Because Nintendo fanboys are living in denial that they are just as vocal as Sony fans. The difference is that everyone expects a PS4 version of a game to be released.
Isaiah Jones
Because FF is a brand name and beloved by normies
Jace Adams
I'm fairly sure that SE wasn't expecting to sell over a million copies
James Jackson
>a mainstream normie jrpg that has over 15 entries >vs a more obscure (and superior) jrpg that only has 3 (great) entries Gee I wonder.
Aiden Evans
Is that a Popper on a chopper?
Josiah Morgan
>and sells pretty fine on Steam fake news
Owen Cook
It's port of a bad game. No one cares. >muh zodiac spear
Ryder Edwards
I'm quite sure this is because this is the first Xenoblade game to reach over one million and in only a month too. FF has always been popular. This is nothing suprising.
Mason Peterson
Henry Johnson
it's almost like the xeno games have always (except for saga 2) been better than final fantasy
Easton Rivera
Xenoblade 2 reaching 1 million sales so fast is unheard of for a Xeno game, not even Xenosaga which pandered really hard too.
Wyatt Brooks
pieces of shit like 13/15 sell well over millions off brand name, who cares?
Christopher Martin
ok, let's see the facts: One is a mainstream franchire with 15 years in the market, the other was a niche new IP with until now lame sales.
Ethan Reyes
Mostly smug satisfaction because of that one faggot who kept saying the game would flop
Luke Bell
Xenoblade 2 is >niche >exclusive to one platform >fastest selling in its series Versus >Final Fantasy Gee, I fucking wonder
Ryan Hernandez
How about compare the install percentages instead of numbers sold.
Carter Bennett
is not niche anymore, it's tag in pixiv passed 1k.
Oliver Howard
Stinky sword
Henry Thompson
Speaking of Xenoblade 2, does anyone have the audio files for the NG+ Blades?
Brody Martinez
I'd love to buy Xenoblade user, but I'm not buying console game, make em release it on Steam like Dork Souls.
Cooper Williams
>audio files I'm gonna need audio files of Rex and Newt please. Gonna work on a project.
>OIM OLL OWTUV JEWZ >This tastes so... emotional! I think you can figure it out.
Luke Martinez
But... why him? Isn't Morag the one who actually owns Ardainian battleships?
Jayden Roberts
Morag is already a natural fire tank. And Newt has Salvage Mastery, just felt more right.
Matthew Bailey
Yeah, sorry, dunno why i put 15
Luke Lewis
ff12 is out? Fuck yes!
I need that gambit battle system pleaseee miss it so much
Gabriel Brooks
>newt.mp3 0:58 1:00 1:03 1:11 1:12 1:14 1:19 1:49 2:20 2:35 3:13 3:15 3:18 3:25 3:31 3:36 3:54 4:03 4:06 4:09 4:11 4:14 4:19 4:23 4:26 4:31 4:36 4:52 4:55 5:01 5:04 Sweet, that's a lot of lines. Thanks a lot user.
Tyler Young
This is what annoys me about Newt. She's incredibly redundant on Morag but everything about her character fits with her.
Isaac Bell
>Xeno >exclusive You do realize it's a rather long running franchise itself from the 90s, yeah? Also started on PSX at least for NA.
Brandon Stewart
Is this bait? This is bait right?
Jason Phillips
And nintendo kids wonder why we all know they're kids. The xeno series has been going for 20 fucking years you dunce.
Nolan Cooper
and they've always been exclusives unless you wanna be a fag and count XSI-II on DS
Juan Lopez
>xenosaga = xenogears = xenoblade
Jordan Garcia
Yeah, and never broke from being niche until now. Also it had to be the turned into a "spiritual successor" twice.
Nolan Robinson
Guy, I'm talking about XC2 specifically
Kayden Howard
>posting reddit reaction images with knowyourmeme filenames makes me right
Liam Morales
Yeah, it sucks. She has such a goddess-tier design but she's literally redundant. Oh well, form over function or vice versa depending on your preference.
Ian Russell
>console warring makes me right
Luke Mitchell
>franchise >three IPs owned by three different companies lol ok
Alexander Butler
I'm not console warring.
Connor Parker
>ad hominem invalidates the other guy when i got called out on how I thought all series bearing the "xeno-" prefix were interrelated
Bentley Fisher
You'rethe one that's wrong though.
Carter Williams
Nobody said they were interrelated though, just that Xeno____ is Takahashi's brand recognition.
If we want to pull the interrelated card regardless, Xenoblade 2 essentially connected Xenogears, Xenosaga and Xenoblade together, the only one that's not connected to the rest of the Xeno is X.
David Foster
This. They're either goalposting or being ironic hipsters/elitists.
Caleb Brown
Parker Perez
The Xeno franchise has had games sell millions before.
Jonathan Nelson
Not me though.
Samuel Gomez
>not even Xenosaga which pandered really hard too.
What do you mean? Xenoblade 2 got the best marketing in the blade series and actually had TV commercials in the west. Not to mention the factor its the first and only major RPG from Japan on there besides ports riding on switch hype. Anyome who never saw it selling well is retarded.
Joseph Foster
>implying Xeno is spiritually treated like a franchise by Monolith and may as well be one in everything but law.
Monolith's been making more effort to get back their old IPs if all the Gear/Saga references in X and 2 mean anything, or 2's actual story connections.
Eli Jackson
>niche new IP >what is Xenoblade 1 that was praised in the west and sold well >what is XCX
Ayden Perez
a shame really
Ayden Ortiz
>Xenoblade 1 sold well in the West Xenoblade literally fucking flew under everybody's radar to the point that people had to riot and campaign and beg Nintendo to release it in America, and even then it didn't see any notable sales in the West until a few years later with Shulk in Smash, port to 3DS, port to e-shop, and some famous e-celeb running through it.
Isaac Morales
Have the models been ripped yet? I want to make a Malos Smash 4 mod.
Easton Flores
You're actually retarded. People would see Xeno and just assume they're all linked in the same franchise. That's one of the reasons why they kept Xeno name.
Nathan Lee
>implying xenoblade 1 and X are cult classics
Connor Brown
Friendly reminder to stop responding.
Brayden Nguyen
>People would see Xeno and just assume they're all linked in the same franchise. That's one of the reasons why they kept Xeno name. Then ironically THOSE people are retarded. >hurr different characters and gameplay BUT IT GOTS XENO IN THE TITLE Almost as retarded as """"""""""FINAL"""""""""" Fantasy.
Robert Reyes
Morag has already too many girls without Newt.
Kayden Collins
isn't the reason why monolith still keeps xeno in their names is because they want people to recognize the series as a franchise even though it legally isn't?
Evan Anderson
>Then ironically THOSE people are retarded.
Yes most people are, thats why marketing always try to exploit this, why are you suprised? >franchises can't have different gameplay or characters Holy shit this is the dumbest shit i read in my life
Grayson Brown
No. Why would they want to give away positive brand power to the companies that tormented them and give them no royalties? They use it for Takahashi and no other reason.
Nicholas Cooper
well that's besides the point now since they're all connected sans X
Nathaniel Parker
Takahashi explained in an interview that it's a legal loophole. He's not allowed to make sequels or games using the Xenogears IP or Xenosaga IP because he got screwed by namco and square, but he doesn't want to let go of his brand, and wants people to think of Xenogears or Xenosaga when they see names like Xenoblade. Nothing's stopping him from shitting out Xeno____.
Easton Cox
Feel free to post your source.
Ayden Gonzalez
>give away positive brand power to the companies that tormented them and give them no royalties?
Stop thinking with your fanboy logic you braindead retard. Business wise its better they keep the xeno title. Also how did Bamco screw them? What kind of retard tries to make a 6 part game series and actually thinks anyone would fund such idiocy?
Caleb Cox
>franchises can't have different gameplay or characters Literally not a franchise worth going into if the first game was a beat'em up and its sequel becomes an RTS. You're fucking daft.
Adrian Long
Your ad hominem is super convincing.
Xavier Perry
This is fucking stupid those two post were obviously talking about xenoBLADE games only
Landon Myers
>Also how did Bamco screw them? >agree to do a 6 part series >saga 1 sells great, over a million and well received >apparently not good enough for bamco >completely fuck over saga 2 and reduce the series to 3 games >kick the lead out of his position >kick additional leads out like soraya >saga 2 was JUSTed so hard it sold a million less than 1, saga 3 didn't sell for shit either as a result
Evan Martinez
>Feel free to post your source. Literally look into why Xenoblade 1 was renamed from Monado: Beginning of the World. It's entirely brand recognition. The Japanese market are going to see a JRPG with the name Xeno slammed on it and immediately know it's probably made by the people who made Xenogears and Xenosaga given how popular previous Xeno games were in Japan.
Juan Cooper
You guys know that "Xeno-" is a prefix in the English language and that no company owns it, right?
Thomas Gomez
>Poppi: masterpon, poppi's right arm is malfunctioning! >Tora: OH FUCK!! >*crash into a rock face and die*
David Richardson
So you have no source.
Christian Ortiz
>What kind of retard tries to make a 6 part game series and actually thinks anyone would fund such idiocy? Well stuff like Kiseki is currently 8 games, pushing onto 9 and has a scheduled 4 more games to go and sells extremely well in Japan.
Aiden Ward
>beloved by normies Outside of VII and maybe X, not really.
Isaac Hill
Are you actually stupid? You think a game can't change how it plays while staying to genre? Your opinion means nothing about whether you like them or not how the fuck are you trying to pretend games ina franchise can't change up its gameplay? What the fuck is Tales or FF then? Heck you think REmake and Res4 are the same?
Julian Sanchez
>please spoonfeed me
Jaxson Peterson
That game with the cute girls is better in plot, character design, music and gameplay than Fedora Fantasy XII
Aiden Foster
Pathetic attempt.
Bentley Collins
Tales is STILL an action rpg, Final Fantasy fucking sucked ass once they stopped doing turn based combat. RE4 was good but it was not a survival horror, which was made apparent with its sequels. You're a fucking idiot and a tool. Maybe if Mega Man stayed an action platformer he would still be relevant today, if Legends and Battle Network didn't have the Mega Man name and were their own thing they might've had more staying power. Sonic is on life support through the cancerous furry fanbase but his games are fucking horrible because they can't stick with one style of gameplay. Forgive me but it is you that is the stupid. Fucking dumbass.
Cameron Hernandez
You're right, it is a prefix, it's also the brand. Anyone who actually played all the games would know that they're all connected, they all have the same symbolism, and many of them have similar themes. They're also written by/directed by the same fucking person. Anons like this faggot have clearly only played XBC2 and think they know shit about the franchise. Go play the other games and stop being a fucking faggot you unironic weeb trash.
Maybe if they weren't doing this earlier then they would've been fine.
Robert Powell
>apparently not good enough for bamco
But that's just wrong >Namco reported that Episode I was one of their games that had seen commercial success internationally.
Also blame your guy who suddenly didn't give 2 fucks about the game after episode 1. >Series creator and Monolith Soft co-founder Tetsuya Takahashi stepped down as director, taking on other responsibilities within the company in addition to being given wider creative input on projects. Takahashi's explanation was that he did not want to limit the scope and direction of the Xenosaga series, and that his style of direction as seen for Episode I could result in the development period becoming extended exponentially. During this period the Xenosaga series, originally planned by Takahashi as a six-part series, was rearranged into a trilogy, with the possibility of further episodes should the series meet continued success.
Fuck outta here. Trying to make a 6 part RPG series is retarded and just asking for sales to go down to shit because less people can get in to them. The story is such a incoherent mess you can't simply have recaps in the games especially when you have hours and hours of long ass cutscenes in this crap. The guy was smoking crack the day he pitched for a 6 part series. Go make a TV series for fucks sake.
>Well stuff like Kiseki is currently 8 games, pushing onto 9 and has a scheduled 4 more games to go and sells extremely well in Japan. You do realise they purposely made CS to bait newfags in to the franchise right since the first one can be played by ignorant people? Also those games are garbage and have no actual reason to be split up as much, the devs pad the games with filler and useless quest so they can purposely jew their fans. Also ONLY the cold steel series sold well in Japan. Nobody brought the other games over there.
Lincoln Rogers
>Tales is STILL an action rpg, Final Fantasy fucking sucked ass once they stopped doing turn based combat. RE4 was good but it was not a survival horror, which was made apparent with its sequels. You're a fucking idiot and a tool
WHO the fuck is asking for your garbage opinion on the games? Huh? No one, I'm telling you now those games have different gameplay in their franchise. Tales of Graces and Symphonia absolutely do not play similar at all. Heck the latter you can only even move in 2 directions. You're the dumbest faggot I've seen on this board holy shit.
William Brown
no one cares for FF12 because 13 took from it the one thing it was known for: being the worst final fantasy
Ethan Lopez
>being the worst final fantasy FF2 and 4 says hi
Christopher Jenkins
This thread is actually cancer, half of you are fucking REEEEing about stupid shit and the other half is underaged. Here's a rundown.
>Xeno(BLANK) is all in the same series whether you like it or not >They're all connected, except for X and that could be connected to in the future >People who haven't played the other games or can't use their brains enough to figure out the connection between the games shouldn't talk about the series, especially not if your only game played was XBC2 because you're a horny waifu fag who has no taste >There isn't anything with waifus or liking them, but don't shit up a thread with you're retarded ass opinions when you don't know what you're talking about >XBC2 is a fine game, it's on the Switch though so people are going to love it more, this is a pretty likely statement. If it was released on PC or PS4 it would be classified as shitty weeb trash by this board.
Nathaniel Ramirez
>few twists on an established gameplay means it's different It's the same fucking gameplay, it's a realtime action RPG where you combo Arts into one another. You're missing the entire fucking point especially when you mention other examples that DO have different gameplay. >debunks other retarded examples >b-but tales though I'm not an insecure faggot like you afraid of exposing his dumbass balls to everyone on a chinese imageboard. I, Zurashii, know you're fucking retarded and just be grateful I don't know your alias, not that I give a shit anyways.
Grayson Campbell
Well, they're both bad games. I think the only reasons people don't shit on XII as much anymore is because XIII and XV make it look good by comparison and because people who played it as kids 12 years ago have a nostalgic attachment to it.
Benjamin King
>They're also written by/directed by the same fucking person
So what? Buffy and Agents of SHIELD are also from the same person. So are Two and a half men and TBBT. Also, they are owned by different companies.
Connor Anderson
>Tales of Graces and Symphonia absolutely do not play similar at all.
Graces wasn't anything new. Team Destiny always threw out everything they had in favor of making a new battle system the next game, though fan's who can't into Nihongo didn't really know that and I can't blame them. Though it's still an action RPG even if the systems are different.
Carter Foster
>Ignoring the obvious allusions to each game as well as the endings which tie the games together. I get it. You have no argument other than to look at a very small section of my argument and try to make that the focus. That's not how arguments work though, read the whole post, play the games, and try again.
Charles Sanchez
Other than the Monado arts and a cameo from KOS-MOS (why is she a blade?),there is little that connects it even to the blade games, though I haven't finished XB2 yet.
Thomas Wilson
>few twists >one is completely built around free roam combat with a whole different combo system and the character doesn't rely on mana to do spells
This level of damage controlling is hilarious. When a fan goes to buy graces after playing Symphonia he's gonna blatantly realise it plays completely different but a retard like you wants to pretend its the same shit.
Heck how do you answer "so user what is the gameplay like"? You simply go and tell them "hur dur its a ARPG"?
Also debunk what? How does FF7 and FF12 have remotely similar battle systems? You think if its turnbased they're all the same? >RE4 was good but it was not a survival horror Officially says though, your actual opinions mean nothing. They changed the gameplay while still keeping the name which you want to act like is not normal. Heck do you actually think the Witcher 1 and 3 even play similar too despite both being ARPG? Lmfao