Post games that came out the year you were born

Post games that came out the year you were born.

No lying

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There weren't any.

Still the king



>Altered Beast came out the year I was born


I played the everloving shit out of this game too.







one of my favorite crpgs too!

>people born in the current century are old enough to browse this board
Uggh, ive been here too long

1 month later Dragon Quest III
another month later I'm born. nothing in march.



I hope most of these posts are jokes


1989 masterrace

One of my all time favorites too




I've been here for 5 years

>being upset that people are younger than you
LMAOing @ ur life

Played it on my sitter's N64 before I had even started school.





you snooze you lose grandpa


half life 3 isn't out silly user :)

huh, look at that. dint know the og gameboy was out then.

if you are 30+ and still post on Sup Forums then you have made a mistake

>You will never watch Duck Tales, Rescue Ranger and Tailspin in sindication with Mario 3 commercials ever again

please do not bully the old farts








how many 97's we got here?

Apply yourself.





This came out the day after I was born

Came here to post this.

It came out on the day I was born too. It's a pretty neat feeling, even if I'm aware it's a meaningless coincidence.


A personal favorite too

>I find out that 1991 contained the first Sonic game, Civilization, Earth Defence Force, Duke Nukem, Street Fighter II, A Link to the Past, 2 Castlevania games, 2 Final Fantasies, Tecmo Super Bowl, Lemmings, Turtles in Time, and pic related
God damn, other years, are you even trying?


you're still alive!?


I seriously hope this is a joke

ayy who else too old to be y2k and too young to be a 90's manchild


>Play the shit out of this and F-16 as a kid
>Currently trying for a pilot slot

not even joking

>this game is 12 years old
Fuck the time flies

I figured there would be at least one of us.

How you holding up old-timer?

Yes minesweeper also came out in 89

what the fuck, grandpa

what can I say, I'm hanging on to my youth here

You're only 38 dont let them get you down


I bet you're not even married

Also 1989.

just to make people mad



how low do your balls hang gramps

Not mad, just sad.

>yfw people born in 2001 are now old enough to post on Sup Forums

1988 was a great year for video games.


As was ‘91


Also one of the first games I ever played, in the mid-90s, on a barely still functioning Atari ST. Still, amazing experience.


My nigga

>Doom 2
>Donkey Kong Country
>Super Metroid
>System Shock

Just to name a few. Everyone born after 1996 is still underage.


Make me wonder how games from the 2000's will be remembered in the next two decades. If they'll ever be "retro", or weird indie games purposefully made to recapture whatever the aesthetic is decided to be

Today's my birthday. Thought I'd throw it out there. Didn't really feel special, but I got the day off because of Preisdent's Day, which was nice.

Also Chrono Trigger is so good.


don't forget gummi bears
been playing tons of old jrpgs since I missed out on them back in the day
tetris is still the best game of all time

happy birthday faget, replayed chrono trigger a shit ton of times back in the day. not sure how it didn't get old but it was great either way.

thanks for the wishes, you cuckold

married with kids and a house

one second you're trolling forums, the next you're figuring out your mortgage

but hey, I still can make time for animu and Vidya, I just also have other more "adult" hobbies mixed in

high, if anything I'm more potent than in my 20s