>Sup Forums told me to not play this
You're not my dad, Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums told me to not play this
You're not my dad, Sup Forums.
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Is it any good?
It's going to be great!!! Only 1 hour 40 minutes left!!!
How is it?
>jap streamer on twitch going into multiplayer as a level 3
he's gonna get raped, the korean streamer earlier tried easy and the enemies are level 20
You can play it all you want, its still not going to be a good game.
No one knows yet.
So are PCBros really not getting it tomorrow?
We really don't know. Steam timers have fucked up before. Right now it's saying 44 hours to go.
>Konami and Wikipedia say 20th
>retailers for PC say 21st
Its 1day and 21 hours for us pc bois.
Dripped it after trying the beta and seeing they butchered the controls. I get they had to add stuff but they changed some buttons round that didnt need to be (cant remember what ones it was, think it was crouching of all things)
I don't understand why..
>im too dumb to change keybinds
They didn't butcher the controls, they're just mapped to different buttons. Also you're sluggish until you upgrade your dexterity
Apart from some melee-focused clunkiness, the only issue I had with the control scheme was that vaulting cover immediately put you IN cover, which could be useful sometimes but most of the time just made parkour unsustainable.
Is there a ZOE costume to unlock
How many modes were there?
I won't be playing it until mom gets home from work tomorrow. But I preorder it. :)
you're watching that too? they are doing like 0 damage
Actually kinda excited desu. Gonna pull an all nighter to play it tonight.
Kek @ all of the Konami kucks buying whatever shovelware they slap the Metal Gear brand on.
I'm level 16 and it's still hard af
Go back to your no-gameplay Death Stranding thread, Kojidrone
The brand is Metal Gear Solid, Tactical Espionage Action though?
It's my money fuck you.
yeah, the drops from the korean guy earlier looked in line with the beta although the icons look like actual ammo might drop instead of just mats
all he had was the drill on easy, more difficulties must unlock based on level, who knows about game modes
It's just a clone of Dead Rising
the good dead rising games or the capcom vancouver ones?
mutt mix
>being this butthurt about muh chink director you shitpost in survive threads.
like clockwerk
I don't know why you would even mention that shitty website.
1000 SV coins = unlock second character slot.
As opposed to this shitty one?
Epic meme brah
>only cosmetic mtx they said
ok, but do classes work in a way that necessitate multiple character slots?
Does the second beta unlock new rewards from the first one? I know this was primarily for PC but they released it again on consoles
and I bet both characters share everything like items and missions, making this completely useless to me
Fuck if I know. I haven't seen a stream get to non-survivor classes.
It would make perfect sense to let the player unlock ONE class per playthrough and therefore require all slots to be unlocked to have a full roster. Perfect bait sense.
It is weird I cannot tell anything about this game.
Does it actually have a single player or is it just MP events solo?
Is there more than base defense for coop? Can you do story coop?
The marketing seems shit, cause its not very clear. If it ends up having a good and interesting story I might try it
this is cosmetic, there isnt any reason to have a second avatar
Restarting the beta kept everything in the storehouse, including recipes, which was relatively generous. I would GUESS that missions are restarted? Because otherwise how would you level up?
Wikipedia is a user submitted website, so whatever wikipedia says means nothing. The only thing that matters is either Konami or Retailers.
Itll probably change last minute. It happened with MGSVs release, changed from "in 1 day" to 2 hours before midnight.
>Does it actually have a single player or is it just MP events solo?
Estimated 20 hours ingleplayer
>Is there more than base defense for coop? Can you do story coop?
Yes to both
>The marketing seems shit, cause its not very clear. If it ends up having a good and interesting story I might try it
It's a spinoff game meant as fanservice. Konami doesn't like making videogames in the first place.
Singleplayer is a full MGS game, with basebuilding, crew management, resource gathering and MGS story.
That's the thing, we barely know anything about this game. The Metal Gear series is known for its megaton surprises. I'm ready for anything.
>trying out different builds to see what suits your playstyle best
HB hasn't given me my damn key yet, so they've got time
I agree. I hope this is something that they address.
As a tired gamer, it's worth checking out. Normally I avoid crafting and sandbox games, but this game made them fun because crafting actually yields very rewarding equipment and the sandbox aspect is well varied in terms of map design
>the sandbox aspect is well varied in terms of map design
>well varied in terms of map design
>well varied
yeah, mgs5 was known for its amazing map design.
it puts the SAND in SANDBOX.
in the same sense afghanistan is known for things other than being a desert shithole
What am I looking at? This looks really cool but I assume it's contrived as fuck.
you're looking at bane running from a big guy
I hope yall are right, all I have seen so far makes it look like the story is an afterthought. Big into custscene and then just walk the open world and defend generators for every mission
>but I assume it's contrived as fuck.
So MGS then?
An asset flip.
>Sahelanthropus walk animation
Please tell me it's not this
No, but I'm pretty sure Masahiro tossed it off after watching that.
Is this movie any good?
the ending is pretty kino
>this game made them fun because crafting actually yields very rewarding equipment
It gives you weapons and stuff to grind stuff better, a TRUE innovation that no one ever made yet.
>the sandbox aspect is well varied in terms of map design
Yeah, reusing and slightly editing Afghanistan will result in very varied map design.
Decent if your into really nihilistic endings.
It's the best film adaption of a Steven King book.
Sweet, I'll give it a watch
So even with the hack gone this franchise is still a clusterfuck?
I guess it's better to just kill it, MGS is doomed to always be trash.
I really liked it, really good thriller. And yeah, like the other guy said, the ending is fucked.
It also has Starkiller in it.
Literally a gigantic parasite.
You can't change gamepad controls aside from a few presets, among which there's no TPP one.
They made some completely pointless changes for no reason at all.
Let me guess, they reskinned Sahelanthropus.
shame, it's odd that you still can't completely change controller bindings like pc users can with kb/m
I like the Cloverfield/The Mist style. Day 1 pirate.
>basebuilding, crew management, resource gathering
This isn't MGS.
MGS is a stealth military franchise.
What Peace Walker and MGSV did was a fucking abomination that should never be referenced to again.
>MGS story.
What does this even mean?
nobody tell him
>Yes to both
No, there's no co-op aside from tower defense and a few raid bosses.
You can't play in co-op in the open world or in missions.
I don't get why people make reusing assets such a big deal.
Like, I see dickheads make the same argument with Majora's Mask, like it fucking matters. Still a phenomenal game.
Not sure if this will be even close to phenomenal, but jeez man, people are just looking for things to give this game shit for being what it is.
it's good but stay away from the series "netflix original", it has a literal cuck as MC and strong womin as his partner.
What WERE the parasites, anyways? Some kind of worm?
The judaism begins.
but you can pick any skill tree on your character brainlet
>Nip streamer pops up out of some underground tunnel
>Suddenly loud footstep doesn't think anything of it
>Loud foodstep again
>Turns around and sees a literal monstrosity
>Stops and stares before almost falling off the building
yes, it is a classic
A virus.
I'm still confused on how they were parasites, until skullface altered them to kill they were a symbiote
It's called Metal Gear Survive, not Metal Gear Solid.
Stop being a fucking idiot.
Think I'll watch the TV series. Thanks.
The parasites existed long before humans and gave them the ability to speak languages. I don't have to explain anything other than that.
t. Kojima
He did say "it's a full MGS game".
And no, resource gathering and base management are gimmicks that were ran into the ground years ago.
This game seriously feels like something from 2014.
But aren't they, like, the size of a fingernail? And viruses don't have genders, do they?
MGSV had base management and resource gathering.
I haven't listened to the tapes in a long time but I think Code Talker talk about these parasites as being very ancient. He also mentions how they are responsible for the vocal cords in humans ?