First RPG

>First RPG

>First FPS

>First MMO

>First RTS

>First side scroller


>First RPG
Pokemon Gold
>First FPS
Counter Strike Source
>First MMO
>First RTS
Starcraft II
>First side scroller
Sonic 2.

bitch I can't remember what I had to eat two 3 days ago, how the fuck would I know what my first genre of game was?!

>First RPG
Parasite Eve
>First FPS
Wolfenstein 3D
>First MMO
>First RTS
C&C Red Alert 2
>First side scroller
Duke Nukem (DOS)

>First RPG
Final Fantasy (NES)

>First FPS

>First MMO
WoW (vanilla)

>First RTS
Command and Conquer

>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros (NES)

>>First RPG
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
>>First FPS
>>First MMO
Phantasy Star Online
>>First RTS
>>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros

>First RPG
AD&D Pool of Radiance on Commodore 64
>First FPS
Wolfenstein 3D
>First MMO
Ultima Online
>First RTS
I don't play that shit
>First side scroller

>first RPG
Final fantasy.
>first fps
>first mmo
>first RTS
>first side scroller
Mega man.

>First RPG
Digimon World
>First FPS
Fuck if I know
>First MMO
>First RTS
Age of Empires
>First side scroller
Fuck if I know

>First RPG
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons for the Intellivision (pretty sure there's actually 2 games for the system by that name, so I mean the dungeon crawler one, not the top down one)

>First FPS
Chex Quest

>First MMO
Ragnarok Online

>First RTS
Either Age of Empires or StarCraft, I can't remember which one I played first

>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros.

>First RPG
pokemon red, I think
>First FPS
>First MMO
>First RTS
I don't remember, since I'm not a fan of any of the ones I played
>First side scroller
Probably one of the genesis sonic games

>>First RPG
pokemon red
>>First FPS
>>First MMO
final fantasy 11
>>First RTS
age of empires
>>First side scroller
super mario world

>First RPG
Final Fantasy VII

>First FPS
Unreal tournament

>First MMO

>First RTS
Age of Empires II

>First side scroller
Sonic 1

>First RPG
Diablo maybe?
>First FPS
>First MMO
>First RTS
>First side scroller
Prince of Persia

TRUE rpg? Probably Morrowind. Otherwise if turn based games with stats count, then paper mario was before that. Or Diablo, if that counts, which I played before all of these.

Goldeneye, I think.

I was a WoW babby and started in vanilla in 2004.

Age of mythology.

Super mario world maybe? Either that or something on my NES. Possibly Metroid.

Surprised I remember all of these.

>First RPG
>First FPS
>First MMO
>First RTS
Dont play them
>First side scroller
dont play them

pokemon diamond
half life
mu online
aoe 2

>First RPG
Chrono Trigger.

>First FPS
Black for PS2. I got into this genre way late but I've played a ton of them since then.

>First MMO
Never played one.

>First RTS
Haven't played one yet. But I have few in my library that I'll eventually get to. Is Starcraft 2 good for beginners?

>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros 1

Never played one
Super Mario Bros

>First RPG
baldur's gate
>First FPS
>First MMO
runescape way back when it was these funny little 2d sprites, and combat level 40 was considered really good
>First RTS
dune 2
>First side scroller
does major stryker count? it's vertical tho. if not, streets of rage 2

You're fucking old.


Pokemon Red/Blue. Can't remember which.
Modern Warfare 3.
Super Mario World.

>First RPG
Pokemon Crystal

>First FPS
Never played one.

>First MMO

>First Sidescroller
Super Mario Land

Super Mario RPG
Time crisis 3
No idea
Super Mario world

I looked at this and thought "what is mu online?"

then switched tabs and an ad for it popped up on my facebook.

fucking subliminal advertising

>First RPG
Pokemon Gold
>First FPS
Don't know. Goldeneye?
>First MMO
>First RTS
Doesn't matter because I don't like them. I think I tried Warcraft 3 first.
>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros.

Pokeman Red
CS 1.6
Mario World

>Kingdom Hearts, maybe? I feel like I must have played one earlier, but I can't think of any
>SWBF was the first I played at a friend's house, then I bought Battlefront 2
>WoW, only played it for a month or two, but it's the only MMO I've played
>Lego Rock Raiders
>Probably either SMB3 or Xargon

Temple of Apshai
Some forgettable free RO or WOW knockoff that probably didn't even last a year
KKND demo
Super Mario Bros

>>First RPG
Pokemon Fire Red
>>First FPS
Resistance Fall of Man
>>First MMO
DC Universe
>>First RTS
Dawn of War
>>First side scroller
Flintstones: Big Trouble in Bedrock

pokemon red
goldeneye 007
wow: tbc
warcraft III
super mario world

>First RPG
Pokemon emerald
>First FPS
>First MMO
>First RTS
Dawn of war
>First side scroller

>First RPG
Mario rpg
>First FPS
Mario safari
>First MMO
Mario online
>First RTS
Mario vs rabids
>First side scroller

>First RPG
Shining Force
>First FPS
I can't recall exactly, but I believe it was Halo CE or Turok Evolution.
>First MMO
Does Neopets count? If not then Roblox.
>First RTS
Crystalien Conflict
>First side scroller
Sonic the Hedgehog, the original

>First RPG
Parasite Eve.
>First FPS
Faceball 2000.
>First MMO
>First RTS
Warcraft 2.
>First side scroller
Earthworm Jim.

dragon warrior
lmao rts
megaman 2

>First RPG
Fallout 2
>First FPS
Doom of RotT
>First MMO
Don't remember the name
>First RTS
>First side scroller
no idea

>First RPG
Probably Diablo.
>First FPS
Probably Halo 1.
>First MMO
>First RTS
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds.
>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros.

I'm 21 btw.

>First RPG
Super Mario RPG (SNES)
>First FPS
Doom (PC)
>First MMO
Runescape (PC)
>First RTS
warcraft 3 (PC)
>First side scroller
Super Mario Brothers (NES)

>Pokemon Silver
>Either Goldeneye 007 or Counter Strike Condition Zero I don't remember
>Command and Conquer: Generals
>Super Mario Bros 3

>First RPG
Final Fantasy
>First FPS
Doom or Wolf (I dont remember which I played first)
>First MMO
>First RTS
Age of Empire
>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros.

>First RPG
Final Fantasy 2
>First FPS
Duke 3D
>First MMO
Graal Online
>First RTS
Age of Empires
>First side scroller
Super Mario World

>>First RPG
>>First FPS
doom on ps1
>>First MMO
never got into them
>>First RTS
idk if it counts but civ iv
>>First side scroller
smb 1

Morrowind probably
Soldier of Fortune
Don't like that shit so can't remember
Contra hard corps
>t. born 97 in Russia and was poor fag in 2005

who remembers this?

>First RPG
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

>First FPS
Goldeneye 64

>First MMO
Phantasy Star Online

>First RTS
Age of Empires 2

>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros.

>First RPG
Pokemon Red

>First FPS

>First MMO

>First RTS
Warcraft III

>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros

>First RPG

>First FPS

>First MMO

>First RTS
Does Roller Coaster Tycoon count?

>First Side Scroller
Castle Crashers I guess?

Neverwinter Nights

Doom or Quake, whichever my sister showed me first


Warcraft II

Probably DOS Mario or Dangerous Dave

Either Chrono Trigger or Earthbound
Half Life 1 demo
Ragnarok Online
Age of Empires, either 2 or 3
Adventure Island

>First RPG
Pokemon Silver
>First FPS
Quake III
>First MMO
Sherwood Dungeon
>First RTS
Nemesis of the Roman Empire, maybe WC3
>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros Deluxe

>First RPG
>First FPS
Those games in mall's fliperama where you have to hold a gun and point to the screen
>First MMO
>First RTS
a demo of Age of Empires 1
>First side scroller
Streets of Rage

>First RPG
Dark Sun Shattered Lands
>First FPS
>First MMO
World of Warcraft
>First RTS
One of the C&C games on ps1
>First side scroller
I don't remember which one but it would have been on Atari or Commodore 64 , maybe Pitfall.

>>First RPG
Don't remember

>>First FPS
DOOM, motherfuckers

>>First MMO

>>First RTS
Total Annihilation

>>First side scroller
Super Metroid

>First RPG
Paper Mario
>First FPS
>First MMO
>First RTS
>First side scroller

>First RPG
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
>First FPS
Nitemare 3D
>First MMO
>First RTS
Starcraft 2
>First side scroller
Yoshi's Story

Baldur's Gate
Duke Nukem 3D
Runescape Beta
Warcraft 2
probably Super Mario Bros. 3

>First RPG
One of the old pokemons
>First FPS
>First MMO
>First RTS
Total Annihilation
>First side scroller

Wait shit not adventure island, it was Commander Keen: Goodbye Galaxy. Also holy shit this thread is moving fast


Zelda 2
Age of empires

>first rpg
hard to say, I think it was smrpg. Might have been pokemon though.
>first fps
wolf 3d.
well I played ultima for a short period, but the first one I actually tried to get into was ffxi.
I mean, donkey kong.

>First RPG
Dragon Warrior
>First FPS
Halo 2
>First MMO
World of Warcraft
>First RTS
Halo Wars
>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros (NES)

>>First RPG
Shining In The Darkness
>>First FPS
>>First MMO
Never played one
>>First RTS
>>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros

> First RPG
- Paper Mario

> First FPS
South Park 64

> First MMO
Guild Wars

> First RTS
Pikmin (don't look at me, it's apparently one according to wikipedia)

>First side-scroller
M.C Kids

>First RPG
Sword of mana
>First FPS
Doom arcade machine or corporate thing like Chex quest

That evolved into star wars tie fighter and dark forces for psx and golden eye for n64. There was a few games I played that I can't remember
>First MMO
>First RTS
Never played
>First side scroller
Ghost n goblins nes, dick tracy or smb1 or 2 or 3.

Literally me.

>First RPG
Pokemon Blue

>First FPS
Halo Free

>First MMO

>First RTS
Never played one

>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros

>First RPG
Pokemon Red, most likely
>First FPS
Duck Hunt
>First MMO
Maybe Phantasy Star Online on DC but I didn't have internet at the time. My oldest memories are of an MMO called Mu Online
>First RTS
Red Alert 1/2 or Rise of Nations.
>First side scroller
Do shmups count? If so then pic related, if not then I think it was Sonic 1 for the Master System.

Man, it's really hard to remember the first games you've played so long ago. I remember a LOT of obscure shit that I used to play on a friend's computer - I'm tlaking duke nukem and wolfenstien 3d rip offs.

i think mm2 might be the sole reason i fell in love with video games

Wow get the fuck outta here if you never played classic 2d games

>First RPG

Pokemon Blue I guess

>First FPS

Call of Duty/UO

>First MMO

Guild Wars

>First RTS

C&C Tiberian Sun

>First Side Scroller

Super Mario Bros.

Morrowind or ffvii

Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday
Wolfenstein 3D
Nexus, the Kingdom of the Winds
Warcraft 2
uh... Super Mario Bros?

>>First RPG
FF5 I think
>>First FPS
>>First MMO
Mu Online
>>First RTS
Warcraft 2
>>First side scroller
Super Mario World

Baldur's gate
Warcraft 2
Master blaster.

>First RPG
Super Mario RPG

>First FPS
Medal of honor allied assault

>First MMO
Ragnarok online

>First side scroller
Super Mario World

>First RPG
Betrayal at Krondor

>First FPS
Wolfenstein 3D

>First MMO
Fucking Spreadsheets Online

>First RTS

>First side scroller
I can't remember. Something for the Sega Master System. Shinobi maybe.

>First RPG
Super Mario RPG
>First FPS
Goldeneye 007
>First MMO
Never played one
>First RTS
>First side scroller

>First RPG
final fantasy iv
>First FPS
og doom
>First MMO
>First RTS
og warcraft
>First side scroller

Metal slug?


>First RPG
Pokemon Yellow
>First FPS
>First MMO
Ragnarok Online
>First RTS
Age of Empires
>First side scroller
Jumping Jack

>First RPG
Baldur's Gate
>First FPS
Wolf 3d
>First MMO
Dark age of Camelot
>First RTS
Command & Conquer
>First side scroller
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure

pokemon XD gale of darkness

Team fortress 2

Spiral Knights

Swarm Assault

Sonic the hedgehog

>>First RPG
Pokemon Red/Blue

>>First FPS
Either Quake 3 or Half-Life 1

>>First MMO

>>First RTS
Command & Conquer Red Alert

>>First side scroller
The first one I remember was a Kirby game on the SNES, but that was so far back I don't what it was called.

>starcraft 2
What older rts have you played since

>First RPG
Super Mario RPG or Chrono Trigger, don't remember which.

>First FPS
Goldenye, unless Tin Star on SNES counts.

>First MMO

>First RTS
Warcraft 1

>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros 1

>that picture
oh fuck you just brought back some deep, dormant memories to me that I didn’t even remember existed. every single damn cellphone hadthese in my small town

>First RPG
Final Fantasy 7
>First FPS
>First MMO
>First RTS
KKND Krossfire
>First side scroller
Alex Kidd In Miracle World

Yep I remember that too
I just got my first smart phone ever yo

>tfw I can't remember the answer to any of those questions

Pokemon Blue but I never reached farther than Surge and I can’t remember why

Does the FPS sections of Banjo-Tooie count? If not, I can’t actually remember earlier than Modern warfare


Never touched that genre

>Side scroller

Super Mario World

>First RPG
Final Fantasy VII.

>First FPS
Dark Forces.

>First MMO
I've never played any MMOs.

>First RTS

>First side scroller
Super Mario Bros.

>First RPG
That old knight game on windows 95.
>First FPS
Wolfenstein 3D
>First MMO
>First RTS
Dune 2
>First side scroller
Monster Bash!

>First RPG
Final Fantasy VII
>First FPS
>First MMO
Final Fantasy XIV
>First RTS
Age of Empires
>First side scroller
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Gold Coins

Pokemon Leaf Green, love it to this day
Realm of the Mad God, still play it from time to time today
Civ 4
An emulation of Yoshi's Story on a school computer. Never have finished playing it, sadly.

>First RPG
Might and Magic 6

>First FPS
Duke Nukem 3D

>First MMO

>First RTS
Warcraft 2

>First side scroller
Super Mario Land

>First RPG
Shining Force (PC Port)
>First FPS
Nightfire (GCN), I think?
>First MMO
>First RTS
Age of Empires
>First side scroller
Sonic CD (PC Port)

Played Tooie but not Goldeneye/Perfect Dark? The fuck is wrong with you?