probably won't impress you much.

Sounds good, I've enjoyed JRPGs that were carried entirely on the story and ones that had almost no story at all, like Legend of Legacy.

Play it then. I would recommend playing the Sega CD versions first and the Playstation versions second, but just playing the Playstation versions is fine too.

Ok I'll try and get an emulator working on this shitty busted laptop. Been having a LOT of issues with Retroarch.

Use Bizhawk. Bizhawk's PS1 emulator uses Mednafen's and is a lot more user friendly for desktops.

Never heard of it, I'll give it a look, thanks user.
I'm still trying to get Wachenroder working.

I had the DS game like a decade ago but never really got into it
red pill me on this series
I really like old school RPGs
Did WD fuck this translation(s) up too?

Will we ever get another villain as kino as MAGIC EMPEROR GHALEON?

The DS game should honestly stopped being talked about. If this is all you played in the series you are going to have a warped (and wrong) opinion on the series. Play the PS1 versions (translations are fine enough) and enjoy a simple yet magical RPG that will take you on a wonderful adventure.

What does Game Arts do these days? I remember them releasing Grandia 2 a couple years back on steam, and that is about it.

Does this game have corruption elements?

2? not really. 1? yes.

>I had the DS game like a decade ago but never really got into it
You played the game that killed the series.
>red pill me on this series
There were two games on Sega CD, Lunar: The Silver Star (TSS) and its sequel, Lunar: Eternal Blue (EB). They were remade (yes, remade, not ported) for the Saturn/Playstation as Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (SSSC) and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete (EBC). US only got the Playstation version. They were amazing for their time and I argue they still hold up well. Everything that came afterward that carried the Lunar title should be disregarded, except arguably the PSP remake of SSSC.
>I really like old school RPGs
Then you should play them immediately. There is nothing quite like them.
>Did WD fuck this translation(s) up too?
The translation does take many liberties with the original Japanese script, but the Sega CD versions are the most readable JRPGs of its era. Yes, there are a few pop culture references that will make your roll your eyes and some playground-tier humor shoehorned in, but the rest of the script is fine.

Not much? Are they still doing that Grandia Online game?

Should I start with PS1, Sega CD or PSP?

PS1 > SegaCD > shit > PSP > Lunar Legend

I really like the PS1 versions

Are you the type of person who likes playing remakes and appreciating what they changed from the original? (ala RE1 vs. REmake) If so, Sega CD first, then PS1. If not, starting with PS1 is fine.

Sega CD has the best translation, but random battles.
PS1 has better music, better animation/FMV and no random battles
PSP has more content, more story and a little extras.

PS1 is optimal, but you can choose PSP and get pretty much everything in one shot.



this game started my obsession with music as magic as a kid. The idea of words as power. The only thing to come close to playing with that idea since was Skyrim, and we know how that turned out.

Fuck fucking fuck Great storyline too.


A port would be fine however I'm fine with not everything having to be some long running franchise. Sometimes it's best to let things be OP.

>Are they still doing that Grandia Online game?
That ended 6 years ago, user.

Wonder why it hasn't been re-released on PC or PSN yet.

Map 2 is superior Map theme

The Sega CD cutscenes wowed me and still do. The FMVs in the remake are a bit janky but mostly alright. Play the Sega CD versions first.

Oh... clearly haven't been keeping up with that. lol Thanks user.

Its hard to touch a game as perfect as EB. Literally the only problems with the game come from it being so old.

>get nostalgic, start browsing for music
>can only find the PSP remake OST

The current owners took a poll on what games to rerelease and this was on them. It clearly didn't win though.

Sega CD or PS1?

Sega CD then PS1 if you're not a casual.

Christ, I can still remember like 80% of the lyrics. Everytime I start the game, I call out my little brothers and we'd all sing the op together, they'd then watch me play (unless they still got homework) until it's time for their bedtime. Such magical times, long gone.

>somewhere in the archives at game arts/kadokawa the raw master animation files exist
>they will never be used for a modern PC port
it's not fucking fair

Still have my punching puppet in mint condition.

Don't die yet thread, I have some presents for you.

Dumping some good snippets from the EBC strategy guide, since it was never scanned. Maybe I'll go through the SSSC one afterward.




anyone still here?

I am

I really liked EB's strategy guide over SSSC's but they are both fantastic

same. its a lot thicker too, but the game was longer

Jean is the best girl idiot.
also no. you will never see lunar again..ever. and it's for the best. fuck this generation of paid "dlc" and season passes.

Very nice. I only got the special edition for EB, but I still have the necklace and little pop-up things. I guess Working Designs was ahead of its time in doing Western versions of these collector's edition stuff.

>that part in Eternal Blue where you find this old record and after watching it hear 'THAT is a record of my best work" then proceed to shit yourself
Games don't do that anymore these days bros. What went wrong?

My oversized mint condition poster (not a shitty HK laminated ripoff).

I respect your opinion, but sorry, Lucia is the best. I do love Jean though.

>All those Ghaleon puppets

And my normal sized licensed poster. Corners are a bit bent, but otherwise in good condition.

looks like a shit jrpg for weebs

play something manly, like metal gear solid 5

Damn you I want that poster so bad. I have the SSSC one that was free with the strategy guide but I want that one too.

Best girl

>Seeing all these Lunar stuff posted

Now I wonder if I still have the medallon and the physical box.

Because sequels these days keep reusing the cast from the old games instead of having a new cast build upon the setting, which also makes returning characters more special.

These interviews are exclusive to this guide. Enjoy.

Probably the best part about the guides

fuck captcha

Thank you very much for these images!

anything to get more people playing


Lunar 2 Complete's art style was a goddamn mistake.


only in a few scenes, most of it is good. its a shame it goes full dur at important points

Borgan @ E3 2000

>played and loved EBC as a kid
>grew up and realized I had no idea where it ended up
>only Silver Star I've played is the PSP and GBA versions
I very much want complete copies of the PSX and CD versions of both games.
And a Sega CD
And the guides and merch
Gotta start putting money aside.

Fuck I loved that game

I don't like it at all. They made all the jawlines pointy and fucked up the eye proportions. It's a massive step down from SSSC's cutscene art.





apologies for sideways pics, 4chins doesn't like vertical ones


Mystere is the greatest hero of all time.

Prove me wrong.


