Go away commie.

Go brainwash somebody else your nasty stank you fucking blueberry.

Nintendo Labo pls.

reminder that these fuckas castrate humans

fuck off blue skins

Hey teej hows it going?

>tfw I like tau and anime space laser mechs
>the footsoldiers are gruff as fuck in the art despite everyone saying they are soft blueberries
>hate commies
sucks, I hate the ethereals but the fire caste are fucking awesome

XV stealthsuits are instant diamonds for me, cool as fuck

*schreeches in protest*

It's fine user, just follow Commander Farsight

Delete this.

For the greater good!

I don't think so you blue shits.

Tau mechs and guns have nice designs but I hate everything else about them

Why is Sup Forums such a bunch of bandwagoning faggots?
>4 the empror lol! :)
Fucking die.
Tau are too aesthetic I wish they would make another game for them. Some sort of Lost Planet style game with more mechs.

>trusting le greater good meme

Warhammer 40k sucks. Prove me wrong.

I hate how they have the shittiest fucking accuracy.
In 7th you just slapped markerlights on everything to make up for it but I'm pretty sure they changed it in 8th so it takes 4 or 5 markerlights to get +1 accuracy.


>le epic spas marine am i fitting in yet Sup Forums
Motherfucker I don't care you fucking child.

Hey dude just call us if you get any troubles we got you

get a load o dis git

They’d totally fit in infinity.

All I ever want is a Tau Battlesuit game. Piloting a Broadside or a Riptide would be the fucking best.

I like how they look. They're gears good. Not a huge fan beyond that. This is some Heretical speak, but you can like both the Imperium and other factions as well.

wot u need iz a gud' krumpin

Include representatives for each race and make it play like Star Wars Demolition.

>he doesn't even get close enough to his enemy to bash his brains in
Get this pleb race away from me.

>hear about Tau
>hear about a rag tag bunch of misfits and small empires of diffrent species banding together to survive in the grim dark future
>think this means all of the cool minor races in 40k like the Hrud are going to get figures
>think this means that the Squats might come back as a subfaction

>mfw Tau is nothing but weeb shit mechs.

Tau are more fascist than anything desu
still a bunch of weird blue faggots that sterilize humans

Should of posted
>XV8 Crisis Suit
>XVwhatever Riptide
>Eldar Wraithlord
>Tyranid Carnifex
>Ork Warboss on a Bike
>Grot on foot
>Imperial Guard Sentinel
Any other ideas?

*teleports behind u*
*unsheathes stealth jumpers*

Nothin personnel, Dark Crusade players

Diz grot tinkin es int gonna git wacked

I've never heard of any Tau corporations or syndicalist policies


I just had the thought that I've never read anything pertaining the Tau fighting the Tyranids, how do they fare on that front if at all?

they have a small snippet in the dark eldar codex. Every time they'd change weaponry and tactics the Nids just responded with different swarms and evolutions. They slowed them down, and needed the help from Dark Eldar. Dark Eldar did a "cultrual exchange", got rid of the nids, and captured every surviving Tau on the planet they stalemated the nids on.

The "different castes and different subject races all contribute in their own way to the greater good, except the ones we've determined to be irredeemable" thing strikes me as fascistic. You could read the castes as corporations too, though obviously union membership isn't hereditary.
It's certainly more accurate than calling them commies I think

Is Soulstorm not launching on Windows 10 a common issue? Compatibility mode does nothing.

I think I'd rather die fighting the Nids than be captured by the Dark Eldar.
Also now that we're on this subject and since I haven't kept with 40k lately, did the DE get their shit pushed in by Chaos?

I don't know, I haven't kept up with it since they did a lot of retconning and Matt Warding.

What school system did you go to, just wondering?

Xeno scum

Not yet, but Cadia broke before the Guard did, Ynned woke up early, and Gulliman is alive and kicking again.
That's about it, plus the calendar has moved forward another hundred years.

>Windows 10

user you fucked up.

I haven't read or touched anything since the Dark Vengeance box came out, I think that was 2015? My CSM army is still halfway painted and I have a box or two of the old 1kS just sitting around. After I move I might invest into a Tau army because I like the mechas (or maybe just buy a Riptide for my desk).

and there's now a female main character for the Imperium

Oh, also related to Cadia falling, the Eye of Terror grew to the Great Rift, spanning across the entire goddamned galaxy.

>Rigid caste system
How do you make this connection?

Tau society is just Indian society. The castes are even the same.

it's not that bad though, it's only like 20% territory reduction, if anything it helps consolidate on the core and Ultramar

American public school and a private college.
I know what fascism is, promise. It's kind of silly to try to fit M2 human political paradigms onto M41 races and say "they're fascists/they're communists/they're feudal/they're theocratic" but I think it's interesting to look at what similarities they have. I also don't particularly care for the Tau so I'm not just projecting my politics on my favorite faction (that's the Guard).

>Soroitas waifu fags showing up
Gooo away. I'd rather have the Xenos around.

>all that needless blue

Ultrasmurfs pls


u wot? want me to call the boyz ya git?

Now that's my speed.

What about Tau society even resembles Communism?

Communism is literally about destroying existing caste and class systems. Tau society is 100 percent caste based.

Their society doesn't really resemble Soviet era Communism or Marx's ideals of a Communist society.

>Communism is literally about destroying existing caste and class systems.
There we have the difference between theory and execution.

This but unironically, the Tau losing one word is a minuscule loss compared to getting a fucking Tyranid fleet feast on said world as it would just boost their numbers.

t. not a pointy ear

Even Soviet era Communism, as horrible as it was, would be hard to describe as being caste based.

Still class based, sure, but substantially less so than it was under the monarchy.

The comparison just doesn't make a lot of sense outside of vague notions of mutual cooperation for a greater good.

That's basically as far as it goes. It's the ancap's perception of communism where anything that isn't total backbiting self-interest is commie shit

I wish I could shit on the mouth of whoever created those fucks, and then choke them to death with it. Not even for the Tau, but because they are so retarded OP they SHOULD NOT exist.

It's still fucking baffling that the Culexus was the one to win against the race with a severely diminished Warp presence and no Psykers.

Not sure if GW were going for some kind of irony or if their writers are just braindead.

yeah, as more fodder for the combined army.

Just the same, they will die just as the Combined will


>picture the following
A sniper elite game as a tau commando of sorts, vs orks.
And then occasionally they give you control over a battle suit of some make or type. Would also be a great excuse for some stealth suit action.
And even stealing an or walker for a bit out of necessity, could be the humorous part of the game with your blueberry commando impersonating a Warboss via a speaker.

>a tau commando of sorts
That's what Pathfinders are.


>tfw no more Cain books
Fucking hell why man

The fluff has always been over the top, but they are not that bad.

>the space pope died
wtf when did this happen

>shitting on some of the emperor's most faithful subjects
>wanting to divide the imperium
>speaking favorably of xenos

I'm calling the inquisition, this smells like heresy

End of 7th ed, during the damocles crusade.

Yeah but pathfinders aren't marbo tier badass. But sure a pathfinder on steroids it is.

>worshiping a corpse

Is there a more autistic franchise than Warhammer?


your favorite one


>One single unit that shits on over half of the universe is not that bad
>One single unit whose sole counter are unique heroes and even those are still at threat
Yeah nah, they aren't even funny.

How come Ladyboy has the most detailed origin story among the four, while the other three only appears to only have a barebones fluff of "hurr we exists therefore we do chaotic things" backstory?

You're mom

Fire Warrior on PS2 was ok, bordering on fun even.

I'm gonna say no and leave it at that.

Didn't the Black Death spawn Nurgle?

Yes they are. Though not as much as Eversors.

Because Slaanesh is a newborn god, whereas the rest are much older and behind a lot of things throughout history.

Chicken and Egg thing, I think.

The whole assassins thing is retarded, you put all of them together and the imperium could wipe out almost any of the order factions (Tau, Eldar, Necron) from the galaxy. The Imperium should never have had said tools in the first place because of how imbalanced it is.

It's like giving the Tau top notch melee warriors for no reason.

Yeah? Well, your crisis battlesuit FUCKING SUCKS currently

So you are not claiming anything you shitty blueberries

but user
they only sterilized humans if once you join them, you try to backstab them to rejoin human faction.
(which is kinda pointless at that point, fight for any faction you want, you'll end up dying anyways, by a comissar shot or eating alive by dinosaur

They're dope as shit and I don't care about the herpderpism about them. If they were humans piloting that shit like some playable version of the Interex then it would be legit to complain about a bunch of goody two shoe overpowered gits.

>The imperials break it out against Honsu
>Think it doesn't even kill anyone important. Not Honsu, the Slaaneshi crazy bitch, maybe I am wrong and it killed the ponytail contrarian guy.

It was honestly underwhelming even though I knew Honsou would survive. But it was fun realizing o fug what the inquisitor had.

Greater good is it. That's all. I'd see it more as national socialism if I thought about it.


Cain is dead user. So is Jurgen
No Cain and Jurgen means no more books
besides first commissar to reach retirement



In an effort to stay superficially vidya related, describe your dream 40k game.

First, Assassins are not that numerous. Second, it kinda happened during the Beheading. Did not take.
Third, the current assassin roster is nothing versus the Maerorus.

shit I meant to say Thousand Sons. You still heretic as fuck tho

>want to get to be brainwashed by the (((Tau)))
They are literally space merchants

I want a Sly Marbo steal game or a Ciaphas Cain SP

Fuck you, he's still listed as being in active duty.

Stories must come to an end at some point.

God I wish there were a Blood Ravens equivalent to the Word Bearers, just to see what it would be like.

But no, those faggots had to cull their Loyalists early.

>even citing the single reason why the assassins are too strong to exist while simultaneously ignoring it
You have just outed yourself as a Imperium fanboy at this point.