Why don't people have LAN parties anymore?

Why don't people have LAN parties anymore?

Because we're past the age of the dial-up internet.

I still do it with my friends

Some people do, but in general because we can play online together without really any effort. This does not compare to lan parties really but its easier so people stick to it.

online play now is zero effort and everyone has fast (enough for games) internet.

I just did with sis yesterday

Hardly any games supporting Lan play anymore.

they do, you just stopped being invited

lan party with my 2 brothers almost every weekend

People get too salty these days, can't have a LAN without someone throwing a hissy fit from Overwatch or some shit
Just wanted to play some Alpha Centauri, shit

Stop inviting manchildren

The university I went to had two LAN parties each year. Everyone was either playing CS:GO or League, so it was pretty lame.

Internet is now as big as it has ever been.

This. And people can't decide what to play and/or not everyone has the game installed/wants to buy it.

So everyone just ends up playing different games and it's a waste of a night.

My friends and I do sometimes. Hard to plan a while weekend for it though.
Since I got a gayming laptop it's made it much easier to go to a mates place for some lan and file sharing.

>couch co-op died

when was the last time a game got released that had fucking LAN multiplayer?

the last time I went to one most of the guys were crossdressing and some guys tried to put their hands under my sweater claiming they wanted to warm their hands
I just wanted to make friends and play vidya

too tough to render all that shit at once

has nothing to do with wanting more game sales, like people would have you believe

With how insane the trap thing has become on Sup Forums, I have no idea whether that means they were groping your pecs or tits.

Fuck right off with this bait.

Because games don't let you play on LAN anymore

That edgelord faggot virgin neckbeard flicking off the camera

what bait

Consoles can't render all that

The internet got better which made LAN pointless (I'm not talking about playing together in the same room, I'm talking about literally just connecting to the internet) and split screen stopped being a thing. I went to one in college and everyone was just playing LoL or super smash brawl.

haha it'd totally suck to have this happen, i'm totally not jealous haha

What are some good LAN games?
Aoe, rise of nations, mw2, 100% oj

CoD still manages splitscreen

the first far cry

Wait I didn't realize WW2 only supports two players. Fuck, this isn't good

I used to organize the lan parties for my bros
Then the most recent of our group got married to a cunt who always has to join in and shit up every thing even when we try to be inclusive for the whole two years they dated and ended up together

>always whines about what we're playing so we switch to blops 3 once she shows up
>always squad up because if we kill her she huffs and throws the controller (even when it's not her man's)
>she's always bottom of the scoreboard because she's on her phone so long sometimes her and our friend get kicked since it counts her as afk and she is trash when she actually plays
>Has insulted something at each of our places, from space to the food our friend who hosted prepared and cooked personally, to the couches and how awful they are
>now they own a house together and always invite us to lan but none of us go and we play online instead (where she shrills into his headset or joins the party on her own console and screeches there)

I hate her so much and once I buy a house in gonna tell him she isn't allowed over because of how toxic she is, friendship be damned

Don't let your mates end up with a bitch dudes

You and your friends are cucks if this is true

None of us had the guts to tell him to dump the roastie with three kids, we fully deserve that title

there's nothing worth playing anymore, and certainly no one worth playing with

>that macfag

Who is this cutie?

ai shinozaki, i hope you have a great night, user.

Jaded edgelord, it's always good to play the classic LAN games with some friends.

>gaming on a macbook

i dont have those friends

not jaded, i'm still playing the old classics like D2 and scbw, i just don't know anyone within 1k miles of me that also play those games to lan with. that said, i went to a ton of pc bangs in korea and it was the fucking bee's knees

>Halo 5 ditches splitscreen
>sells 1/3rd of what 4 did on launch
>takes two years to finally reach 5 million sales

Thanks, I will

what is the guy in the front next to the KFC bucket playing?? sins of a solar empire?

Me on the right

My friend used to have small lan parties in his garage. But it really wasn't a LAN party since it was just us play shit like Overwatch, TF2, Dota, etc in the same room.
It's still fun being together, drinking, and play vidya. It was the only reason I ever considered getting a gaming laptop since I hated lugging around my desktop. Wish we did it more often.

>live in third world country
>wc3 lan parties are still a thing

>It was the only reason I ever considered getting a gaming laptop since I hated lugging around my desktop

then build yourself a micro of even a mini-itx computer then, you dolt.

stop playing with soyboys although if you are playing overwatch I'm just gonna assume you are one too

>those people are all trannies now


all of my friends are fucking soyboy cucks too busy bitching about glompf to play anything let alone organize a LAN party

Because we don't need to lug our set-ups to fit into a tiny cramped room just to play video games with each other anymore.
That being said, I do miss them.

>that guy that doesn't download the games you all agree to play before arriving
>that guy that doesn't bring an Ethernet cable
>that guy that subsequently gets cucked because he's trying to play on Wifi at a LAN party and he's lagging a shitload
>that guy that brings his shitty laptop instead of his rig like everyone else and can't even run Worms Armageddon on it

why even stay friends with them? just cut them out if they're negative

I've known them for like 12 years it didn't used to be like this

>that guy that brings his gf


>Literally no sex scenes

you have a higher tolerance than i do then. if they're not a hot korean girl they better be chill and not autistic about politics, because otherwise i'm ouuuuuuut

Stop posting this dumb bitch who only does softcore.

Is no one going to point this out but me?

>Still have to carry around a monitor, mouse, and keyboard
It's not really worth it considering the type of games we play. I'm sure I could find a cheap laptop to run all that stuff at 60fps.

Not him, but softcore is cute and I only want to cuddle and snuggle with a girl

flat ass with no tits

probably because of the smell

Korean idols don't even look THAT great. Unless they have talents like speaking fluent English or something I don't get their wide appeal.

>smiling is soy
>beards are soy
>bad posture is soy

i think you've got soy on the mind lad, it's part of the zionist conspiracy to infiltrate your brain and infect you with soy by making you think too much about it

My friends and I used to LAN often but now we all live in different states

It's how they move, not how they look

No one pointed out they're all playing Stellaris in that photo?

The internet has made people lazy and anti-social.

still do it every year or so with some high school friends

long nights of warcraft 3 custom maps and other shit we find, fun stuff

Ah, yes, LAN
I remenber the times we'd LAN parties playing Age of Empires 2
Me, vs my cousin, his girlfriend and his buddy

Needless to say that 1vs3 didn't last a hour, poor fellas didn't stood a chance

Ut2k4 onslaught maps with my brother
We installed futurama models and voice packs, shit was cash

i think they're really hot overall

>those cases with top mounted psus
absolutely pleb-tier

Post real LANs

Fried chicken seems like an odd choice...

that guy is melding into the wall

God bless melty

Probably about as greasy as lan party pizza 2bh.

I have LANs with around 10 friends 2 times every year.

had one with all my mates last month because one of them has cancer

>that guy who brought a mini-ITX rig and laughed at all the midtower/full tower guys only for his rig to overheat like shit after a couple of hours
>that faggot who brought a gayming laptop
>that faggot who brought his 4k monitor

What i dont understand is why developers are fazing out lan in their game nowadays its a future proof method of multiplayer for when the servers shutdown

gotta get that bit of extra money from forcing online only multiplay that manufacturers demand

Our group stopped doing it because our tastes diverged for the most part, which more than anything else, led to the breakup of our gaming group. Later on, there became the logistical issue that we were no longer in the same town as each other and only two have a normal 8:00-5:00 Mon-Fri work schedule. Ironically, the women have been a non-issue for the most part, the two that are there just go out and see a movie together since they get along pretty well and LANs are like a twice a year thing anyway.

It's harder to measure, but I'd say the lack of LAN capable games (That is, games that you can host and play among a few friends without having to connect to the internet.) is sort of an issue too, for the most part you can play games like DotA/LoL/Starcraft 2 together in the same room, but the game modes are focused on an impersonal, competitive nature, as opposed to a more laid back style. For example, Starcraft 1 FFAs used to be a laugh with 6-8 people, SC2 doesn't really have many maps built around that. Goofy shit like Mario Kart, something that takes no skill into account due to last place players always having a way to ruin other peoples' days, is a laugh to play with everyone. Even a game like Team Fortress focuses more on indefinite rounds of play between a dozen or so people provides a better experience than a game of DotA which builds off of itself and can see a single lapse in judgement set you back considerably.


Fuck paid digital distribution.

Future-proofing is a bad business model for making money. Not a game, but something like Microsoft Office hasn't had core changes to its programs since the 90s, with Word and Excel '95 being nearly as useful for the average user as 2016. It's literally a product that was so good, there wasn't a whole lot of room for improvement, which led to MS moving towards a subscription based service in order to rake some money out of people who would've used the same program for 25 years without paying another dime.

Games can have a similar effect, see Quake 3 Arena or Starcraft 1. Both were released almost two decades ago, both are still quite alive, and both are inhibiting sales of future games. The idea now is to make games with a way to "pull the plug" so to speak, and one of the major ways to do so is to require an online component that can stop working.

Well bright side there are currently talks of games online components that were shutdown no longer being copyrighted so at least servers could be brought back

But user, beard growth and balding are both signs of high testosterone.

In fact, if you cut off a child's balls, thus producing no testosterone when he gets older, he will never grow a beard and he will always have a full head of hair.