Theres too much shit flinging going on to tell if I should buy this or not

Theres too much shit flinging going on to tell if I should buy this or not.
So tell me, is it good or bad

HARD MODE: You have to have actually played the game to have an opinion

played it, beat the main quest, did a couple hours of sidequests after that

it was mediocre I give it a 6/10

Yes, it's good

Concept is great, but game needs to be polished and optimized for like 6 more months.

fun but flawed, quintessential eurojank

It's basically Skyrim, but all the interesting and unique things that made that great were taken out in favor of boring real world crap.

The story and characters are a lot better than Skyrim's, but who the fuck cares about that?

Skyrim's also not as buggy.

just wait for a sale, theres no point in buying games at full price

Bad. Still better than Witcher. Still better than any Blizzard shit. It's like hard moded Oblivion.

Could use some bug fixes A LOT of bug fixes
I would still say its worth a buy though.

How's it run on-

GTX 1060 3GB
Ryzen R5 1600
8 GB of RAM

its more like morrowind you can find some nice looking gear early and suddenly

its good

its janky, buggy and unoptimized

if you enjoy a grounded medieval simulation experience, its pretty good if you can look past all those technical flaws

the bulk of the content of the game however is riding somewhere, talking to a person and riding somewhere else

Can you joust in it? This is literally what will determine if I buy it.

>Kingdom Come: Deliverance

What makes this game different than any other medieval fighting game?

I have played

>Mount and Blade: Warband
>Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
>War of the Roses

>but all the interesting and unique things that made that great
there's literally nothing that makes skyrim great because it's a piece of shit

It's not like any of those, it's more like a cross of fable and oblivion without any magic or dungeons

You're allowed to have shit taste, just stop being so overconfident in it. You'll look like a retard.

20 hours in and the game is great so far. I've only experienced 3 bugs so far and only one was a reload. Its the best rpg I've played in years and the first time in a long time a game has put a genuine smile on my face

None of those games let you shoot swords

I'll take your advice into consideration when you're over 18.

Are there quality whores? This is important.

There's a lot of openness as to how you approach quests and play your character, and the characters in the game feel very genuine. It's a pretty good game it's just a shame about the yurojank

If you enjoyed Skyrim at launch or new Vegas at launch the bugs aren’t honestly that bad. I’m playing on base PS4 and after the day 1 patch installed it runs perfectly

I pirated it, played for 2 hours.

Really fun, quite nice to look at, and the game mechanics/leveling/combat are compelling and make me want to keep playing. I like that there seems to be many different ways to complete your missions, and there has so far been some daggerfall-esque exploits regarding the economy and theft and whatnot that feel very liberating in this genre (which has in recent years become more restrictive in terms of being able to break the game early if desired).

The story seems interesting enough and I look forward to seeing what happens next.

I am running on mostly high (not very high, and not ultra) settings, with some things like shadows and post processing set to low/medium, on a very old system (670gtx 2gb) and am getting 40-50fps in towns, 35fps on horseback, and for some reason 24fps during dialog, which doesn't bother me at all. Very pleased performance honestly.

I might actually buy it.

Its like skyrim but not for shiteating casuals

>No gore/dismemberment in an m-rated sword combat game

Its fucking shit.

I attacked a bandit camp and they all circled around me and prayed me away as God made my body fly 50 ft into the air killing me instantly upon impact with the ground 10/10

arrrr, you tell them, matey!
those filthy landlubbers must never be allowed to besmirch my- I mean OUR game

>dismembering people in chain mail and plate armour
I don't think so.

Also I'd like to point out I am running 16GB of Ram.

>but all the interesting and unique things that made that great
I'm curious, gimme some examples.

Damn you’re so cool to think that. You totally belong here on Sup Forums my fellow Sup Forumsro!! Hey wanna play some New Vegas and post Wojak edits together? We’d be like, REALLY Sup Forums then my fellow Sup Forums user.

It is anti-casual game, like Stalker. Already a lot of people like it, already a lot hate it.

if you are not a brainlet and are able to inmerse yourself in the game, its great.

Today i went hunting in the woods close to the millers house, spend like 40 minutes just fucking around collecting shrooms and killing hares, suddenly got ambushed by a bandit in full plate armor.

it was the most intense fucking fight i have done in a game against a single enemy, backtracking doing perfect ripostes with my mace trying to wear him down, hes to great his armor is perfect im varely damaging him.

He damages my head and torso im close to dying, i try to surrender he doesnt give 2 fucks, im just thinking about all the lost progress.

I get mad and start fighting as best as i can, perfect block, ripostes, high stab, combos when i have an opening.

Now i have a full plate of armor and some badass weapons, and i cant even equip them because they weigh more than i can carry. I also took the time to drag his corpse away from the road i want him to be carrion for the forest, motherfucker doesnt deserve to be buried

Best game ever

ok todd

I'm a pretty simple man. I like this game because I get to beat the shit out of people with a mace.

pretty good shilling

35 hours in so far.
It's really good, the attention to detail and worldbuilding is outstanding. I've never played a game that had modeled pinecones on the forest floor.
I also appreciate the variety in sidequests, most of them don't involve combat if you don't want to which is nice, I've been tired of 1 man genocidal wrecking ball games for a while now. I've only killed 16 people in my time played and they all were scummy bandits so I'm liking the change of pace. The combat itself is serviceable but easy to break with clinch spam for free hits.

OF COURSE! Toddposting!! How could I forget that one. Man, it’s like you’re really part of the v hivemind. How crazy is that?!

Guys guys, but are there whores? I need to know!

I like beating people but I suck ass at the combat. How to win? I almost got my ass handed to me by those two bandits during the Ginger quest and I had to cheese it by running backwards/getting them suck on rocks and logs and shootign arrows into their faces

I'm around 20 hours in (just finished the Merhojed plague) and this game is really not worth 60 in its current state
the world and scenario is good, but the gameplay is extremely jank
>enemies with shield will block 90% of your attacks
>blocking seems to fail even if you move to the direction they're slashing from
>Glitches out the ass, while wandering around I found a troop of T-posed soldiers with no collision, got arrested because I couldn't leave a private are because I couldn't interact with a ladder, doorways sometimes having invisible walls, and much more
>saves are too sparse, and you have to buy non-sleep saves, which average around 100 gold before haggling
>AI is really retarded until it fights you
>some random people on the roads will wreck your shit even with full armor
>fighting more than 2 people at once is impossible without divide and conquer tactics
>no sense of progression, I have no Idea how close I am to finishing the game, and even with more access to money I don't find weapons having any significant improvements over weapons I found earlygame
>I'm doing more detectivework than being a knight, and while its neat for a while the investigations drag on forever
If you really like accurate medieval settings then I suppose this game is for you, but I really doubt I'll be able to finish it

There's literally nothing interesting and unique about Skyrim

Wait for patches and a deep sale imo. Refunded it until then.

>interesting and unique things that made that great
I agree, my friendly player! I just bought some mods for Skyrim Remastered™ that gave me a hollerin' good time!

Dragons. Kingdom Cum doesn't have dragons. Dragons are more interesting than faggy dudes in ugly armor and clown costumes.

Magic. Magic is just a thing Kukdumb Came doesn't have and would be more interesting if it did have it. No magic is just boring.

Character creation. It's literally always better to be able to make your own character. Pre-made characters are boring as fuck and ruin replay value completely.

Does the game end after killing Runt?

Can you do no-kill if you want to, but it's more difficult, or just run away by traveling light? Shooting an arrow to the knee to slow them down?

It sounds like this game might be up my open-world non-lethal alley. I tried that with Skyrim with some mods to make the combat less-lethal, but it just ends up highlighting how the game's content was entirely engineered with murderhobos in mind.

It's like Skyrim with Sup Forums

It's like if Oblivion had a baby with STALKER, it's that good.

>if you don't like a buggy game with terrible combat and a bland, lifeless world/story then you're just trying to fit in
Never should have come here.


what is this supposed to mean

it's nazi garbage

just try it first

a lot of european games are interesting and ambitious, but typically plagued with bugs (i.e, they're 'janky') due to small/inexperienced dev teams or low budget. The Gothic games and STALKER are considered yurojank.

More fantasy swords and sorcery bullshit, no thanks.

That it's a buggy, broken mess.

What do you mean by that

>Dragons are more interesting
Wow yeah the same dragon fight over and over and over with autotracking breath. Such intense combat where you wail on a Dragon's face as it breathes fire on you and neither of you react in the slightest or else you don't have the gear so you just plink it with arrows or spam it with summons or something while taking cover from the autotracking DOT breath.

Magic was trash in Skyrim. Taking Magicka on level up was a total brainlet choice when the other 2 gave you so much more and Magick was even weaker than conventional weaponry even without accounting for Magick being a total dump stat.

I'll give you premade sucks compared to custom but in a first person game like Skyrim I hardly see how it's a big thing.

Flawed but fun. Extremely buggy. Your choices don't really matter as far as I've experienced.

Probably not worth full price. I'd advise waiting for a sale. If you're lucky they'll have ironed the bugs out by then too.

Okay, this game sounds pretty cool... but are there whores?

>Sup Forums has finally come full circle multiple times
>can't even tell if posts like this are serious or not

>AI is really retarded until it fights you

This is really my biggest complaint about the game. Enemies seem to all be about the same level of competency and there's not really much of a change in skill. No matter if it's a thief living in the woods dressed in rags or a professional soldier, they will all block around 90% of your attacks and riposte like crazy. Some of the higher tier enemies will break out combos and ripostes that are basically unblockable, which is irritating. This is all a shame because the combat system in and of itself is actually really good. The exception is horse combat which feels shoehorned in and is actually pretty terrible and simplistic.

My other big complaint about the game is the fact that the prologue is nearly 3 hours long and isn't a tutorial, so by the end of the prologue I was familiar with the story but still had no idea how to actually play the game.

The save system was a bad idea. I understand they were trying to prevent save scumming, and it's game ruining by any means, but it's just inconvenient.

Overall I would say it's really good. It reminds me a lot of Oblivion. I'm interested to see where mods take it.

Every fight in Kumdumb Cumb is the exact same fight. You attack where they're open and block where they're attacking. There is never any difference.

Every dragon in Skyrim is the same, yeah, but I'd rather fight the same dragon over and over instead of the same retarded boring ass 'realistic warrior' over and over. And Skyrim has other enemies that fight nothing like dragons. Kukdick literally cannot say this.

It's more difficult but doable, enemies can surrender or flee if they get to low enough health and you can release them disarmed or for a fee if they give up. The trouble is not instakilling them with hits to the face or bleeding them out, so a mace would be the best option if you're forced into combat. You can run from road bandits but there's a few situations where you should fight since the other option is lying or paying up.

It's good. But wait for a sale.

Don't mind him, he has brain damage. He doesn't think like a normal person.

literally just play oblivion. youll save money and have a much better time

>No matter if it's a thief living in the woods dressed in rags or a professional soldier, they will all block around 90% of your attacks and riposte like crazy
That's only true at the very start of the game when you have shit skills. As soon as you have some levels in warfare you can basically instantly kill the crappy bandits with a stab to the face.

Bandits can't parry me at all anymore at 10 warfare. Only the ones with a shield can still block my strikes.

>and sorcery bullshit
retard confirmed

>kumdumb cumb

>Every dragon in Skyrim is the same, yeah, but I'd rather fight the same dragon over and over instead of the same retarded boring ass 'realistic warrior' over and over.

So you would rather swing your sword at the same dragon over and over, and watch it die of cancer, than actually have a combat system with deliberate moves and weight behind each action? Sounds like you have a bad case of being a shitter. Get fucking good you scrub.

>Skyrim has other enemies that fight nothing like dragons
Yeah, of note is "Humanoid enemy", who all are pretty much reskins of each other and combat entails... bashing each other till one falls down (sometimes with bonus cutscene)

Oh I didn't even know how skills affect parrying. I know some of the combos that higher level enemies roll out are basically unblockable though.

It's a nice proper RPG but buggy as shit.

Kind of wish it wasn't "historically accurate". Having bandits and soldiers as your only enemy gets stale. I would've preferred a fantasy setting to make the world more interesting.

>this historical medieval rpg doesnt have dragons in it so its shit

oblivion + mount&blade
though i feel the combat here is more sluggish/isn't as tight as mount&blade, probably deliberate but kinda unfun

The combat is good and refreshing for like the first two hours. Then you realize every fight is exactly the same as every other fight and it completely makes the rest of the experience stale.

Skyrim's combat isn't great or deep, but at least there is SOME kind of variety to be found, and new enemies that fight nothing like other ones every now and then popping up. If the combat system was really deep and complex, with all the enemies using different combat styles, weapon types, and behaviors like some being super aggressive while others were really evasive, then sure. But they aren't. A thief, a knight, a guard, a raider... they all fight identically, except some have armor and others don't.

The combat system is better than Skyrim's, but only by a little bit. So sorry, I'll take variety over "I'm going to do this exact same thing for the three hundredth fucking time today because IT'S REALLY FUCKING DEEP HAVING TO PRESS DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS LIKE SKYWARD SWORD!"

It's an awful RPG, on almost every front. It barely fucking reacts to your input or gameplay, you can loot thousand of bodies and then have Hunry a dialogue about how such thing is wrong, you cannot even have a choice in him saying that, while Geralt was very much so established character, you still had many ways to give him to react to situations, Henry feels like a character I am barely in a control of.

Then you have amazing moments where the game outright refuses to play your way, I once stealth-killed entire field of bandits on a quest, then soldiers and me went on, all the fucking bandits respawned like retards.

Also, loading simulator.

I will give it few things, combat's interesting, fist combat is shit, sword combat is pretty neat I guess.

It has some interesting quests, open world's pretty boring. That whole Jan Hus quest was pretty interesting.

Nothing too special.

Imagine hating everything Skyrim, but loving this Skyrim mod. How does that work?

Started playing on friday and just stopped
I didn't take showers and forgot to do my class assigments, I even forgot to bath my dogs.
It's a good game, combat seems weird at the beginning but then you actually train with a master and you see how it works out. Lovely world and characters with some really good assets. Main quest grabbed my attention the whole time and side quests are just as entertaining. Fuck alchemy tho

Warhorse has said Mod API is coming, so we should get modules like Mount and Blade. Probably half the reason I bought the game.

Gentlemen, what of the whores? Are they up to standard, hmm?

yes you can joust

>Skyrim's combat isn't great or deep, but at least there is SOME kind of variety to be found, and new enemies that fight nothing like other ones every now and then popping up.

This doesn't happen. Almost every enemy in skyrim is the exact fucking same. There are humanoids, dragons, and animals. That's it. It doesn't have variety.

> If the combat system was really deep and complex, with all the enemies using different combat styles, weapon types, and behaviors

So the different weapon types don't count? Shielded enemies don't count? Bow wielding enemies don't count? The depth of combat alone is enough to make fights feel variable, not to mention the weapon types and armor.

> So sorry, I'll take variety over "I'm going to do this exact same thing for the three hundredth fucking time today

Clearly not, as you are choosing one of the blandest most repetitive fucking games that has ever been created.

It’s fun but it’s fucking broken.
It’s like a delicious hot pocket that comes out of the microwave scorching fucking hot and you’re running late for work so you bite into it anyways and it deletes your tastebuds and takes a steaming meaty shit all over your shirt

Fuck you Archer

>a food analogy
>a deeply revealing food analogy the writer assumes is universal but really tells everyone he sucks at life

I feel you, OP

I think there is only 1 porn scene in the game, its pretty good actually shows sex in the act. Everything else fades to black.

Bill Gates eats hotpockets.

>start of the game
>every single crappy bandit blocks, parries and ripostes all my strikes
>progress a bit in main story and train with captain asshole for like half an hour with wooden weapons
>can now effortlessly take out small bandit camps
>regular bandits die in a single hit
>tougher bandits yield after a single hit

I really don't like how the progression in this game works. Player skill seems largely irrelevant and almost everything is determined by Henry's skills.

Unlike those other games, KCD starts breaking down in fights with more than a dozen combatants involved

>So the different weapon types don't count? Shielded enemies don't count? Bow wielding enemies don't count? The depth of combat alone is enough to make fights feel variable, not to mention the weapon types and armor.
The combat is actually pretty shallow, and enemy variety is a problem here since the mechanics don't change much between shield guy and polearm guy, they just differ in how hard it is to parry and get parried by one among other things.

Hell you don't even need to pay much attention to the animations outside of them beginning swinging to parry or dodge.

If you want actually varied human only enemies go play Way of the Samurai 4. Here enemies actually had different styles with different moves and you had to learn them to get better.

it's... ok
game overall is really slow, and cutscenes are that old mass effect 1/2 awkward, and yet it's fun to explore the place, and the sword combat is really good. It's the kinda of thing if you like open world rpgs like fallout or elder scroll I highly recomend

Can I instantly skip it? Is it optional?

Porn is bad for you, user.

>moving goalposts

Yeah nah, we were talking about KCD vs skyrim. I never said there weren't deeper combat systems.

>The combat is actually pretty shallow

Not compared to most video games that exist, and certainly not compared to skyrim. I dont see how enemy variety is a problem if you enjoy the combat, and I dont see how anyone can shit on KCD's combat while praising Skyrim's.

It's good. Hard game. Lots to explore. Some minor bugs. I don't think you'll be disappointed. Great voice acting.

Euro shilling simulator

The lockpicking in this game is infuriating. I don't give a shit if lockpicking is hard in real life, it feels like complete ass on controller and if I have to savescum every time a lockpick breaks then what's the point of "hard lockpicks for immersion" if I'm literally looping time to get it fucking right