There's a nonzero chance of there being an English language PC release of Seiken Densetsu 3 within your lifetime

There's a nonzero chance of there being an English language PC release of Seiken Densetsu 3 within your lifetime.

I've played the game so many times a straight port really doesn't interest me

This is irrelevant, but eroge are trash, and that is 100% fact

>pc release of a snes rom

this is a good thread

But it's already translated and is playable on every meme SNES emulator.

Yes, but what if you could pay American dollars for it instead?

This game is unbalanced, Wolf Punchperson deals more dps than the rest of the cast together.

Do you want to fight a wolf? I don't.

I loved this game so much.

But I already played the shit out of it in English on PC years ago?

Will it fix the ungodly slow pace, bullshit bloated HP, and low difficulty? I'm pretty sure it's the slowest ARPG I've ever played and that's counting fucking Diablo.

For what purpose? Mana only has 4 good games and Square Enix showed they can't even make good remakes. Supporting Square Enix is useless.

All women party or nothing

>the innocent looking one has the biggest tits


They're innocent tits.

Square-Enix is seems like it's 80%re-releases and remakes these days I think it's quite likely. An official translation might be too much effort for them, though.

Why do japs love this girl so much? I still see fanarts of Riesz quite often even though the game is very old.

Every Japanese person must draw a picture of Riesz upon being given their first tablet.

Eh. That's okay.

Amazon qt

japs have shit taste for blondes, see agrias

>recent art by CR's nest, an active h-artist

wow. Riesz's design really is timeless