How do we fix nu-Atelier?
How do we fix nu-Atelier?
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Add Sophie's lack of time limits to every game
2. Add Sophie's simplified bonus system to every game
3. Instead of ditzy sluts, make every female protagonist like Sophie and Firis
Stop listening to casuals and bring the time limits back and rorona is the best atelier girl
He asked for a fix, not a death-blow.
More sexy 13 year olds
It is literally impossible to post a better crafting theme than this. Don't even try.
1. Stop releasing 1 game every year
2. Stop releasing games that crash when opening the menu, see 1.
3. Stop releasing paid DLC
4. Connect characters better newer game have party members who never interact with one another skits
5. Stop being over ambitious with world building in your trilogy and never follow through in the next 2 games
High Impact Sexual Violence
im a arlandfag but they're both good
please stop i havent fapped to totori in years and dont want to start again
I won't because you're right. However, I dare you to try and find a better normal battle theme than this (and it's following versions):
okay, I'll post less sexy ateliers instead I guess
>Instead of ditzy sluts, make every female protagonist like [ditzy slut] and [ditziest slut]
Good job
post rorona or meruru instead
I don't even play this series for the cute girls. Mana Khemia 3 when?
somehow I don't have a single meruru picture
Reminder that the west is the cause for the downfall of Gust.
thats fine i just need that rorona tiddy and hat
Who else beats these games just to hear Yanagawa talk about random shit?
I liked Atelier Iris the most.
That's not the only reason, but I do like to go through and read the comments on every song.
I enjoyed the Iris and Mana Khemia games, but I was ignorant of the games in the series before them. Imagine my shock when I got Rorona and it was "let's bake pies and manage our time to keep a workshop open"
Where are they taking the western feedback from? Because I'll give them an entire fucking design paper if that's what they want.
Sophie is the reason why Atelier games died.
I played Sophie thinking "well, at least the girls are cute".
I even fooled myself to believe the recipe grind was just a neat twist on open-ended progression, instead of what it truly was.
What happened to GUST?
He never said you didn't want to fap anymore.
You can't. It's fucked.
So what's a good Atelier game to start off at?
The Arland Trilogy.
best store music coming through
i don't care if it's not atelier, it's gust so blow me
"not cosmosphere" system
mana khemia 2 combo system
mana khemia 1 alchemy system
Ar Tonelico 2 tier music
Bring back old puni
Balance between JRPG and shoujo design male character.
kill yourself
A series with annual releases can't keep being good.
It doesn't matter if you feel that Sophie or Firis or fucking whatever added some bullshit system that made it unplayable for you. For most people, they're just sick of the series in
general. Atelier is over-saturated. It doesn't matter what changes they make. They're just minor changes with a new cute girl(s) and "going back to the way things were in my favorite Atelier" is nothing but a lazy bandaid fix that you shouldn't support.
Give the series a break for a few years, or maybe make a new Mana Khemia with completely new systems to freshen things up. But Atelier is broken and its not going to be fixed with annual releases.
Well we ever have a good game from Gust again?
Are the games any good?
With which one should I start?
considering MK didnt sell well enough and AT IP is in rights hell, its pretty unlikely, guess theres still surge games they could make if they pull the dev off making phone games
>it's gust so blow me
Really hope the pun wasn't lost on you.
In the back of the manuals and digital manuals is a url for a survey link to give thoughts and impressions to KT. So probably that.
>those thighs
rorona really does have the best outfit
I like puppet man.
What the fuck are these games about?
Is it like Reccetear but you fight sometimes?
More lolis, more yuri, more bathing scenes
What ever happened to Lydie and Suelle? Wasnt it coming out next month or something?
which scan is better?
>1. Stop releasing 1 game every year
>2. Stop releasing games that crash when opening the menu, see 1.
>3. Stop releasing paid DLC
Didn't stopped arland and dusk games from being decent.
Maybe there was another problem, huh?
Fire Yuya Jin and stop letting Yoshito Okamura have complete creative control.
I don't know who Hosoi is but they have nothing to do with Atelier.
Lol no. There was a reason they made Sophie as an apology for Dusk.
>What happened to GUST?
more cakes
Don't touch Mysterious.
>Sophie as an apology for Dusk.
Sophie is literally everything that was wrong with two last dusk games but x10
Only one series was released on pc, so...
Mana Khemia is Atelier you retard.
>"going back to the way things were in my favorite Atelier" is nothing but a lazy bandaid fix that you shouldn't support.
>make a new Mana Khemia
The irony.
>Muh Arland
>Muh actually all around good trilogy
Can we please spam loli porn on KT's support page again?
wasnt only the 1st game in the dusk trilogy good?
They're games with more focus on item creation than pretty much anything else out there. They generally involve playing a teenage girl who has to complete tasks over time periods, and the stories are primarily slice of life, but that's as similar to Recettear as it gets. Recettear is a shop sim + dungeon crawler, Atelier is a JRPG with very complex item creation, decent battle systems, and some of the best soundtracks in video games.
Pretty much. Some people will defend E&L but they just have shit taste because E&L was a massive step down from how good Ayesha was.
>another series goes to shit as soon as it gets ported to Steam and discovered by ironic weebs
So I have firis but didnt play it yet. Is the timer anywhere even close to arland or ever ayesha's time limits? I hope so, but I doubt it.
>Muh actually all around good trilogy
Not him, but I call bullshit
Rorona - unfinished shit with terrible bugs and gameplay. Good parts are characters, return of many endings after iris and mk shitfest, and time limits being harsh
Totori - little better gameplay, but worse characters. Timelimits don't mater anymore because it's impossible to hit deadline
Meruru - garbage story, zero timelimits with you having months of nothing to do, garbage characters. Gameplay and flow were great
Rorona plus, good all around but kept totori's and meruru's braindead elemental system instead of original ones. Terrible new scenario.
>implying it wasnt shit when it came to the PS3
The series already went to shit before the PC ports happened. It's the fanbase that went to shit because PC-onlyfags suck Sophie's dick since they've never played an actually good game in the series.
Firis' time limit is far more lenient than the games you compared it to, but also retarded because it just gives you 365 days at the start and you have no means of breaking down how much time you should be spending on any one task as a result.
It's a bad game. Dont bother. Wait for the the next trilogy. The Mysterious series is the worst.
>It's the fanbase that went to shit because PC-onlyfags suck Sophie's dick since they've never played an actually good game in the series.
Oh, you mean the same fanbase that laughs at how dead Atelier is and that Gust should livestream their suicide for being incompetent developers?
You should have been here last year because Sup Forums couldnt get enough of Gust's record breaking number of flops.
The old fans don't laugh. They cry.