What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Russian hacking

Trading and battling

everyone slacking
kick it up, yo

Only 1% of the depth of an actual Pokemon game, and requires needless amounts of walking around randomly versus actually enjoying the outdoors.

I slacked through gen 2 but came back for 3 since it has some of my favorite mons.

It gets old after catching a few Pokemon, it barely has any gameplay.

All the damn meth heads "playing Pokemon GO" at 3AM.


Stop being retarded Juan.

But I love pepkzy and pikza.

i honestly believe this was a stunt to record and track your movements via gps and people willingly submitted to it because WOAH A FUCKING CHARMANDER?

3rd party western devs.

Launch was a mess
No trading
No traditional battling
Almost no gameplay
Botting and emulators
Company handling botting and emulators badly

They could not keep turn out updates fast enough, people got bored and once they stopped playing you could not get them back in

All free cell phone apps already do that user


>Gohan Calvo Azul Gato

There was no game there. Wander around toss balls at things, the end. It was a non game from minute one and the novelty of a "real life pokemon" wore off real fuckin fast

Didnt niantic purposfully ignore user criticisms and continue thinking that they didnt have to improve the game?

I really hoped that there would've been battling against other people at some point, but that never came to pass coupled with being told by random people that pokemon was always about capturing and never about battling.


Glacially slow development that let the hype die before any substantial update (seriously after earning ten billion dollars in 15 minutes can't you spare minimum wage to hire a few more codemonkeys?)
Honest to God gamebreaking bugs that STILL AREN'T FIXED TO THIS FUCKING DAY
The absolutely worst Android performance I have ever seen in a mobile app
Footstep tracking, basically the only thing people wanted out of this game, got shitcanned shortly after release with no real explanation
Basically no fucking gameplay. Especially before raids, you weren't collecting pokemon you were collecting pokemon stickers.
Even after raids there's basically no fucking gameplay. There's also no fucking difficulty.
Gym system still shit.

Anyone who didn't drop Niantic hard after the first summer of Go had it coming. I knew it was worthless as soon as the watches were delayed indefinitely and fucking PAYPAL said Niantic deactivated the contact email for dispute resolution and started auto-refunds.

GPS hackers who cheat and then stack every gym with max level dragonites and make the game impossible to compete with so there is literally no point

Also the shitty GPS where you will literally be standing next to a shrine battling a boss then it will randomly show you running 5 miles away which kills the gym interaction

>you will literally be standing next to a shrine battling a boss then it will randomly show you running 5 miles away which kills the gym interaction
this literally doesn't happen
you can drive away from a raid and it doesn't interrupt it
>stack every gym with max level dragonites and make the game impossible to compete with so there is literally no point
literally none of what you said is still relevant since raids which you apparently played the game during

quit defending peoples issues with Go, nobody actually likes it, they just want to be on the hot new thing. I played it for 5 hours total over a week

not all free cell phone apps draw the attention of 20-30 year olds like GO did. was the only "game" ive ever fucked around with my phone on that i willingly had to turn on GPS for

nobody actually likes pokemon

They decided to just copy their previous shitty games mapping so people who didn't live where it's popular all got fucked on gyms, stops, and general spawn density.

Should've honestly had spawns on the client side based on google maps terrain (ie get water pokemon near a lake) and then done standard pokemon battles and gyms as the only multiplayer but Nintendo is made up of jackasses that didn't let any mechanics carry over so it wouldn't compete with gamefreak.

i'm not defending anything, i'm calling out the blatantly false shit in your post

They didn't Pokemon GO TO THE POLLS



never played this shit when it was hot, will still never play this shit because i don't give a goddamn about pokemon. i am a grown ass man and i do not have time for childish things like faggot pocket monster nintendo cuckhold bullshit. please have sex, op

>this literally doesn't happen

It absolutely does, you can be standing inside of a gym circle but sometimes your character will just start running outside of it.

While it doesn't affect anything while doing the battles, if you're outside when a raid timer finishes, the game might fuck you.

For 4 whole minutes my game refused to detect me at an Articuno gym, but luckily by the time I got back in, I was able to attempt the capture.

I actually just restarted playing a few days ago. When did they add Gen 3? I'm sure I'll stop playing in a week or so because I don't give a single fuck about gyms or raids, but it's nice to see more than Pidgey every time a mon pops up.


It's insane this game continues to make like fucking 2 million a day on average and has already made more than 1 billion since release. Like how the fuck

Who else wanted to play Go but didn't have a working smartphone?

>Like how the fuck
Literally just piggybacks on the Pokemon franchise.
This game is a WORSE version of the previous game they made, which was also shit and the players mostly hated.

Gen 3 started coming out like late 2017 and they just finished releasing everything except for like 10-20 gen 2-3 mons that would require odd mechanics like Smeargle, Spinda and so on. I expect them to release about 1 generation every 6 months or so.

Niantic is known in the valley as the most incompetent dev team in California and that Hanke is a literal hack

But Sup Forums pretends it's a colossal hit despite poor reviews by Japanese audiences and only mobile whales keeping the game alive

>complaining about pocket monsters on a Guam fried chicken website
>calls himself a grown up

>the little combat there is consists of tapping the screen

Dokkan Battle is a better smartphone Pokemon game than Pokemon Go.

That's because it's made by competent devs unlike user pointed out

Stopped playing cause the weather but my biggest,complaint is the raising system. I hate how each Pokemon needs their own candy cause even with the buddy system raising rare pokemon is a drag. Plus for a bit more casual people like me who prefer collecting pokemon the fact that all the mons you catch at level 1 are pointless and the,idea that you constantly throw Pokemon away for stonger ones doesn't make sense and takes out the fun of raising pokemon and is now more about high level rng catching.

>Sup Forums pretends it's a colossal hit
I don't think one single person in this board ever claimed this.

>Sup Forums pretends

Wrong, it made the news, I used to live in the city when it came out and there were shittons of people playing it, chads and virgins alike, with their phone out catching Pokemon.

The news =/= Sup Forums

>No trading/battling at launch
>Gyms were a unresponsive screen mashing simulator
>Removing features

You can get a working phone capable of running this for less than 40 bucks, dude. Literally no excuse unless you're a lazy piece of shit who can't hold a job. Walking around catching them is probably out of the question too if you're this lazy.

I am aware of that, why would you point that out?

This game has legendarily bad performance in Android you dumb frogposter

>Own s7 edge
>game literally runs at 20 fps

It's shit like this that keeps me wondering why I play this game when I'm making such abysmal progress compared to other people. I don't even have a fucking CP 3000 pokemon yet. I live in god damn suburban Arizona all we have here are growlithes and houndours and other assorted shit

>I hate how each Pokemon needs their own candy cause even with the buddy system raising rare pokemon is a drag
Raids give rare candy which can be used on any mon now, but yeah, the farming is pretty shit. I think they realized this which is why in addition to rare candies, they introduced Pinap berries, which multiply catch candy by 2x and now evolved mons give 5 and 10 candy a piece(which pinaps ramp up to 10 and 20) when caught as opposed to 3.

What I hate is that there's no breeding or bottle caps so IVs are completely RNG gated so if you want a high IV Dratini or whatever, you are FUCKED.

>Less than 1% as popular than at its peak
>Still doing better than fire emblem heroes

Nice game weebs

IVs are so incredibly fucking overrated holy shit. It's less than a 2% difference most of the time.
Only bother with IVs if you have terminal autism and want to enjoy the game less.

Not normie enough to leave the house for a shallow game. No trading and battling doesn't help

>I don't even have a fucking CP 3000 pokemon yet
Just catch a weather boosted Rhydon, my man. They get boosted on partly cloudy weather so you can catch a wild lvl 35 Rhydon or even a Rhyhorn to evolve. These guys can spawn as high as 3000 CP if they're high enough IV and they can evolve into Rhyperior next gen. Arcanine can also evolve into the 2400-2500 range if Growlithe is lvl 35 from Sunny boost rather easily.

The weather system is a fucking godsend for people to catch up desu.

Nothing. I still play

>IVs are so incredibly fucking overrated holy shit. It's less than a 2% difference most of the time.
I know. Same for upgrading stuff past 30 or 35 since it gives diminishing returns but I wanted a 100% Aggron so bad, my man. I hope they add bottle caps to the game since I got a 70% shiny Aron. Problem is that it's very low level and I'm better off evolving the lvl 30+ weather boosted ones I've caught once I get the candy for it.

nothing went wrong
it was doomed from the start

hey dere baby

>city's raid group is now 75% spoofers

>gurl avatar in a game
This your first online game? It's a man, baby

>destroyed tracking
>no trading/battling
>gym battles were dumb flick shit
>removed being able to play in the car

It's a fun game, but you either go full autismo or stop playing. Events are okaish. Spoofers are annoying but you can ignore them and enjoy the game with your community.

Most of the problems come from Niantic being a gigantic joke.

Who said anything about laziness retard.

>go to a kyogre raid because it's rainy so it jumps from 2300 to 2800
>i missed all the birds, dogs and only got 2 groudons so i wanna get at least 1 since he's my favorite lego from gen 3
>full public lobby
>i'm the only motherfucker there
Seriously, do you mean to imply after more than a year and a half with almost 2 billion dollar revenue, these assholes cannot do anything about GPS spoofers?

He's a girl(male), no straight man would ever pick a girl avatar.

Not even a grill irl. Sorry to pop your bubble to disappoint, boyo. I used to crossdress back in the good old days but I grew out of and got out of the faggotry and don't indulge in such anymore

T-thanks for crushing my hopes and dreams, fren....

You're still a huge faggot though

Launch was the best part. The radar worked so that you could actually walk around a place to track down Pokemon.
We'd be driving down the road when suddenly a Nidorino appears on the radar and we'd 180 and go stalking around a dunkin donuts till it popped up. Shit was soooo fun.

Hey let's destroy a huge chunk if not most of our remaining playerbase, specifically the demographic that brings us the most revenue, and let's do it because of someguy's feefees.

Yeah I still love shemales, sissies, traps and crossdressers but I don't find myself looking at that type of imagery nor porn anymore but still good stuff and I hauled a a good grip of great videos over the years though and many great faps were had

>Hey let's destroy a huge chunk if not most of our remaining playerbase
I mean, they don't have to ban them or anything. Just level the field and either let everyone play remotely while saying it's OK and maybe giving perks for walking or just do something about it. If they are never gonna do anything, they might as well let us know.

t. spoofer

All the kids playing it went back to school at the end of the summer it released.

The game being shit doesn't change it being a hit. How the hell do you argue against it being a hit, shit was everywhere for a few weeks.

Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's a hit.


Just catch a few good Snorlaxs, Rhyhorns, Exeggcutes and Chanseys to defend gyms with when evolved. If you've raided legendaries with friends, those Groudons and Kyogres make great attackers despite the low CP because of their varied movesets. It's a great start to your team and you don't have to spend any stardust on these. Get 1-2 Dragonites, Aggrons and Tyranitars, then spend your stardust on those. Don't worry too much about IVs, either. Just power up the ones with the highest CP, then use your TMs.

What? That's literally the definition of a hit you muppet

Also, don't worry about trying to catch up to those level 40 diehards. The way the new gym meta is, shit doesn't matter after you hit 35. After that, farm as much stardust as you can, and use the coins your pokemon earn in gyms to buy boxes containing incubators and star crystals.

>all this fucking money
>still can't hire anyone competent in game design
Poke go/ingress/that stupid map thing they made before were interesting as apps, but as games? They're fucking horrid. Ingress kinda works cause it's like a global, simplistic capture the flag game

Go on the other hand, what a fucking mess. It's like they didn't take into account what people liked about the main game, not to mention the conventions of good game design period (Hurr durr you're not in a city? Too bad fuck you. Want to catch a specific pokemon? Good fucking luck. Trading/battling/interacting with other players? Too bad fuck you)

Ah, fuck, you got a Salamence. I fuckin' need one of those.

It's made a ridiculous amount of money, the fuck is your definition of a hit, being a good game?

>No trading
>No trainer v trainer battles
>AR wasn't even good and entirely unnecessary
>Obviously pay to win bullshit items
>No move sets for pokemon
>No attacking wild pokemon
>Little to no Story driven PVE NPC engagement
>No TMs or HMs
>The grind is a shitty catch the same damn Pokemon a million times
>Very little character cosmetics
>No messaging or message tagging areas

That shitter has eaten 9 MTs and still no Draco Meteor. I was so excited about him and now it just makes me mad looking at him.


Wait you get straight up wild Rhydon? I've never seen one, I've had to evolve all mine from Rhyhorn

>No trading
Kinda impossible with so many multi accoubters, spoofers and botters desu.
>No trainer v trainer battles
Supposedly coming this year.
>AR wasn't even good and entirely unnecessary
Yeah, shit's dumb.
>Obviously pay to win bullshit items
>No move sets for pokemon
You mean 4 moves?
>No attacking wild pokemon
There's raids now.
>Little to no Story driven PVE NPC engagement
Quests are coming this year. It's speculated this is how we will get myhticals in the game since legendaries are raid based.
>No TMs or HMs
There are TMs though. HMs make no sense in this game
>The grind is a shitty catch the same damn Pokemon a million times
Or raiding. But yeah.
>Very little character cosmetics
They've been adding more clothes, though I hate that shit. Not sure why you want more micro transaction fodder.
>No messaging or message tagging areas
They have this in Ingress but my assumption is that because a lot of kids probably play, they don't want to get into issues of harassment or pedos and shit.

It's really disappointing how shit niantic is. They were handed a global phenomenon on a silver platter and threw it in the garbage. I only recently played go for the first time and had fun for a while before realizing how empty it was despite the fact it had been around for years.

Most gen 1 and 2 stuff can spawn evolved in the wild. I caught a 2700 CP wild Rhydon myself this week. I suggest that you start saving candies to evolve your best 2-3 Rhydons into Rhyperiors for now, though. That boi's CP cap will be 3800ish, same as Garchomp's next gen. In fact, a lot of useless shit is getting gud next gen:

>Tangrowth will CP cap at 3100
>Magmortar and Electrivire 2900 capped
>Togekiss 3000+ CP cap
>Porygon Z 3000+ cap
>Mamoswine caps at 3200~
>Yanmega, Hippowdon, Magnazone and many more will easily hiy 2700+

Wild Rhydon appear far less frequently than Rhyhorn, but usually they aren't up to snuff compared to high IV/CP Rhyhorn post evolution.

Nothing. It did it's seasonal purpose and will continue to fulfill that for the years to come. No one will be as open about it, because it's not the in thing anymore so you aren't going to hear your coworkers talking about it, but they're still playing it. Albeit passively and they have already come up with the excuses that line the lists of shitposters, when in reality they just couldn't be fucked to keep walking.
Either way it's made it's money and secured it's place for awhile as a top app, so what the fuck does Nintendo or Niantic care, even though they are actually working on the game. They are turning around the fattest stacks of cash, everyone on Sup Forums can shitpost it to death, but the reality is for such a stupid idea. A lot of everyone thinks they have, a company put forward and with that they make a lot of money.
This just goes to show, don't think your idea is so stupid when people might just throw money at you anyways.

Also for every faggot bitching about how it's not a real pokemon game or that it's missing features from pokemon games. The whole point it was never going to be a pokemon game. You're just autistic for thinking so.
Nintendo was fishing the waters for mobile money. Nothing more, nothing less.

I'm like 99% sure TPC and Nintendo have instructed Niantic against competing with the main games also. So they can't introduce identical mechanics.

Blocking root users

No fucking pvp. You have a pokemon game... with no actual pvp

You making this thread