>EVERY boss is immune to special status ailments
>no fun allowed
What the fuck is that cheap bullshit.
>EVERY boss is immune to special status ailments
>no fun allowed
What the fuck is that cheap bullshit.
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That’s when you play a good rpg, like etrian odyssey.
What are some games where status ailments almost always work on bosses, but it does it in a balanced way?
Zombie bosses are some fun allowed.
>He never tossed a Tent on Gizamaluke
SMT Nocturne. You actually NEED to Buff/Debuff properly or you will die.
i think pretty much all status work in all bosses
Final Fantasy X pissed me off with this. Even the lower level bosses were magically immune to negative status effects.
Paper Mario
>If possible, the player can use a Tent on Gizamaluke right at the battle's start, as there is a chance it will inflict Silence and Blind. There is also a chance it will fully cure him, so it is best used as soon as the battle starts as the battle can be troublesome for underleveled or inexperienced players.
What the fuck, why?
why is there always really specific bullshit like this?
>NEED to do it
>balanced way
Status ailments are super fucking useful in FF9 though.
Tents will do that to any enemy. It's just a well known strategy for that fight because you don't have a fucking healer unless you got White Wind for Quina.
Wasn't FFX the one where you were expected to cast Slow on every boss?
>pokemon mystery dungeon
>pikachu casts shock wave for 100% paralysis rate
>paralysis means you can't attack
>What the fuck, why?
To be honest, it's not only on him, that's just a viable option that early in the game. You can do the same to yourself if you use a tent in battle and get unlucky.
SD3, Darkest Dungeon, Dark Souls games, and Radiant Historia. At least so far in Radiant Historia poison works on the few bosses I have fought, and it lasts the entire battle. But I haven't beaten it yet so maybe by the end of it status/debuffs might not be as useful.
I never did, but casting hastega is pretty much mandatory
and everyone knows to use bio on seymore
Most status effects aren’t worth the time or effort in souls, II is the only one where most of them are worth it. Otherwise you’re always better just aiming for higher traditional damage output. For all it’s faults there was a lot of good in II. Bleed was very good for a little extra damage.
Final Fantasy 10 for the most part. Normally final fantasy bosses are immune to everything so it why people actually have trouble with the story bosses.
Seymore is vulnerable to poison and you can have his healing companion thing keep draining life from him by poisoning it. There are bosses who will case reflect on you so you can't heal yourself without casting reflect on him and heal randomly.
Status effects work on Persona 3 bosses. But it takes a lot of Marin Karining to actually make it work. It's good when one of your characters can't attack due to immunity/strong bullshit.
Also reflecting damage works in this game too. Sometimes an enemy will take more damage than you would if they happen to be weak to their own element and it gets reflected back on them.
>There are bosses who will case reflect on you so you can't heal yourself without casting reflect on him and heal randomly.
Well thats been a thing since FFIV, at least.
>Final Fantasy 10 for the most part.
This guy says FFX is balanced
This guy says FFX is the opposite
a Sup Forums divided against itself cannot stand.
Anyone have some examples where status works well on bosses in FF7-9?
Certain bosses are immune to things, but all bosses have at least one aliment they are weak too, outside of super bosses.
FFX is easy as fuck though, as long as you never skip a random battle, you don't have to grind, you will be perfectly leveled for the entire game. Some boss fights just require you to actually use a bit of your brain rather then just spamming your strongest attacks and healing.
Already mentioned, but Etrian Odyssey
In the later games you can even stun bosses to death with a good ailment build
>Some boss fights just require you to actually use a bit of your brain rather then just spamming your strongest attacks and healing.
That's an odd way to say "some boss fights just require you to charge up your aeons overdrives"
Nah, if you skipped random battles, your aeons are not strong enough to win battles. I remember when I was 10 and was a dumbshit who skipped almost half of the battles, I got stuck on the mountain fight. Even with overdrive aeons I couldn't kill him.
diablo 2. Decrepify and life tap are OP against bosses
FFXIII actually has the best combat and difficulty in the series, you just have to climb a mountain of shit to get there
Other than that IV and IX are the other only difficult ones. XV might too be but I haven't played it and I doubt it anyway
>FFXIII actually has the best combat
>IX is difficult
>makes no mention of FFXII
Cocaine is one hell of a drug.
trails of cold steel
they just made the dot duration shorter
and the chance of them getting applied
sometimes you can even make a boss skip a turn
4 US didn't seem difficult to me. 4j definitely is though. 1-3 NES/Famicom are definitely difficult too. 9 just kind of slaps you out of the mindset that you can infinite heal like so many of the ones leading up to it. Once you adjust and use autopotion you're mostly fine but it is a step above 6-8 in difficulty I'd acknowledge. 12-13 are the most difficult in the modern era, although if you do tons of side quests I guess 12 might become easy. The level cap really balances 13 since you simply cann't grind past the tougher bosses.
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